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70 MPH Speed limits coming soon?


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Although I'm excited about 70 mph, we will still have retards going 65 in the fast lane holding everyone up.


This. Of course, if the limit goes up to 70, and OHP starts ticketing slowness in the hammer lane, you'll have my vote on both (even though my aborted four-banger can barely even go 70, but that's beside the point).

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This. Of course, if the limit goes up to 70, and OHP starts ticketing slowness in the hammer lane, you'll have my vote on both (even though my aborted four-banger can barely even go 70, but that's beside the point).


In ALL surrounding states i see singage stating keep right unless passing. I don't think that is a law in Ohio, but if they bumped the speed limit to 70 this would have to be enforced.

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They have waited so long they should raise it to 80mph.


As has been discussed, would you really want some of the clapped out deathtraps allowed to go 80? As nice as it would be to be legally allowed to do 80, we'd probably spend most of the time doing 25 on the highway while they clean up dead bodies thrown out of 1989 Camrys.

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The neat thing is this year they tied the 70 MPH bump into the budget so if they wants their monies they have to pass it. This will only be for roads in "non urban/metro" area though so our Columbus ones may not be all that changed. The state highway patrol have already signed off on it saying they are most worried about crashes in the urban areas which make up the lions share of accidents. Those limits won't be touched.
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As has been discussed, would you really want some of the clapped out deathtraps allowed to go 80? As nice as it would be to be legally allowed to do 80, we'd probably spend most of the time doing 25 on the highway while they clean up dead bodies thrown out of 1989 Camrys.


I wouldn't but the speed limits don't keep them from going that fast now. The people maintain their vehicles shouldn't have to continue to suffer. Just remind them that it's the max not the mandatory.

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After being stuck behind some dipshit in an SUV clogging the left lane doing 55 on 71N (with 2 semis in the right lanes) on the way to work today, I really don't think this is going to change a whole lot. Just lesser fines for if/when you get pulled over. The left lane retards are the problem with traffic, not the casual folks just cruising along at the speed limit in the middle/right lanes.
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