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Save the day - get shit canned


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I worked for these idiots. I will now never walk in their stores again




Let me add... this company bought out our BP location that we owned for another 5-7 years. This story makes me sick. Especially considering what we had behind the counter and under our seats.

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That's the sad state of personal responsibility in this country. Companies have to protect themselves from law suits, as they could and likely would be held liable if an employee had an incident, such as accidentally (well, negligently) discharging his weapon, or if one were to fire in defense and hit a bystander. I would personally love a company to have a don't ask, don't tell policy regarding personal firearms, but I certainly understand why they don't in our sue-happy America. Until there are protections in place (I don't see that happening) for employers, employees that choose to arm themselves must understand that they will likely lose their jobs should they have to use it. I imagine few people value their jobs (particularly gas station jobs) over their lives.
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Damn, that's the only gas station I go to in town since it's the only 24 hour one. Guess the only way they will get my business from now on is if I'm open carrying.


And since that's about a quarter mile from home its a good reason to take the gf shooting the AR again so she's familiar with it in case she needs to use it.

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