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DO we have any Tutors here?


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What are we talking here? Do you get baffled by those stupid ass equations everyone (especially Brian) post on Facebook? Or are you in a diff eq class?


I can probably help a bit, no charge needed, buy my time is pretty limited right now. Maybe if a few others could do a little bit we could all see you once a week or so. LOL, if it were summer we could just do it weekly at C&C.

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If you are going to CSCC they have more than just one tutor program. Peer tutoring is longer than 30min i believe, most of the math labs have instructors that stay there to help etc... Trust me math is by far my worst subject as well but they've always been able to help me.
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Algebra is some made up none existing bull shit.

You think algebra's bad, just wait until you get into PDE. Only fskcin' math class I ever had to take more than once.


Unless of course you have no intention of becoming a STEM major, in which case, dumb on, dude!

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It is algebra. Geometry I get fine cause it's like working on a car there are parts that make a whole. Algebra is some made up none existing bull shit.


Algebra's the same. You're simply replacing the usual car parts, so to speak, with different parts to create/build the same thing.


That explanation probably doesn't help much. Haha


Algebra is a memory game. It comes down to simply having to remember all the little rules.

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You think algebra's bad, just wait until you get into PDE. Only fskcin' math class I ever had to take more than once.


Unless of course you have no intention of becoming a STEM major, in which case, dumb on, dude!


My differential equations course at OU was taught by a prof that barely spoke English. :fuuuu:

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My differential equations course at OU was taught by a prof that barely spoke English. :fuuuu:


I'm super picky about my professors and do as much research as I can before choosing a course. My favorite time is class payment deadline. I'm online just waiting for the cutoff so I can snake someone's seat from a prefered professor.

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