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imstock2's thread of fail and AIDS


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  Got-Busa? said:
He's going to feel clueless when my bike skull fucks him so bad he'll think he's driving a BRZ.... :gabe:


That's so??? Having a fast bike isn't impressive as having a fast car. I would care less if you beat me.. You have a busa for Chris sakes.. Turbo at that lol

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  imstock2 said:
That's so??? Having a fast bike isn't impressive as having a fast car. I would care less if you beat me.. You have a busa for Chris sakes.. Turbo at that lol


What's so unimpressive about a fast bike? I'm impressed that the people have the balls to go that fast on a bike.

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  imstock2 said:
That's so??? Having a fast bike isn't impressive as having a fast car. I would care less if you beat me.. You have a busa for Chris sakes.. Turbo at that lol


fast bikes are 100x harder to control/ race than cars. if you havent tried drag racing a bike yourself then you wouldnt understand, i have, it wasnt for me, im impressed as fuck by the skill those guys have.

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  FILL said:
fast bikes are 100x harder to control/ race than cars. if you havent tried drag racing a bike yourself then you wouldnt understand, i have, it wasnt for me, im impressed as fuck by the skill those guys have.


What's more impressive... Going deep 9's on a busa or 9's in a car? The car would need quite some work into it... The bike is stock? Just like its more impressive to run a 12 sec pass in a truck than a 12 sec pass in a corvette. It does take a lot more skill to ride a bike up until they get that bitch made air shifter

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  imstock2 said:
What's more impressive... Going deep 9's on a busa or 9's in a car? The car would need quite some work into it... The bike is stock? Just like its more impressive to run a 12 sec pass in a truck than a 12 sec pass in a corvette. It does take a lot more skill to ride a bike up until they get that bitch made air shifter




again, you have no idea because you have never done it. i gave it a shot, i got my happy ass thrown from a bike quicker than an excuse comes out of your mouth. yes, bikes are faster stock for stock, but there is nothing in the world like doing work on a bike. i can do 130mph in a car and not flinch, 120 mph on a bike will change your life. ive been 180 in a car, shits crazy, 130mph on a bike feels like your chest is coming through your back. 9s in a car is impressive im not saying its not, but if you hit something with the right equitpment you have a high chance of walking away with a few bruises ( ive seen it). idgaf what you are wearing when you wreck on a bike, that shit hurts like hell and the %s of you making it are slim. you dont know what you are looking at whe you watch bikes race so i wouldnt expect you to know the amount of shit that goes on.

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  Geeesammy said:
Imstock, I'm confused as to how the FUCK you think riding let alone racing a bike isn't impressive. For fucks sake, you proved you couldn't even handle a fucking dirtbike. :lolguy:


U realized I owned a bike before.. Granite it wasn't nothing crazy.. Just an 06 636.. I did top it out before.. And damn near top the c6 out when it was bone stock.. The bike going like 170 was wild but going 186 mph in the c6 was interesting as well. The main thing about bikes is getting used to hard acceleration and not panic when the front tire comes up. I rode dirtbikes all my life so I'm used to this. In reguards to me wrecking on the dirt bike is illrelevant to a street bike.. You don't need to ramp a street bike 15-30ish feet in the air. I find a bike more easily controllable than A high powered rwd m6 street car

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  JuicedH22 said:
You know what's not impressive? Any of the worthless shit that comes out of your mouth.


that heap you drive is not impressive either, because it hasnt done SHIT yet, other than had its owner flap his gums.


he doesnt have a heap, hes got a vett. i sir, i own a head. my car is the feces dropping from ugly cars. the only thing "nice" about my car is the secksy 80s porn red interior. other than that, total dog shit

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  imstock2 said:
U realized I owned a bike before.. Granite it wasn't nothing crazy.. Just an 06 636.. I did top it out before.. And damn near top the c6 out when it was bone stock.. The bike going like 170 was wild but going 186 mph in the c6 was interesting as well. The main thing about bikes is getting used to hard acceleration and not panic when the front tire comes up. I rode dirtbikes all my life so I'm used to this. In reguards to me wrecking on the dirt bike is illrelevant to a street bike.. You don't need to ramp a street bike 15-30ish feet in the air. I find a bike more easily controllable than A high powered rwd m6 street car



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  imstock2 said:
U realized I owned a bike before.. Granite it wasn't nothing crazy.. Just an 06 636.. I did top it out before.. And damn near top the c6 out when it was bone stock.. The bike going like 170 was wild but going 186 mph in the c6 was interesting as well. The main thing about bikes is getting used to hard acceleration and not panic when the front tire comes up. I rode dirtbikes all my life so I'm used to this. In reguards to me wrecking on the dirt bike is illrelevant to a street bike.. You don't need to ramp a street bike 15-30ish feet in the air. I find a bike more easily controllable than A high powered rwd m6 street car


4 wheels is more controlable than 2. its simple logic ( which you dont seem to grasp) balance/ saftey/ delivery. i dont even know why i try, anyhting that makes normal sense, you make harder.

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  imstock2 said:
U realized I owned a bike before.. Granite it wasn't nothing crazy.. Just an 06 636.. I did top it out before.. And damn near top the c6 out when it was bone stock.. The bike going like 170 was wild but going 186 mph in the c6 was interesting as well. The main thing about bikes is getting used to hard acceleration and not panic when the front tire comes up. I rode dirtbikes all my life so I'm used to this. In reguards to me wrecking on the dirt bike is illrelevant to a street bike.. You don't need to ramp a street bike 15-30ish feet in the air. I find a bike more easily controllable than A high powered rwd m6 street car



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  imstock2 said:
U realized I owned a bike before.. Granite it wasn't nothing crazy.. Just an 06 636.. I did top it out before.. And damn near top the c6 out when it was bone stock.. The bike going like 170 was wild but going 186 mph in the c6 was interesting as well. The main thing about bikes is getting used to hard acceleration and not panic when the front tire comes up. I rode dirtbikes all my life so I'm used to this. In reguards to me wrecking on the dirt bike is illrelevant to a street bike.. You don't need to ramp a street bike 15-30ish feet in the air. I find a bike more easily controllable than A high powered rwd m6 street car


I owned a dirt bike once, I had no idea there was a need to ramp it 15-30 feet in the air. I must have been doing it wrong.

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  beatercamaro said:
I owned a dirt bike once, I had no idea there was a need to ramp it 15-30 feet in the air. I must have been doing it wrong.


i mean i have to agree with king retard on this one.. if you have a dirtbike or quad must jump it every chance you get.




back on topic guys a fucktard

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  imstock2 said:
U realized I owned a bike before.. Granite it wasn't nothing crazy.. Just an 06 636.. I did top it out before.. And damn near top the c6 out when it was bone stock.. The bike going like 170 was wild but going 186 mph in the c6 was interesting as well. The main thing about bikes is getting used to hard acceleration and not panic when the front tire comes up. I rode dirtbikes all my life so I'm used to this. In reguards to me wrecking on the dirt bike is illrelevant to a street bike.. You don't need to ramp a street bike 15-30ish feet in the air. I find a bike more easily controllable than A high powered rwd m6 street car



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  imstock2 said:
U realized I owned a bike before.. Granite it wasn't nothing crazy.. Just an 06 636.. I did top it out before.. And damn near top the c6 out when it was bone stock.. The bike going like 170 was wild but going 186 mph in the c6 was interesting as well. The main thing about bikes is getting used to hard acceleration and not panic when the front tire comes up. I rode dirtbikes all my life so I'm used to this. In reguards to me wrecking on the dirt bike is illrelevant to a street bike.. You don't need to ramp a street bike 15-30ish feet in the air. I find a bike more easily controllable than A high powered rwd m6 street car


wut? :confused:

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