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I want to start eating better..

Green Bastard

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My wife and I decided recently that we would like to start eating better and try to get healthier. I'm a big guy (6'2" 270lbs) and I'd like to lose some weight. I'm starting by cutting out soda (anything with caffeine really). Anyways what are some recepies you use or something you would make for a meal. I'm just looking for a few ideas that aren't flavorless and I don't really want to eat salad 7 days a week lol. TIA.
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You can eat sort of "bad" still I'm sure. Cutting out soda alone is HUGE. A lot of pasta is pretty decent.. change up the meats and sauces, ect. I've found AllRecipes.com pretty convenient for good ideas. I've made a lot of things from it. We would make kabobs a lot. Marinate chunks of meat, and then the rest is straight veggies... Cauliflower, zucchini, mushrooms, onions, ect... all taste amazing grilled! Just put them in a ziploc with a little oil (to keep them from burning) with salt and pepper to taste.... then put all on skewers
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Forgot the most important thing. The two of you HAVE to do it TOGETHER.


I try constantly to eat well, while my wife won't give up Dr. Pepper, a stash or Oreos, and many other terrible foods....especially when we do choose to eat out somewhere... Often end up at Taco Bell or other places we should be avoiding!

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Well, what do you like to eat now? I think that will give us a good direction for some suggestions.


Really cutting out junk, processed or over-processed foods will probably go a long way. Just try to eat real food instead of 'fake' food. Another tip I was given is shop on the outside part of the grocery store, not the aisles on the inside. Everything in the aisles is processed food, outside is real food. Cook your own food.

Maybe that all sounds obvious, but simple is good because it's easily achievable.


Do whatever works for you, but I always like to and suggest people to take things slow in the food/exercise arena. Don't try to go bat-shit crazy and go from one extreme to the other. I don't think people make sustainable habits that way. Slowly change over time and the new eating will form good habits. So cut out pop, then cut out something else, slowly replacing those foods with other foods.

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Water, skinless chicken, veggies, repeat. Lol


One of my go-to meals when I can think of nothing else is some grilled bonless skinless chicken breast, some kind of veggie and some rice or pasta.


Get some rubs for your chicken. Try marinating it too. Either one works, or you can combine them. Italian dressing is a good simple place to start for a marinade.

Get some trader joes 21 seasoning salute, put it on everything. Really good on veggies. Dice up veggies, put some olive oil on them, some trader joes 21 seasoning salute and cook.


If you like to grill get a veggie basket. https://www.google.com/search?q=veggie+grill+basket&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS505US505&oq=veggie+grill+basket&aqs=chrome.0.57j0l2j62l3.4626&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


There is no reason you must eat meat with every meal either.

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Now when we eat at home, we eat a lot of pasta based foods, mostly processed foods (I'm assuming), and we eat out more than we should. I know we should eat more (leaner) meats and veggies, but I was more looking for specific things to cook, like a recipie for something. I think at least part of why we aren't eating as healthy as we should is we don't know how to prepare a healthy dinner that actually has flavor. We have tried a couple times to make something like baked chicken with veggies and it tasted like cardboard.
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Maybe you just have to figure out what you like. What do you like to eat when you go out?


Get good veggies, cut up, olive oil and Trader Joes 21 seasoning salute. DO NOT OVERCOOK. I personally like some snap in my veggies, if they are soggy I think the don't taste as good. Overcooking kills some of the nutrients too.


You probably didn't season well and overcooked the chicken too. Chicken is easy to overcook because most people freak out about it being under cooked, overcooking it will dry it out really bad, taste much worse than it should. I don't blame anyone about worrying about under cooked chicken, it's nasty stuff. Maybe get a meat thermometer or something like that to figure out how to properly cook it. If there still isn't enough flavor do whole chicken pieces, bone in skin on. Not as good for you, but taste amazing. A lot harder to cook though as it takes much longer.


It sounds like you need to get a good general cookbook and read it. They will have not just recipies but info about the meat, how to prepare it, spices, cooking techniques, etc.

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If you're super serious: http://www.scivationbooks.com/gameover.htm


I'm 99% vegan all other times but that isn't guaranteed to keep you lean, I've packed on a few and am doing a 10-12 week cut using the above link. I've done it before, it works exceptionally well. It's essentially what Rustlestiltskin posted: chicken, broccoli, Almonds: six times a day 17 meals in a row and a slow glycogen refeed every 18th meal. Easy Breezy.

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You get used to it, hell I've never even had any condiments in my life (25) :lolguy:


One of my go-to meals when I can think of nothing else is some grilled bonless skinless chicken breast, some kind of veggie and some rice or pasta.


Get some rubs for your chicken. Try marinating it too. Either one works, or you can combine them. Italian dressing is a good simple place to start for a marinade.

Get some trader joes 21 seasoning salute, put it on everything. Really good on veggies. Dice up veggies, put some olive oil on them, some trader joes 21 seasoning salute and cook.


If you like to grill get a veggie basket. https://www.google.com/search?q=veggie+grill+basket&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS505US505&oq=veggie+grill+basket&aqs=chrome.0.57j0l2j62l3.4626&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


There is no reason you must eat meat with every meal either.


These guys are on board with what I'm talkin about. Just do what Jesse said and use various rubs/seasoning when preparing/grilling your chicken and you'll be fine. You can still mix it up once a week and have a cheat day where you can resort back to eating junk food or whatever you crave that day but besides that day keep it strict if you want to see results especially if you don't have the genetics to allow you to eat whatever you want and still be in shape (ecto/meso).

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These guys are on board with what I'm talkin about. Just do what Jesse said...



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Drink plenty of water too...statistics show that most of our hunger pains between meals can be relieved by drinking water. For a guy your size, AT LEAST 64oz a day.


I have a 32oz plastic cup that I fill nearly every night with water and kill it while watching a movie before going to bed. Keeps me from snacking after 10pm.

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Drink plenty of water too...statistics show that most of our hunger pains between meals can be relieved by drinking water. For a guy your size, AT LEAST 64oz a day.


I have a 32oz plastic cup that I fill nearly every night with water and kill it while watching a movie before going to bed. Keeps me from snacking after 10pm.


Wouldnt this turn into "water weight" in fat?


Water, skinless chicken, veggies, repeat. Lol


Go on....

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Wouldnt this turn into "water weight" in fat?




Go on....


No. Your body bases water retention on scarcity. If you don't drink enough water you are more likely to retain stores, if you keep it flowing with frequency and volume, you will retain less.


Body fat works in a similar manner. Infrequent eating causes the same result, blood sugar spikes and valleys and the resulting insulin response results in squishy people and the source of Diabetes.

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OP said he wants to cut out caffeine completely. Was waiting on his answer to educate him on the positive effects of it.


It's the crap that is mixed with the caffeine, not the caffeine itself. Black coffee is fine or you can buy 100mg pills if you are an addict like me. Ephedrine can be bought behind the counter as Primatene tablets.


Do not do this if you are really a fatty though as it could make you die (Probably not but thats my disclosure). Also don't even bother unless you are doing everything else, eating clean, moderate exerciser 30min day.

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Cut calories and "bad" fat, eat more complex carbs, workout more, take a good multi vitamin along with a good thermogenic.


Also....attempt to eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day as well versus 3 large meals.

Edited by BStowers023
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I'm wanting to cut out soda and coffee (the only two beverages I drink with caffeine in them). My reason for cutting it out completely is because I usually drink them through the week at work and not so much on the weekend. Because I don't drink them on the weekend I usually end up with a headache, but if I drink something with caffeine in it, the headache goes away. I feel that my body is devoloping a dependancy on caffeine and I want to put a stop to that, I don't want to wake up with a pounding headache on the weekends. I know they say coffee and tea are good for you, but for the purposes of breaking any possible dependancy, I'm going to cut it out for now.
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My advice


Be careful buying "healthy" freezer foods. Way too much sodium.


Avoid diet drinks. They will make you bloated if you drink too much. Also avoid too much fruit juice because of the sugar. I drink fruit in the morning and vegetable juice in the evening.


Do things like chicken breast on whole grain bread with lettuce and tomatoe for lunch. Add in carrots, a banana, low fat kettle chips, and some honey ice tea. You will be surprised at how full you will be.


At dinner eat a bigger serving of vegetables to help fill you up. Eat chicken about 3-4 times a week, fish 1-2 times, and low fat cow parts every now and then. If you season the baked chicken and fish right you forget you are eating healthy.


Keep starches to a minimum, but still work them in the rotation. I myself love spaghetti with chicken in the meat sauce once a week.


Also be sure to take walks every day to start (if you don't already). It helps the body use the food the right way to replace things lost.

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