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Hey tough guy. Come in here.


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So the Arnold thread has been entertaining and seems to be turning in direction. I wanted to address where I think it's heading in a thread of its own.


How strong is optimal Vs. how BIG is realistic?


It's been mentioned that strong and big are different in many people. I can certainly agree with that. Big seems to be an ego compensation thing. Now, I understand there are the strong man types. The huge people who focus on picking up a Buick's worth of weight. I get that. But the gym rat "bodybuilder" for size and not strength, that's the "status" or "ego" one that I don't get. There is a ton of discipline that goes into training your body to grow, be strong, or both. Not to mention the money for the right foods and supplements, if you choose. Growing can be a byproduct of strength development, that's understood.


So what's too big? What's useable mass and strength? And when do you decide you're there, and it's time to maintain?


What is all this strength for? If it's your job and you have hard labor that has built you, I get that. I acknowledge the professional types who hit the workouts hard (note that I didn't just say "Gym"). But why do it? To be healthy? You can do that and not be strong or big, right. Maybe Tilly or Doc can chime in with the Phyc side of that this is leaning toward.


Are you in shape to protect yourself or your loved ones? Do you train in a certain discipline as well as working out? Most could agree, when it comes to technique in fighting and ability, it's not the strong man built (that huge guy) that would win the fight, but the skilled fighter. So, the bloated beef cake dude at the gym, where's his or her head? I think the mind set is "I will scare them away or be able to hit them one time and knock them out". The universal fight plan for most, is to hit them one time and knock them out. The likelihood of that happening is pretty low. And most that think that, are the ones who don't train in a fight style. The "what if's" are endless here. I'm simply addressing them to think through them.


Fuck working out, I have a gun. This guy kind of scares me the most. "I'm a tough guy, because I have a gun". That false confidence will hurt you or the people around you. The gun should be your last go to option, once all other means have failed and the threat is still escalating.


So how does someone balance all these things? It's on you for that. What do you like? What do you see yourself wanting to do or get better at? Try to find a balance of strong fit, medium + build, with some form of fighting technique, combined those things with weapons training (not just guns). That combination is the warrior. Is that what you are after subconsciously or consciously? Or are you just trying to get chicks and have a status on the sceen?


I asked more questions than I gave aswers. What's CR's take?

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Working out = beer muscles = get girls,done and done.


Compensating for something by working out a lot,a lot of people are guilty of that,isnt it just how you carry yourself that pushes you into the tool category ?


The gun thing is just a bit further down the line from that.

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you already established yourself as the apha male in the thread

I'm so huge right now. Swoooooooooooooooooool bro. Like, you don't even know.


I had sex for 3 hours, then ate some chicken. Then, I had sex for 3 more hours, while you were at the Arnold. She left in a wheel chair with disability forms to fill out.



Then I went and lifted.


i nor anyone else can compete with that. I only had sex once for 3 hours straight, and was exhausted after that, so hats off to you.

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you already established yourself as the apha male in the thread



i nor anyone else can compete with that. I only had sex once for 3 hours straight, and was exhausted after that, so hats off to you.


As much as I was being sacastic in that thread, there are some valid points and veiws voiced there. I started this one as a discussion of the outlook and peoples thoughts Vs a "my way is better than yours".


I very much agree with some of what you say, but can also see that Carl has made a good observation as well. I'd like to see what CR says and think it's interesting.

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Tough guy, checking in!


If I could do a graph, I'd show the trending importance of maintaining strength and flexibility, while minimizing chances for injury, as you get older. Muscle training to stay strong and keep fit FTW.


I'm bigger than Joe, but he's got my respect: you can't earn that getting BIG in the gym and off of bulk suppliments.

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Fuck working out, I have a gun. This guy kind of scares me the most. "I'm a tough guy, because I have a gun". That false confidence will hurt you or the people around you. The gun should be your last go to option, once all other means have failed and the threat is still escalating.


That sums up most of CR.

I wouldn't have any doubt in my mind that most of the gun owners on here, if put in a situation where they had to fight with their hands, would pull out a gun and shoot somebody. :dumb:


Bunch of Zimmerman's on here. Prolly get shot if you get into a car wreck with them.

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That sums up most of CR.

I wouldn't have any doubt in my mind that most of the gun owners on here, if put in a situation where they had to fight with their hands, would pull out a gun and shoot somebody. :dumb:


Bunch of Zimmerman's on here. Prolly get shot if you get into a car wreck with them.


No sense in working up a sweat. :fuckyeah:

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Some people just enjoy seeing progress, whether is be size or strength. Its an addiction that some people have a hard time letting go.


This I relate to quite a bit. I have dialed down. But, I value the time it took for me to grow. I was a very small guy out of high school, at 119lbs. I had a time where life focused around training in the gym. I got a little size on my frame and went on to doing a some other training, but kept the workouts going. Keeping a balance of health, strength, and skill have been what I lean toward now. My views and goals have evolved a bit for me from when I started working out.

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I train for myself, and size/strength. I started training as I left a job that required physical fitness to a sit down job. Got skinny fat then decided to change that. Bulked from 170-250. Cut to 235- then 215, then decided to cut to 195 for 198 pl weight class. My ideal weight is a lean (12-14% bf) 235 @ 5'8". Currently @ 220. Several years to go doing this natty. Currently switching from pl to bodybuilding but ill never stop training heavy as long as I am able to do so.
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There's that guy I watched a documentary on that is the best arm wrestler in the world. Never been beaten in like 25 years.


He's pretty small.




His arm that he uses for arm wrestling is cartoonishly big compared to his other arm. His right forearm is 18inches...

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Chris p and josh r should come in here, one is a burley roided weight lifter, the other is an "mma" billy badass. Both aways talk about fighting and always on the verge of " knocking mother fuckers out" and when shit does hit the fan in their favor, they run from the fight and let his younger brother get stomped to the ground by 5 dudes.
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John Brzenk. His arms both look the same size to me, and again he's really small compared to most "bodybuilders". I watched him take them down without any real effort.



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Reasons I work out:


Improve Cardiovascular system

Less fat pushing against and clogging my veins and arteries

Look good for my wife

Be able to keep up and play with my son

Increases and releases endorphin (keep away depression)

personal pride

being able to eat what I want (to a point) and not gain weight

just trying to look good overall


- most companies will hire a guy (or gal) that looks 'in shape' over a person that looks out of shape or doesn't take care of themselves. Sometimes they associate that with your work ethic, or quality of work that you do. If you can't take care of your own body, how will you be able to take care of the work that is assigned to you - these are not my words, just what I have read that employers unwillingly admit to(anonymously), but participate in......


I was a personal trainer for almost 2 years, and here was the main reason people came to train:


They were about to get married (want to look 'good' on their wedding day)

They wanted to find a mate (get married)

They were about to get a divorce (get ready to find a new mate)

Want to improve health

Enjoyed working out


(this is about in order of popularity ^^)

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I workout because I love it. Sure, I look at strength gains but it isn't my #1 concern. Lifting, dieting and supplementing have become a major part of my life. I am currently 6'1 198 and would like to be a solid 205-210. I'm content with being that big. Obviously keeping body fat between 8-12%.
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That sums up most of CR.

I wouldn't have any doubt in my mind that most of the gun owners on here, if put in a situation where they had to fight with their hands, would pull out a gun and shoot somebody. :dumb:


Bunch of Zimmerman's on here. Prolly get shot if you get into a car wreck with them.


Krav first, pistol as an absolute last resort.


No sense in working up a sweat. :fuckyeah:




Getting big or strong lifting weights is not necessarily equal to being fit.



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Getting big or strong lifting weights is not necessarily equal to being fit.


I choose my words to reflect that. I don't want it assumed I just mean going to the gym is the only way to do things.


I was a personal trainer for almost 2 years, and here was the main reason people came to train:


They were about to get married (want to look 'good' on their wedding day)

They wanted to find a mate (get married)

They were about to get a divorce (get ready to find a new mate)

Want to improve health

Enjoyed working out


(this is about in order of popularity ^^)


It really bugs me that a high percentage are in that priority in the US.

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