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Assistance Needed - Resurfacing Brake Rotors


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I'm working on my Silverado front brakes and I need to resurface the rotors depicted in the picture below. What place can do it quickly, cheaply, and properly ? Please hurry, I need the truck in an hour to haul scrap concrete.




PS: I'm reusing the pads since they still have between 3-5mm thickness; beside rubbing them on concrete, what should be done to refresh them ?

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I'll still stand by the 'resurface old (not worn out) pads on a broom finished sidewalk instead of a disc finish' or whatever. But what do I know? I'm sure Buck will chime in being this is his favorite subject. New rotors = new pads.......carry on
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Eventhough this thread isn't the srs light, I'd be happy to prove it on old (yet turnable w/in spec knock off) rotors and grooved up pads that still have say 50% or so left. Hell Ill throw in a guarantee no squeak on top :)


Edit: as long as the pads aren't advanced auto parts el cheapo $7 pads. Az's cheapo $7 pads are fine (and those suck).

Edited by SHIEF
Because advanced
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Nah, there is no supplemental restraint system in this thread. That's reserved for some other Friday in the future; perhaps quite near.


I figd the srs light wasn't on, but I'm the whole 'you can rub them on concrete guy' and got shit for it except for a.j. on here saying it would work if done right but didn't want to say he had my back on it lol. Understandable, saying he's never done it. Its funny because not many know me here (for the most part) so its easy to join up on some1 who doesn't post up the 'heres what I'm doin/have done' stuff. Just not me for the most part. But when I'm right, I'm right. Just know how knowledge from guys in their late 40's ~ 60's have shown me at a small well know shop.

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glue sand paper to a heavy piece of glass (it's the most flat surface you'll have laying around) and rub them back and forth for a few days.


Works for one side at least... wire brush on the other?


He's not srs, but id like it to be just cause bauce status needs achieved. You could run that shit till it made groves in your rotors and be ok. Its once you've gotten into the caliper its bad. I just saw concrete btw :)

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