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Let's talk about self-entitlement.


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bingo. one of my wifes friends, her husband won't find a job to get off unemployment because he will take a pay cut.


Why would you? Serioully if he came from a job that had some type of special skill it makes sense to keep looking to get back in the field your from.

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SRS though...



I think the largest problem lies in the fact that the safety net is just too high.


If your options are live on the system, or start working on "the first rung of the ladder" you live better on the system.


I know quite a few people in guernsey county that get:

their house paid by HUD $500

Free food via food stamps $800

Gas bill paid by HEAP $200

Free phone. $50

Free healthcare for the fam with no co pay $1200 (minimum value. I'm being conservative)

Take all that x 12 for a annual value of $33,000

Then they work part time, not even all year to make sure they qualify for earned income credit and stuff. Make maybe 12,000 in the year.

Then get a tax refund for $10,0000


So you are talking about someone NETTING 55k a year working next to none at all just cause they have a couple kids.


Who would want to work a real full time job for a paycut?


Quoted for the truth and this is happening a lot more than people probably think. I see it all the time in our company and it is honestly sick. I can't tell you how many individuals we have tried to promote or offer jobs to in the mid $30K-45K range and they don't want to accept them because they'll lose the benefits. Letting the Govt take care of you and making $10-15K/year is much easier.

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I'm lucky since we're an LBP of Emerson.

Why would you? Serioully if he came from a job that had some type of special skill it makes sense to keep looking to get back in the field your from.

I would. Overall, hard work gets you farther ahead than being a leech IMHO. Sometimes when a field get saturated, it's time to switch career paths and move on. That's part of the problem with today's society. There was a reason our grandfathers were "jacks of all trades". They could adapt to the changing society and work with whatever they needed to so they could support their family. Now, people get into a career and think they deserve to be handed a job because they've "earned it".

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and for people saying you should not need college to have a good life....


Explain to me how this works? Because as a hiring manager I find it hard to find local talent to be dead honest.


It's more about who you know. My irrelevant college degree and 40-50% better job performance than the next best guy at my job means nothing because the next best guy goes to church with the owner.

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The question becomes, where do you draw the line?


We don't have enough taxes to give everyone free healthcare, so we should give none .. right? What about those with special needs children? Do we cut them off?


Ok, so then we look at thinks like food programs. Any immigrant can walk into the US and we instantly put them on WIC. Who pays for that?


So many programs for helping out, but they don't ever qualify or end and it creates a "give a man a fish" mentality.


Want to fix it, remove the entitlement for everyone.


Unemployed single mother? How about you watch the other single mom's kids while they work?


Need to feed your child? You provide the labor for the WIC program.



I want to put emphasis on drawing a line. The metaphorical line we have right now needs to be reviewed beacause we have too many people who fall within the category of "requiring assistance," that shouldn't really qualify at all.


Special needs? Absolutely.


Illegal immagrants getting what a lot of hard working Americas don't have? No.


Unemployed single mother? A line has to be drawn somewhere, but nobody can suggest one single solution to every unique scenario.



I think we simply have to many hand-outs to those who truely don't need them. And what's worse, is that people really believe they're entitled to them.

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and for people saying you should not need college to have a good life....


Explain to me how this works? Because as a hiring manager I find it hard to find local talent to be dead honest.

LOL, I've been interviewing people who have college degree's for the last few months and I can't find anyone smarter than a potato. It comes down to drive and ambition. There are a lot of new college grads that went through the paces in college and didn't actually learn anything, yet think they shit gold bricks.

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LOL, I've been interviewing people who have college degree's for the last few months and I can't find anyone smarter than a potato. It comes down to drive and ambition. There are a lot of new college grads that went through the paces in college and didn't actually learn anything, yet think they shit gold bricks.


The last guy I hired had no degree, I skipped over many who had a degree and they seemed about as competent as a potato. The guy I hired has worked out great so far. Self starter, very motivated, his skillset and work experience I would put ahead of any degreed person.

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If you really want to "fix" the system, let's start at the bottom with our jail system. You go to jail to re-pay your debt to society, to scare you straight, to become a better person. I read somewhere that it cost about $38K a year to house an inmate. That's outrageous!!
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LOL, I've been interviewing people who have college degree's for the last few months and I can't find anyone smarter than a potato. It comes down to drive and ambition. There are a lot of new college grads that went through the paces in college and didn't actually learn anything, yet think they shit gold bricks.


I feel ya, all of my best engineers are not college graduates. Ones a Ex tuner . But these people are above average people period. In general I think most people need some type of extra education, But I agree.

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The last guy I hired had no degree, I skipped over many who had a degree and they seemed about as competent as a potato. The guy I hired has worked out great so far. Self starter, very motivated, his skillset and work experience I would put ahead of any degreed person.


There's a reason the few of us that are with out college and have advanced careers that typically require a degree typically taught ourselves.

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Adding more flame to the fire, my wife is an apt. manager that accepts section 8. One of the more recent outrages i heard from her is about an somalian couple that lives at her apt. complex. They are on section 8, rent free, all they pay is water, rest of utilities are all covered. The wife has a job making around 70k and the husband owns a business.


They get to stay on section 8 because they do not have to report their income. They were reported to the section 8 bureau and nothing is done, section 8 acted like so, what do you want us to do about it. Pisses me off to no end.


They only reason my wife learned of this, one of the somalians coworkers came into her office to apply for apt. The potential renter wanted my wife to report them. My wife refused, so the lady called section 8 herself.

Edited by WrxRcr
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There's a reason the few of us that are with out college and have advanced careers that typically require a degree typically taught ourselves.


This, I won't go into what I don't have for education but I am considered a guru in my field.

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It's more about who you know. My irrelevant college degree and 40-50% better job performance than the next best guy at my job means nothing because the next best guy goes to church with the owner.


Bingo. One of the sites I used to work at had a guy with some engineering degree, doing the same job that I do as a college dropout. He does an average job at best, partially because he can't communicate well and partially because he keeps distracting himself with stupid shit that has nothing to do with the job.


I've got a friend that offered to pull me into his Masonic lodge. I've put some thought into that just for the connections, but I don't really have any desire to deal with the rest of the crap they do. I guess I need to make a Linked In profile and get to work on it.

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I agree that college degrees should not be necessary for obtaining a decent job. I have "some college" under my belt, but it turns out school just wasn't for me. I wasn't lazy, I didn't give up. Just simply wasn't for me, and I'll say its not for everyone. I have a very strong background in IT, and I've applied to so many places where my skills would have been perfect, but without a degree I wasn't eligible for employment. Thankfully I started out taking IT positions with small firms and gathered experience. Now, even more thankfully I work for an excellent company with more than enough pay for me to live. I do believe we need to create an atmosphere in the American economy where experienced people can easily obtain decent paying jobs without having a degree of some sort. I'll take experience over a degree any day. With that said, IT is just something i'm "good" at, I am an entrepreneur at heart and plan on launching a project I've been working on in my spare time here soon.
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All this stuff used to piss me off to no end. I have worked full time since high school. Even through college. At sometimes (including now) holding multiple jobs just to provide as best as I can for my family.


I'd go to people's house that don't work, and they would have fuller fridges than me. A newer TV than me. Bitch about ONLY getting $9,800 back on taxes (meanwhile I owed damn near 10k for the year). It really struck a nerve.


For some reason it hasn't bothered me as much this past year. I wouldn't trade places with any of them. Ive finally came to peace with the fact that I can only control what goes on in my life. The rest of it is just noise.


Couldn't agree more...


This is also a problem... too many people buy shit they can't really afford in the first place. That's what they call the "American Dream," right?


Yep, keeping up with the Joneses!


Im going to talk about this from a woman's perspective, and that of a woman who sort of goes against the feminine current grain.


This si where a HUGE part of the problem is. Parenting needs to return to some of the core values of parenting. NOT ALL OF THEM, but some of them. I think children NEED a parent at home full time. (don't care if its the guy or the girl)


Womens liberation was NEEDED for this country but i feel like in a way it has backfired on some women (women like me) I feel like women were SO worried about equality they forgot that having the OPTION to work and be equal does not mean abandon the role of a family, which is raising your family.


We have come so far back-assward in the family core that no one knows what end is up! This is where the "you are a unique snowflake" comes from.


I don't know how to fix it.. I grew up in a house where my dad was the Dad and Mom. He worked 60 hours a week, and came home and made dinner for us, laid out our clothing and helped us get ready for bed. He had help from family. My aunts were invaluable to him, but it was JUST him.


As an adult i knew damn well my children would never have that. I didn't marry just anyone. When i met my husband, i fell in love with him for so many reasons, but i kept i mind i wanted to marry for life, not for love. He was it. I knew that we could build a life together, that he would be a good father, he was responsible, and a good man.


People don't look for these qualities anymore, they fall in love and just have to have sex (I don't have an issue with premarital sex) and not think more than a year in advance. These are where the core family values come from, picking a partner for the long term, not the "now" feelings.


This is also part of the financial strain on this country as well. No one is thinking of the long term future, just the near future, or even in some cases the instant future.


Lord, i could go on for a while about this and chain events to events..


God, Mother Nature, Science have failed my family, and taken my ability to have children, so I have worked very hard to change other things in our life to get back to core family values.


Living off the land(gardening), being a GOOD PERSON, helping those around me, these are small ways I can encourage others around me to make small changes in their lives as well.


While these little image is geared more towards permaculture (grow food, not grass) i think it pertains to the world we live in now.



*oh and on education*

Four year degrees should NOT be needed to get a decent job. The other part of the issue is our consumerism. (I am part of this, but i try to reign it in) but the mentality that you build something for a living is SHAMED in this country anymore. If you work in a factory, work with machinery, or are a laborer you are considered lazy, or not smart. We are GUILTED into getting a degree. I hate school. I sure as shit wasn't able to, didn't want to, sit through four years of college when i am now in my 30's and STILL barely know what i want to be when i grow up.


Thats bullshit.

THAT is why all our jobs are going to china. People are forced to spend ridiculous amounts of money to get a degree that could have been apprenticed.

Thats a whole other rant.. *roar*


Very well said! :thumbup:


I agree, but it will never fly because the leeches are the majority and the hard workers are the minority today. Who has more votes? Who will the politicians cater to?


This is how Obama was reelected...


Why would you? Serioully if he came from a job that had some type of special skill it makes sense to keep looking to get back in the field your from.


Depending on the field you may not have a choice. If you are in a field that is over loaded with workers or in a field that is old technology and being phased out you don't really have a choice...






I agree that college degrees should not be necessary for obtaining a decent job. I have "some college" under my belt, but it turns out school just wasn't for me. I wasn't lazy, I didn't give up. Just simply wasn't for me, and I'll say its not for everyone. I have a very strong background in IT, and I've applied to so many places where my skills would have been perfect, but without a degree I wasn't eligible for employment. Thankfully I started out taking IT positions with small firms and gathered experience. Now, even more thankfully I work for an excellent company with more than enough pay for me to live. I do believe we need to create an atmosphere in the American economy where experienced people can easily obtain decent paying jobs without having a degree of some sort. I'll take experience over a degree any day. With that said, IT is just something i'm "good" at, I am an entrepreneur at heart and plan on launching a project I've been working on in my spare time here soon.


We could go on for years talking about this stuff.....


One problem is because the system sells the NEED for a degree. I can think back starting in middle school a couple teachers that constantly said "you will amount to nothing if you don't have a college education." Most kids these days think you HAVE to have a degree to be somebody or make decent money which just isn't the case. Some people think manual labor is considered being looked down upon or lower class. Truth is they really haven't got a clue about anything and can't DO anything.


Where does it end, some people have zero desire or drive to do anything or be anything because THEY ARE ENABLED TO BE NOTHING AND DO NOTHING!!! From kids that live in there parents basement playing video games all day long to those working the system for free money and government assistance.



People are not raising children to know right and wrong (integrity or dignity) or what someones word means anymore. You can't give someone your word or shake on something because shady idiots will back out. Everything has to be in writing or in a contract to get anything done and even then it goes to lawyers/court. Then you've got ass hats having multiple kids by multiple woman. I remember friends growing up going through some crazy crap when parents divorced or did something stupid. I knew right then that wasn't going to be my lifestyle or the lifestyle I wanted whenever I got married THEN had children.



Where are the family values? Work ethic and hard work in whatever you do?


I've had a job since I was 13 and always worked hard. Even when I was making pennies, I still did a good job and worked hard because my name/face was on the job. I wanted anything associated with my work to be correct and proper. It didn't matter if I was bagging groceries or changing oil, or mowing yards, whatever...the money wash shitty but I still did a good job because that is what I was hired for and the right thing to do. You don't just wake up one day and make $100k+ a year, you've got to work your way to that level.


I don't know how often I go into a store or business and get nothing but attitude from the employee. It doesn't matter if I'm ordering food at a restaurant, looking for a part, electronic, whatever....they act like you ruined their entire day by coming into the store. Or they get all pissed off when they actually have to do their JOB!!! Really?!?!

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Holy shit. I just made a whole bunch of money while you all bitched about how jealous you are of poor people. Dirty effing poor people.


10% of "entitlement spending" or what was once called the social safety net goes to non-working poor. That's not 10% of your tax burden, that is 10% of welfare spending.


If you wanted to capture a picture of the "average" welfare receipient, you have a far better chance of seeing a disabled or elderly person's sad dirty face.


The top 1%of the population receives 23.9 percent of tax-expenditure benefits — more than eight times as much as the bottom fifth of the population, and nearly as much as the middle 60 percent of the population. Do you get what that says?


The US spends 50% more on corporate welfare than all of social welfare. You guys are directing your aggression at those who don't have the resources and influences that those who are really milking you have. Adjust your lens and take a look at who is stoking your rage.


"It used to be we waged war on poverty, not poor people"

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Couldn't agree more...

This is how Obama was reelected...



You're an idiot.


Here is a diagram of the net taker states. Those whose tax revenue was less than their federal subsidies:



Here is an electoral college distribution; conveniently red here also represents republican votes:



See any correlation?



Further, the notion that testing welfare receipients is some panacea curing "75%" of the problem is a joke. Here's what my neighbor state Florida found: It cost far more money than it saved


I agree that welfare needs to be reformed but let's start with the biggest piece of the pie.

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Tripple for the win.



I can almost guarantee that none of my facts, figures and actual fucking data will influence a single one of you. Why? Because what you have posted feels right (#1). Your visceral response to the changing demographics of the country are forcing you and political pundits to seek out some universal theory of democratic squander. Your anecdotal responses prove nothing more than your excessive interaction with those people who are, in-fact, milking the system.


My advice? Pay slightly higher taxes and move to a zip-code where you don't have to interact with the insufferable poor.

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I skimmed through the 3 pages of posts so far and there are great points. The topic alone is one that upsets me daily. Entitlement! WTF have you done? For the most part, nothing.


Take the special needs from this situation, and I think 90% of us are talking about the lack of parenting to raise a child that will make a difference or be a productive member of society. Someone who has the values to know they have to carry their weight; someone with morals, ethics, and values that make things stay in balance.


It's not ALL about a higher level of education. Show me a person whose parents didn't let them sit on their ass, and had to earn what they have, and I'll show you someone who can probably be taught to do about anything. People who have to work for what they have are more likely to confront the person who is careless and wreckless to tell them to pull their head out of their ass.


Young people today don't have challenges. They quit when they think it will be hard. When you FAIL at something challenging, it should push you to get better at it, within reason. IF you succeed at something challenging, that's a breakthrough and you get better at it and challenge yourself more = drive and determination. Imagine that.


Mom and Dad can't stand to see Jr fail. Sometimes, I think they don't want to look bad. So they baby the child far too long. Now they have a kid who can't deal with life and is said to have ADHD, anxiety, depression or they just don't care and write the kid off. They put the kid on meds to control them for common things about kids growing up. Not all fall in this category, but many. Now, I went quickly through this part, but I think you can see where I was going with this part.


I don't have kids, so I'm an ass for even trying to come off like I know how hard it is to raise a child. I know I'm 38 years old and have perused life and getting balance in it. It's only now where I feel I have an environment where I could raise a child. What I have seen, in training other people’s children with the military, is that many parents have quite. Don't read that as me saying, you as a parent have quit. You're being narrow minded. We on RC have, for the most part, a shared outlook. I'm talking the masses. The people we don't usually interact with. The one's outside our social bubble. So when I'm in Walmart or the mall and someone won't be stern with a kid who needs it; "I want $50 to spend on this toy". “You HAVE to get this for me" I have seen this and know the parent if broke. I have talked to more than one kid for the parent, nicely, but stern. And every time the parents say “thank you”. I love it when I'm in uniform, because the kids turtle up and hide behind Mom or Dad. But, of the 6 times I have done that, only two were in uniform.


I've ranted a bit in this. Understand, I'm not attacking anyone here on RC and that I'm generalizing. This topic frustrates me a lot because of how I relate to it from how I was brought up and what we didn't have. Growing up seeing people who "Have" and being somoene who did not have those things was a driving point for me. Now I see the people who "HAD" those things and many have wasted the opertunity I wanted so badly.

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Here is a diagram of the net taker states. Those whose tax revenue was less than their federal subsidies:



Here is an electoral college distribution; conveniently red here also represents republican votes:



See any correlation?


Beautiful. I've always had this "feeling" based off my own personal experiences that conservatives love to preach how they are so hard working and that the liberals are always looking for a handout, but in reality are always the first one that want something for nothing. Nice to some some physical evidence.

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