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noPhoto says "screw you" to traffic cameras

El Karacho1647545492

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You guys DO realize the cameras are for more than red lights, right? They are also for speeding. And regarding red lights, the complaint from those that get them are for those that go through a late yellow and it changes before they get through, along with tickets for those who had been waiting to make left turns... And making right turns without coming to a complete stop first...
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You guys DO realize the cameras are for more than red lights, right? They are also for speeding. And regarding red lights, the complaint from those that get them are for those that go through a late yellow and it changes before they get through, along with tickets for those who had been waiting to make left turns... And making right turns without coming to a complete stop first...


I am pretty sure half the people in this thread are going to one day get a speed camera ticket in the mail and go WTF? :yuno:

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I work right by the Brice/Scarborough traffic camera light. There is 1 camera at the intersection. It is set up on the side of the street that I used to see the FEWEST people run the red light. It is set up on the only side of the intersection that has a right turn lane with no dedicated arrow signal. It is reasonable to assume they did this not in the interest of public safety, but because it's the most logical position to get people doing the "California roll" through the right on red.


I too hate people who run red lights. However, just like the Brice /Scarborough camera described above - there is one at Henderson/Olentangy that is the same way. Most red light runners - and accidents are caused by eastbound Henderson Rd drivers - the camera is set up to catch northbound Olentangy drivers. If you stop at the indicated stop line - you can not see to turn right on red. You must pull up into the crosswalk to see traffic. If you do not stop at the "stop line" first, then pull up and stop again - pics for you!

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speed cameras are likely set way faster than his 1/80th speed shown and they likely use High Speed Shutter Sync. There are sensors in the road shaped like a diamond usually well before the interesection that monitor approaching speed. That data is then fed to the camera to determine the shutter speed and sync needed. Combined with the facts that many cameras use both video and still images and often don't need to flash would make this a waste of money. Add in the fact that I would bet the image can still be recovered in many cases. I'd rather have a cover or some way of remotely actually covering the plate for a few seconds.


I don't run red lights, but in areas I frequent where I know they are I always avoid the intersection completely. There's always a parking lot to skip through or a way to go around them. I do it all the time, never an issue.

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fuck, if you guys dont stop talking about these cameras as red light devices, I am going to lose it. The overwhelming majority of people that get tickets from these things, and are worried about them, are worried about them as SPEEDING devices, not running red lights...


They installed some in a shithole ghetto part of town in Cincy, but one of the major businesses is nearby so people drive through the town on the way to work. It has been in the news a lot here because they set them to give tickets for as little as 2 mph over the speed limit. Its absolutely ludicrous.



It was back on the local news again last night:


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. The overwhelming majority of people that get tickets from these things, and are worried about them, are worried about them as SPEEDING devices, not running red lights...


Can't speak for the majority but for me the concern is red light cameras are being used to generate revenue first and safety isn't a priority. If it was, there would could just simply be an extended delay put on lights that would insure even if someone blew a yellow/red light the approaching traffic would still be red. It's also a concern that speed enforcement with cameras will be next. Epecially given the financial stresses of the municipalities.


They installed some in a shithole ghetto part of town in Cincy, but one of the major businesses is nearby so people drive through the town on the way to work.


Here they are installed in all areas of town not just shit holes. I have two nearby my home that not only impacts morning and even business hours but all traffic headed to the many retail shops. Again, a great source of "revenue" generation. To call it anything else is bullshit and I can't stand bullshit.

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They are all over town here too. This one is just particularly pissing people off because they set the ticket enforcement right at the speed limit, they are not clearly marked, etc.... They are CLEARLY there as a source of income, not as a safety device.


In another suburb north of the city (Hamilton), they have them, and an unmarked vehicle with the equipment inside of it, that they move around the city and set off the side of the road. That one really causes no uprising or anger out of people, because they set the ticket limit at like 10 mph over the speed limit. It is clearly visible, and known, they even had the news cover a story on it, before they put it out on the street the first time.

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They are all over town here too. This one is just particularly pissing people off because they set the ticket enforcement right at the speed limit, they are not clearly marked, etc.... They are CLEARLY there as a source of income, not as a safety device.


In another suburb north of the city (Hamilton), they have them, and an unmarked vehicle with the equipment inside of it, that they move around the city and set off the side of the road. That one really causes no uprising or anger out of people, because they set the ticket limit at like 10 mph over the speed limit. It is clearly visible, and known, they even had the news cover a story on it, before they put it out on the street the first time.


A local radio station in my home town would have hourly updates as to where the unmarked vehicles were at for the day. I'm sure the city appreciated it. They ended up being taken off the street because people were receiving tickets when they were not the ones driving.

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Dont go 1mph over the speed limit and make sure you always come to a COMPLETE stop, BEHIND the white line before turning right, or you are a hypocrite.


I'm not the one complaining about them


I had to edit my post, just not worth it. LOL

Edited by truckin
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Just flip off the camera when you drive through. They have to send a picture of the plate # and driver. So if you're given the camera the middle finger when you're speeding, they can't mail you that picture becasue it's offensive and you might not be the driver...




























Disclaimer:I made that shit up. But it sounds stupid enough to be true.

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Just flip off the camera when you drive through. They have to send a picture of the plate # and driver. So if you're given the camera the middle finger when you're speeding, they can't mail you that picture becasue it's offensive and you might not be the driver...




























Disclaimer:I made that shit up. But it sounds stupid enough to be true.



A friends theory to fix potholes was to use thermite to burn racial slurs into the ground so that the city is forced to come fix them.

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speed cameras are likely set way faster than his 1/80th speed shown and they likely use High Speed Shutter Sync. There are sensors in the road shaped like a diamond usually well before the interesection that monitor approaching speed. That data is then fed to the camera to determine the shutter speed and sync needed. Combined with the facts that many cameras use both video and still images and often don't need to flash would make this a waste of money. Add in the fact that I would bet the image can still be recovered in many cases. I'd rather have a cover or some way of remotely actually covering the plate for a few seconds.


I don't run red lights, but in areas I frequent where I know they are I always avoid the intersection completely. There's always a parking lot to skip through or a way to go around them. I do it all the time, never an issue.




When you get a red light ticket here...they send you a link to the vid so you can watch yourself run the light. If their solution doesn't work on video, it wouldn't be a solution at all...here anyway.

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