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I want to start eating better..

Green Bastard

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Let the shit talking begin.


i know a whole group of cycling friends doing this/primal. they've all lost weight, keep a lower HR while riding (which keeps you from burning out as easy), cholesterol is down


i tried it and it lasted about 3 days. lol. its seriously like having a second job trying to cook and have meals prepared. plus the few meals i tried i wasnt fond of at all. but i did get into some foods i didnt do much of at all before (avodcado, blueberries, zucchini, brussel sprouts, etc), and try to cut out grains occasionally.


the other thing i've been doing lately which i never did before, is i stop eating once im full. lol. i used to eat whatever was on my plate. i could be full, but if there was still food left, i felt like i was wasting it, so i'd finish it.


and the suggestion someone made of eating more often is right. do 5-6 small meals a day and it'll boost your metabolism. your body wont "store" food because it'll learn its gonna be fed again in another 2-3 hours instead of 4-6.

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I've not lost much wieght but have shed 3 inches in my waist recently by shifting around what I eat and how often. I'm pressed for time, but have committed to adding about 30-40 minutes of cardio exercises to my morning at least 4 days per week.


Dreamfields is a healthy pasta if you have to have some. Navy beans and brown rice also are protected carbs that fill you up but pass through you. I eat them and bananas to fill up and lesson cravings. I start my meals with veggies too. 2x the main course.


I've also added Glucomannan to my diet. My brother in law from Japan told me about it. It's a natural fiber that expands in the stomach and absorbs fats. The absorbed fats are eliminated from the body and do not undergo digestion, thus nullifying the calorific effect. I use the powder form, 1/2 teaspoon in 8oz water before meals. You'll eat far, far less and feel full with no urge to snack. Works great. Helps when eating sweats too as it slows the digestion and thus no ups and downs of sugar.

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the other thing i've been doing lately which i never did before, is i stop eating once im full. lol. i used to eat whatever was on my plate. i could be full, but if there was still food left, i felt like i was wasting it, so i'd finish it.


The Japanese call this "Hara Hachi Bu" or eat until you are 8 parts out of 10 full. By stopping at 80% you are still satisfied and not hungry.

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The Japanese call this "Hara Hachi Bu" or eat until you are 8 parts out of 10 full. By stopping at 80% you are still satisfied and not hungry.


cough *okinawan* j/k ........ Im in the same boat as you OP, my problem is drinking beer on the weekends with friends. I do not eat meat anymore but fish and eggs and dairy . 90% of my diet is veggies and tofu. If you're the type that can eat anything japanese have lots of good tasting healthy food food ideas.

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There is some good information in this thread. I definately appreciate all the responses. And thanks Eli, while what you posted wasn't quite what I was looking for, I will definately be using it because while I'm not exactly looking for a diet, I do want to just eat healthier.



Have you ever been tested for diabeetus? That was a serious question that can help with suggestions for you.


I've never tested for diabetes, but I do know I'm hypoglycemic (sp?) which I've heard is somewhat of a precursor to diabetes. I do know it runs in the family though, my great grandfather lost a leg due to gangreen (sp?) that he got because he didn't take care of his diabetes. And my mom was told to either diet or take insulin (she isn't a big woman either, 150 was the heaviest she has ever been). That is a part of the reason I want to lose weight too, I don't want to have to take medication for something that is preventable.

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I'm going to be real.. troll cape off.


Paleo is a good foundation... i say foundation because it allows you to create healthy habits. Fruit on the other hand is not good for body composition it is good for normal healthy living. There are certain fruits/veggies to stay away from. I believe paleo does a great job of steering people to what is good/not good.



Just dont go eating a pound of bacon.

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Why not take 10-12 weeks to shed as much weight as humanly possible and then start a lifestyle "eating healthier" change.


My wife and I just had this conversation. She criticizes me for being "extreme" when I take anything on. I went vegan because moderation is hard, cutting out X amount of meat and dairy opens the door to the compromises we all make with ourselves that sabotage our larger goals. When I decide to lose weight, I can drop every pound I need to in a short period of time or I can go through the agony of moderation and teeny tiny victories for who knows how long.


If you want to be lean, just make the decision that it is what you want to be then align your values to match. It's easier to stick to something if you say "I am a(n) X". The decisions you make wont be decisions at all since they either are or are not aligned with the values of X. It's all those small seemingly arbitrary decisions that kill the average persons ability to drop the weight.

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Why not take 10-12 weeks to shed as much weight as humanly possible and then start a lifestyle "eating healthier" change.


My wife and I just had this conversation. She criticizes me for being "extreme" when I take anything on. I went vegan because moderation is hard, cutting out X amount of meat and dairy opens the door to the compromises we all make with ourselves that sabotage our larger goals. When I decide to lose weight, I can drop every pound I need to in a short period of time or I can go through the agony of moderation and teeny tiny victories for who knows how long.


If you want to be lean, just make the decision that it is what you want to be then align your values to match. It's easier to stick to something if you say "I am a(n) X". The decisions you make wont be decisions at all since they either are or are not aligned with the values of X. It's all those small seemingly arbitrary decisions that kill the average persons ability to drop the weight.


Do you want X amount of weight loss?





Do you want X+X amount of weightloss?



This is the problem i see with america. Everyone wants to workout and see progress. It CAN happen, however it will ONLY happen for a short while. Once those noob lbs are lost ( water) it will become increasingly difficult to lose weight while maintaining a horrible diet. It is far easier to lose weight with just diet than it is to lose weight doing just workouts while maintaining your normal food intake.


If you try to take this approach you will likely fail, there is no such thing as compromising. You either do it right or you will likely fail along the way. I see it everyday, clients want to lose weight but have no interest in taking care of their diet.

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Downloaded a calorie counter app yesterday. This should be interesting. It already has just about anything you could ever eat in the calorie look up thing.


It says i need to eat less than 1200 calories in a day to lose 10 lbs in 5 weeks. damn.

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Downloaded a calorie counter app yesterday. This should be interesting. It already has just about anything you could ever eat in the calorie look up thing.


It says i need to eat less than 1200 calories in a day to lose 10 lbs in 5 weeks. damn.


1200-1500 is about right for an average male.


Majority of that should be consumed by 6pm and 40-50% of it should be protein. Fill your dinner with green leafy veggies and a small portion of berries for your carbs. This alone will help you see weight loss. Anything consumed after 6pm should be broccoli or green veggies as they offer minimal calories and alot of fiber.

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Why not take 10-12 weeks to shed as much weight as humanly possible and then start a lifestyle "eating healthier" change.


My wife and I just had this conversation. She criticizes me for being "extreme" when I take anything on. I went vegan because moderation is hard, cutting out X amount of meat and dairy opens the door to the compromises we all make with ourselves that sabotage our larger goals. When I decide to lose weight, I can drop every pound I need to in a short period of time or I can go through the agony of moderation and teeny tiny victories for who knows how long.


If you want to be lean, just make the decision that it is what you want to be then align your values to match. It's easier to stick to something if you say "I am a(n) X". The decisions you make wont be decisions at all since they either are or are not aligned with the values of X. It's all those small seemingly arbitrary decisions that kill the average persons ability to drop the weight.


I get what your saying, but I'm not going to become a vegitarian to try to lose some weight. It's not a super pressing issue to lose the weight as fast as possible, I have no real health issues (yet, but it's a road I'd rather not go down) and losing over time I'm okay with. I think part of my problem is what evan mentioned before, I feel I need to clean my plate. I'm thinking eating better for you foods with smaller portions, and as others have mentioned more times a day will net the result I want.


While this thread has some great information in it, it didn't exactly go the direction I wanted it to. I was more looking for meal ideas, things to try, how people prepair their foods as I know there are some people on here who do eat healthy on a regular basis. I've gotten some great ideas on better foods to try, though I'm prolly just going to surf the web for a while seeing what I can find to try. I was just looking for things people here already eat and like to try first.

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I get what your saying, but I'm not going to become a vegitarian to try to lose some weight. It's not a super pressing issue to lose the weight as fast as possible, I have no real health issues (yet, but it's a road I'd rather not go down) and losing over time I'm okay with. I think part of my problem is what evan mentioned before, I feel I need to clean my plate. I'm thinking eating better for you foods with smaller portions, and as others have mentioned more times a day will net the result I want.


While this thread has some great information in it, it didn't exactly go the direction I wanted it to. I was more looking for meal ideas, things to try, how people prepair their foods as I know there are some people on here who do eat healthy on a regular basis. I've gotten some great ideas on better foods to try, though I'm prolly just going to surf the web for a while seeing what I can find to try. I was just looking for things people here already eat and like to try first.



What kind of food prep are you looking for? Quick and easy?

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Do you want X amount of weight loss?


Do you want X+X amount of weightloss?


I think it's more like X^y.


Especially in Ketonic state. A piece of bread can knock you out of ketosis for a day or more, continuously staying aligned to the values of the identity allows you to build exponentially on the previous day's progression.

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I think it's more like X^y.


Especially in Ketonic state. A piece of bread can knock you out of ketosis for a day or more, continuously staying aligned to the values of the identity allows you to build exponentially on the previous day's progression.


Why on earth would you want to be in a ketonic state other than for a BB comp?

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1200-1500 is about right for an average male.


Majority of that should be consumed by 6pm and 40-50% of it should be protein. Fill your dinner with green leafy veggies and a small portion of berries for your carbs. This alone will help you see weight loss. Anything consumed after 6pm should be broccoli or green veggies as they offer minimal calories and alot of fiber.


I have such a fast metabolism that id be starving by 9pm and wouldnt be able to to fall sleep if i ate my 1200 before 5pm. I know you said majority, but damn. Ive gotten into the habbit of eating huge meals like an hour before i go to bed.

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I get what your saying, but I'm not going to become a vegitarian to try to lose some weight.


I'm definitely not advocating vegetarianism or veganism, I feel that is much more extreme that doing a cut diet for 12 weeks. In fact, I am eating chicken right now while I cut. I'll go back to a vegan diet after I get vascular.

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I have such a fast metabolism that id be starving by 9pm and wouldnt be able to to fall sleep if i ate my 1200 before 5pm. I know you said majority, but damn. Ive gotten into the habbit of eating huge meals like an hour before i go to bed.


What are your goals and what is your current body composition?

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What kind of food prep are you looking for? Quick and easy?


More or less, yes. I'm looking for something that could be prepaired on a nightly basis after work but we don't want to spend all night in the kitchen. I wouldn't mind cooking longer on the weekends. How are grilled foods for you in general compaired to say cooked in a pan on a range? I'm asking because I like to cook on the grill whenever I can when its warmer outside.

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Why on earth would you want to be in a ketonic state other than for a BB comp?


I lose weight best through ketosis, I do subscribe to a pre-contest BB plan. Chicken, Broccoli, almonds 6 times a day; glycogen refeed every 18th meal.


I posted the link earlier, I'm sure you are intimately familiar with the methods:


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