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They say it's not the next Trayvon case...

El Karacho1647545492

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But why does this shit always happen in Florida?


More facts need to come out before I form an opinion, but "jump to conclusions" Alex thinks that if you're willing to pull out a gun, even in self defense, you're not allowed to say you never intended to kill anyone. Isn't that pretty much the first rule of CCW? You don't pull out your weapon unless you intend to kill your target?

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Not in any way related to the Trayvon martin BS. This one was just plain dumb and murder. You cant just shoot at someone because he wont turn down his radio. Dumb.


they didnt get too specific, but it looks like the conversation escalated from there with threats from the teens. Not enough details to say.

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Sounds like someone with an attitude problem got their panties in a wad over some loud music. Somehow I doubt he politely asked them to turn down the music. And what the fuck does he care anyway? It's not like they were parked outside his house or something.


My thoughts and opinions after reading this particular article:


Fuck that murdering shooter.

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It was an old white guy shooting a white kid. There won't be press.


Kid was big into audio and is a member of some boards I'm on. Big uproar in that community.


Similar to Trayvon Martin, Davis was 17 and African American.




Is the article incorrect?

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It was an old white guy shooting a white kid. There won't be press.


I thought it was a black kid that got shot, not that it should have any bearing on the situation...but sadly the race of the victim does play a role...because Florida.


Either way, the more I read about this, the more I feel this guy is in the wrong in a way that Trayvon's shooter wasn't. He wasn't on or near his own property, nor was he on property that the victim(s) had no business being around.


EDIT: I now see the above posts. I hope this gets the press it deserves.

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But why does this shit always happen in Florida?


Lived in Florida for about a year or two, there's no such thing as CCW "Rules" down there. It's pretty much "Hey we get to carry guns, lets use 'em!". Unjustified shootings/killings are the norm, literally seemed to be one about every two or three weeks while I was there.

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"Dunn told police, he felt threatened and thought he saw a gun "BS" in the teens' car” from what I remember about the rules. Use deadly force when deadly force is used against you and have no escape route. Confirm the threat first before you pull your gun, deadly or not? He was not even sure about what he saw. He still had the option when he drew his weapon to give verbal commands about being armed.
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Alex thinks that if you're willing to pull out a gun, even in self defense, you're not allowed to say you never intended to kill anyone. Isn't that pretty much the first rule of CCW? You don't pull out your weapon unless you intend to kill your target?


Tim thinks the guy should have just got in his car and gone home. Pick your battles wisely.


"Dunn told police, he felt threatened and thought he saw a gun "BS" in the teens' car” from what I remember about the rules.


Dun saw a black man about slap him with his dick and mistook said black mamba for a shotgun.

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