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Let's talk about self-entitlement.


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How? You're making your living off of the govt, therefore they're practically your employer. Military gets drug tested, why not welfare? Don't complete the drug test, you don't get your check. Fail your drug test, no more checks period.


people should have to take and pass drug test regularly.I have to bust my ass for my paycheck and if i fail a drug test im out of a job. So it shouldnt be any different when your living off the system.

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Just like these spoiled ass kids coming right out of college with 4 year degrees expecting to be handed a well-paying job.... Wrong.


God Bless America, somebody else took the words out of my mouth. I've been saying that shit for years. I despise the college folk that love to cry about paying student loans, but college is so important. $100K/year right out of your 4 year degree program ain't gonna happen.


Half this country needs to suck up their so called "pride", take a fucking job, and make the best of it. I don't see the lack of employment here, but I see lack of taking ahold of opportunity. Beggars can't be choosers, when you ain't got a job.

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Story from a customer of mine:

At Walmart of all places.

Foreign couple (green card and all) pay for 2 carts full of groceries on WIC/food stamps.

Load groceries into brand new F250 King Ranch (30 day tags on it)


If you have the ability to make a $60-70K truck payment, you can afford $200-$300 at Walmart every other week.

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Story from a customer of mine:

At Walmart of all places.

Foreign couple (green card and all) pay for 2 carts full of groceries on WIC/food stamps.

Load groceries into brand new F250 King Ranch (30 day tags on it)


If you have the ability to make a $60-70K truck payment, you can afford $200-$300 at Walmart every other week.


This is also a problem... too many people buy shit they can't really afford in the first place. That's what they call the "American Dream," right?

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something that never gets discussed and likely receives way more money is corporate welfare. I can't imagine how much tax credits/waivers big oil companies receive today.


You mean the taxes that are paid by the big oil companies and given to the small oil companies to keep them afloat to prevent monopolies? Yeah, that shit is outrageous.

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My wife hasn't worked in over a year because unemployment pays to much. It would be $1400 per month just for child care so she'd need to make at least $15/hr to show up to work.


I don't like it, but its a better deal than working at the moment though she is about to start a job. We've been waiting for a good enough deal.


Im going to talk about this from a woman's perspective, and that of a woman who sort of goes against the feminine current grain.


This si where a HUGE part of the problem is. Parenting needs to return to some of the core values of parenting. NOT ALL OF THEM, but some of them. I think children NEED a parent at home full time. (don't care if its the guy or the girl)


Womens liberation was NEEDED for this country but i feel like in a way it has backfired on some women (women like me) I feel like women were SO worried about equality they forgot that having the OPTION to work and be equal does not mean abandon the role of a family, which is raising your family.


We have come so far back-assward in the family core that no one knows what end is up! This is where the "you are a unique snowflake" comes from.


I don't know how to fix it.. I grew up in a house where my dad was the Dad and Mom. He worked 60 hours a week, and came home and made dinner for us, laid out our clothing and helped us get ready for bed. He had help from family. My aunts were invaluable to him, but it was JUST him.


As an adult i knew damn well my children would never have that. I didn't marry just anyone. When i met my husband, i fell in love with him for so many reasons, but i kept i mind i wanted to marry for life, not for love. He was it. I knew that we could build a life together, that he would be a good father, he was responsible, and a good man.


People don't look for these qualities anymore, they fall in love and just have to have sex (I don't have an issue with premarital sex) and not think more than a year in advance. These are where the core family values come from, picking a partner for the long term, not the "now" feelings.


This is also part of the financial strain on this country as well. No one is thinking of the long term future, just the near future, or even in some cases the instant future.


Lord, i could go on for a while about this and chain events to events..


God, Mother Nature, Science have failed my family, and taken my ability to have children, so I have worked very hard to change other things in our life to get back to core family values.


Living off the land(gardening), being a GOOD PERSON, helping those around me, these are small ways I can encourage others around me to make small changes in their lives as well.


While these little image is geared more towards permaculture (grow food, not grass) i think it pertains to the world we live in now.



*oh and on education*

Four year degrees should NOT be needed to get a decent job. The other part of the issue is our consumerism. (I am part of this, but i try to reign it in) but the mentality that you build something for a living is SHAMED in this country anymore. If you work in a factory, work with machinery, or are a laborer you are considered lazy, or not smart. We are GUILTED into getting a degree. I hate school. I sure as shit wasn't able to, didn't want to, sit through four years of college when i am now in my 30's and STILL barely know what i want to be when i grow up.


Thats bullshit.

THAT is why all our jobs are going to china. People are forced to spend ridiculous amounts of money to get a degree that could have been apprenticed.

Thats a whole other rant.. *roar*

Edited by damreds
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Im going to talk about this from a woman's perspective, and that of a woman who sort of goes against the feminine current grain.


This si where a HUGE part of the problem is. Parenting needs to return to some of the core values of parenting. NOT ALL OF THEM, but some of them. I think children NEED a parent at home full time. (don't care if its the guy or the girl)


Womens liberation was NEEDED for this country but i feel like in a way it has backfired on some women (women like me) I feel like women were SO worried about equality they forgot that having the OPTION to work and be equal does not mean abandon the role of a family, which is raising your family.


We have come so far back-assward in the family core that no one knows what end is up! This is where the "you are a unique snowflake" comes from.


I don't know how to fix it.. I grew up in a house where my dad was the Dad and Mom. He worked 60 hours a week, and came home and made dinner for us, laid out our clothing and helped us get ready for bed. He had help from family. My aunts were invaluable to him, but it was JUST him.


As an adult i knew damn well my children would never have that. I didn't marry just anyone. When i met my husband, i fell in love with him for so many reasons, but i kept i mind i wanted to marry for life, not for love. He was it. I knew that we could build a life together, that he would be a good father, he was responsible, and a good man.


People don't look for these qualities anymore, they fall in love and just have to have sex (I don't have an issue with premarital sex) and not think more than a year in advance. These are where the core family values come from, picking a partner for the long term, not the "now" feelings.


This is also part of the financial strain on this country as well. No one is thinking of the long term future, just the near future, or even in some cases the instant future.


Lord, i could go on for a while about this and chain events to events..


God, Mother Nature, Science have failed my family, and taken my ability to have children, so I have worked very hard to change other things in our life to get back to core family values.


Living off the land(gardening), being a GOOD PERSON, helping those around me, these are small ways I can encourage others around me to make small changes in their lives as well.


While these little image is geared more towards permaculture (grow food, not grass) i think it pertains to the world we live in now.



*oh and on education*

Four year degrees should NOT be needed to get a decent job. The other part of the issue is our consumerism. (I am part of this, but i try to reign it in) but the mentality that you build something for a living is SHAMED in this country anymore. If you work in a factory, work with machinery, or are a laborer you are considered lazy, or not smart. We are GUILTED into getting a degree. I hate school. I sure as shit wasn't able to, didn't want to, sit through four years of college when i am now in my 30's and STILL barely know what i want to be when i grow up.


Thats bullshit.

THAT is why all our jobs are going to china. People are forced to spend ridiculous amounts of money to get a degree that could have been apprenticed.

Thats a whole other rant.. *roar*


Quoted because this needs to be read a few times.

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This is also a problem... too many people buy shit they can't really afford in the first place. That's what they call the "American Dream," right?


That seems to be the new norm with the "American Dream". Go well beyond your means (houses, cars, credit cards etc...) become a slave to paying for them or get it taken away.

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How? You're making your living off of the govt, therefore they're practically your employer. Military gets drug tested, why not welfare? Don't complete the drug test, you don't get your check. Fail your drug test, no more checks period.


people should have to take and pass drug test regularly.I have to bust my ass for my paycheck and if i fail a drug test im out of a job. So it shouldnt be any different when your living off the system.


I agree, but it will never fly because the leeches are the majority and the hard workers are the minority today. Who has more votes? Who will the politicians cater to?

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I see two issues to ever fixing the problem. 1 There are too many people that can't look beyond their own noise even if they do not like a program. They end up doing nothing. Or there are too many people who feel their one voice or one vote won't make a difference and they do nothing.


2 there are enough people who are receiving benefits and are willing to fight to keep getting free stuff, they go to the poles, make noise etc and get what they want. With so many people in this country receiving some kind of benefit, this isn't a fair fight. Plus as a politician who wants votes, who are you going to cater to?

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Well said Trish!



I grew up in a traditionally conservative house hold. We came from a poor beginnings, and worked our way up. Modesty, hard work, and determination was what got them to where my family is today.


Grandpa had no money when he married my grandma, but he would do ANYTHING for her and his kids. He joined the US Army, and served in Korea. He was willing to give his life if neccisary, to protect his family and country.



Grandpa worked 70-80 hours a week at Timken as a mechanic. He taught us what working your ass off truely was. He truely loved his family and country, and it showed.


My great grandfather owned his own general store for 62 years. The day he retired was the day he passed away. He was 99 years and 7 months old.


These two men have inspired me on the kind of person I want to be. They helped build this country, not destroy it like some of todays citizens are doing.


If those self entitled fucks were worth 1/10th of what they were, we would be way better off.

Edited by Dammit Charlie
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You say what happened to working hard and keeping what you earn? I say that never existed in the way you mean it. This country didn't simply arrive at prosperity by people working hard and keeping what they earned. It happened through a couple hundred years of personal sacrifice for the greater good. If you're interested in finding some parallels to today in U.S. history, read into the Gilded Age. It's a time in our history that is not often taught in schools but shows a lot of similarity to today in terms of the issues the country was dealing with; increased political involvement by the population, massive leap forward in communication and transportation technologies (telegraph, railroad) combined with new technologies (Tesla and Edison), raging debates over the increasing gap between rich and poor as well as tax policy.


I'm still surprised and disappointed that so many people misinterpret tiny little snippets of history (i.e. out-of-context quotes by U.S. historical figures, single events in history traced to a single decision) to validate an entire category of arguments rather than looking into long stretches of history, trying to analyze the overarching policies that made history what it is, and applying those lessons to today.


But maybe that's just the spoiled brat with the history degree in me.

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The ceo of the company I work for has gone from 4% of the jobs in the company being overseas to 36%, and he is proud of it. He was actually quoted saying that he doesnt care about anyone who works for him, only about making money for himself and his stockholders. When Obama was elected the first time, he made a statement towards him that he was not going to hire another American worker so long as he was ceo. I'm not proud to work for the company I do, and I think people like this are a huge problem in America today.
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The ceo of the company I work for has gone from 4% of the jobs in the company being overseas to 36%, and he is proud of it. He was actually quoted saying that he doesnt care about anyone who works for him, only about making money for himself and his stockholders. When Obama was elected the first time, he made a statement towards him that he was not going to hire another American worker so long as he was ceo. I'm not proud to work for the company I do, and I think people like this are a huge problem in America today.


He sounds like a winner. People like that make me sick.

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The ceo of the company I work for has gone from 4% of the jobs in the company being overseas to 36%, and he is proud of it. He was actually quoted saying that he doesnt care about anyone who works for him, only about making money for himself and his stockholders. When Obama was elected the first time, he made a statement towards him that he was not going to hire another American worker so long as he was ceo. I'm not proud to work for the company I do, and I think people like this are a huge problem in America today.


What company? They won't get my business.

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The question becomes, where do you draw the line?


We don't have enough taxes to give everyone free healthcare, so we should give none .. right? What about those with special needs children? Do we cut them off?


Ok, so then we look at thinks like food programs. Any immigrant can walk into the US and we instantly put them on WIC. Who pays for that?


So many programs for helping out, but they don't ever qualify or end and it creates a "give a man a fish" mentality.


Want to fix it, remove the entitlement for everyone.


Unemployed single mother? How about you watch the other single mom's kids while they work?


Need to feed your child? You provide the labor for the WIC program.

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While I'm a proud supporter of the system, and believe in helping those who are seriously in need. There is a rampant missuse/ abuse of the system. My best idea to help the system, is to put a time limit on the length of time you can mooch off it. With the typical 4 month application process, add in a 6 mth time limit, if you aren't back on you feet by then you'd have to reapply and wait another 4 mths to go thru the process again, as well as testing like every other empolyed person
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You mean the taxes that are paid by the big oil companies and given to the small oil companies to keep them afloat to prevent monopolies? Yeah, that shit is outrageous.


I see this type of thinking to be a short term band aid and dangerous long term wise. It sustains businesses that have poor budgeting, over paying employees, or are not continually improving their business product/s which fosters poor long term sustainability. The tech boom of the 80-90s is proof the even though there are monopolies, quality product and innovation can over come. The only thing that is guaranteed in life is too be born and to die, anything else icing on the cake. Social/corporate welfare could be fazed out over a 5 year span and either put back in peoples pocket or towards making any state/tech school free for citizens in order to promote development.

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Bill Cosby "I'm 83 and Tired"

I've worked hard since I was 17. Except for when I was doing my National Service, I put in 50-hour weeks, and didn't call in sick in nearly 40 years. I made a reasonable salary, but I didn't inherit my job or my income, and I worked to get where I am. Given the economy, it looks as though retirement was a bad idea, and I'm tired. Very tired.

I'm tired of being told that I have to "spread the wealth" to people who don't have my work ethic. I'm tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it.

I'm tired of being told that Islam is a "Religion of Peace," when every day I can read dozens of stories of Muslim men killing their sisters, wives and daughters for their family "honor"; of Muslims rioting over some slight offense; Muslims murdering Christian and Jews because they aren't "believers"; Muslims burning schools for girls; Muslims stoning teenage rape victims to death for "adultery"; Muslims mutilating the genitals of little girls; all in the name of Allah, because the Qur'an and Shari'a law tells them to.

I'm tired of being told that out of "tolerance for other cultures" we must let Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries use our oil money to fund mosques and Madrasa Islamic schools to preach hate in Australia , New Zealand , UK, America and Canada , while no one from these countries are allowed to fund a church, synagogue or religious school in Saudi Arabia or any other Arab country to teach love and tolerance..

I'm tired of being told I must lower my living standard to fight global warming, which no one is allowed to debate.

I'm tired of being told that drug addicts have a disease, and I must help support and treat them, and pay for the damage they do. Did a giant germ rush out of a dark alley, grab them, and stuff white powder up their noses or stick a needle in their arm while they tried to fight it off?

I'm tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians of all parties talking about innocent mistakes, stupid mistakes or youthful mistakes, when we all know they think their only mistake was getting caught. I'm tired of people with a sense of entitlement, rich or poor.

I'm really tired of people who don't take responsibility for their lives and actions. I'm tired of hearing them blame the government, or discrimination or big-whatever for their problems.

I'm also tired and fed up with seeing young men and women in their teens and early 20's be-deck themselves in tattoos and face studs, thereby making themselves unemployable and claiming money from the Government.

Yes, I'm damn tired. But I'm also glad to be 83.. Because, mostly, I'm not going to have to see the world these people are making. I'm just sorry for my granddaughter and their children. Thank God I'm on the way out and not on the way in. There is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on! This is your chance to make a difference.

“I’m 83 and I'm tired. If you don't agree you are part of the problem!

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