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Verizon LTE sucks....


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Yep I only see around 8-10mbps on Verizon LTE. Probably going to dump them for AT&T when my contract ends.


That's exactly what I get. I have a Note 2 on Verizon and an S3 on ATT. I can pull down 50mbps or so on ATT and lucky to get 10 on VZW. May be saturation since it's been around longer, but damn.

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My current result on a droid 4 was just 7mb down, 6mb up, 82ms ping.


I wonder if something is under construction or if they are too slammed because in the past I normally get 25/10 in Columbus.


While that's good speed, it's piss poor, IMO.

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I've never had an issue with Verizon in the 8 years I've been using them. I love having coverage everywhere. The guys on my road crew with AT&T didn't get shit when we were traveling the country. As far as 4g goes, I'll take the one extra second to load to have more LTE coverage



That and I'm still grandfathered in on every sweet deal they've ever had

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Look at this horse shit...laying on couch...both phones.







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Look at this horse shit...laying on couch...both phones.








At&t appears to have a much better signal where you stay.

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You guys have fun with AT&T. I have them for my company phone provider and their coverage blows. What's LTE when you don't even have a fucking signal good enough to utilize it?


You'll have that with any carrier. Where I live AT&T has better coverage and I get nearly zero Verizon signal. My company gave me a Verizon phone at first and it's nearly useless where I live but great near our office.

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