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So you did 4-years and got out but are in the inactive reserve commitment window (which doesn't mean anything unless WWIII starts). What's wrong with your medical?


4 concussions, left thigh 10cm abrasion ( missing half my left thigh muscle) bad knee (torn acl) had surgery done. Since the marine corp is down sizing there was no need to even try to re up. Anyways you can't beat the benifits for being out of the service. Paid schooling, I haven't found out how much disability composition I'll be getting but I'm sure it's up there via medical record. Combat vet so I recive 5 years of free medical via VA. Gotbusa are you in the military?

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Or drums?


And how does it get out of the drum? Through a pump.



What is your hard-on for C16 and e-85 being some type of super secret cheater way?


C16 = :barf: anyway. Might as well put paint thinner in your tank. Oh wait, thats how VP makes the octane rating higher.

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I'm not much of a domestic loyalist, as I am an car enthusiast who belives a sports at should be manual or bust. I like compitition where it's all about who can drive better.... Where bragging rights is earned and learning will accure while tissue papers are passed out....I dispise the japs for making a car so good that it takes the fun out of racing for a true car enthusiast.....That's where bragging rights comes in and makes things fun! Take those things out then it's all about who has the most $$ invested....Any m6 car better approved for car enthusiast.


Jegs won't change my battery or windshield wipers for me... Or even check why my check engine light is on..Do you see jegs going all out and making a commercial of people swapping a battery in and out of a vehicle? No.. You might see a jegs commercial (rare) and all it is people doing burn outs


Spoken like a true enthusiast.

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i'm calling b.s. on this. seriously


Why would I lie about that? There's a lighting bolt scar as long as my fist.. Anywhere within a few inches of the scar you can push 2-3 fingers almost to the bone. It's pretty much the majority of my inner thigh. I over jumped a ramp on my bike and got sandwiched between the 250 and the back side of another ramp. Foot peg of the bike penetrated my thigh and ripped some muscle out. Barley missed bone an shit. Few days later it was severely infected and they had to cut some out. Not just your average foot peg.. I had wider more aggressive pegs

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So the govt has to pay for your stupidity resulting in hospital bills for 5 yrs.....now if you hurt yourself serving or have natural health issues i can understand but hurting yourself on your bike is another story


+1. I can appreciate your service but, i do not appreciate putting more strain on an already failing system because you fucked up in your free time while ramping motorcycles. Kinda shady.

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Easy lads, he didn't go into details regarding all his injuries (and he mentioned head injuries for starters). He served in combat --he has every right to the VA benefits, IMHO.


People do stupid stuff all the time and use govt/insurance benefits---no reason to single him out. Insurance is sharing the risk and the expense.

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So the govt has to pay for your stupidity resulting in hospital bills for 5 yrs.....now if you hurt yourself serving or have natural health issues i can understand but hurting yourself on your bike is another story


Gov gave me 5yrs of free medical care because combat vet.. Now as far as injuries during time of service. It doesn't have to be combat related to get treated for the rest of your life for, also it'll add to your disability composition.. Basically you get injured during your time of service you'll get treated and paid for it. The government takes care of the military Quite well. It wasn't worth it, I rather have my muscle tissue back. Your composition goes in percentages and shit. 100% is like 2,200$ if your single with no kids.. Start adding dependents then that number goes up. I have a wife n kid and I'm sure I'll be close to 60%

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Why would I lie about that? There's a lighting bolt scar as long as my fist.. Anywhere within a few inches of the scar you can push 2-3 fingers almost to the bone. It's pretty much the majority of my inner thigh. I over jumped a ramp on my bike and got sandwiched between the 250 and the back side of another ramp. Foot peg of the bike penetrated my thigh and ripped some muscle out. Barley missed bone an shit. Few days later it was severely infected and they had to cut some out. Not just your average foot peg.. I had wider more aggressive pegs


What was your MOS? I'm sure your CO had a field day with that.....

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