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lambos are cool


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My friend used to promote bands down at OU. One time in college he had a band come in to town to play and they ended up staying at his house. So, they all get back to his house after the show and everyone is wasted etc. the lead singer pulls out a Baggie of cocaine and says "who wants to snort a line of coke off my dick?" Thinking that some hot chick would oblige. Instead, some random dude yells "for free????". And the lead singer (puzzled that a man spoke up) said reluctantly...."yes". Apparently it killed the entire mood of the entire party. People stared in awe, disgust, and confusion as one man blew a line of coke off another mans penis for what seemed like an hour, but was actually 3 seconds. The party then immediately dissolved and a very awkward silence filled the house as everyone slowly crept to their rooms in utter disbelief. This is a 100% true story.


And, the moral of the story is....sometimes things don't go as planned. And people think you are gay.


I didn't picture you as a cocaine type of guy.

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Thorne and Fill, holy fuckery. Not that I know either of you "very well", I can say Thorne did my tune on the specB and that car is about perfect. Find another Subie that can get 29.7 MPG and still have around 300whp map. Almost 2 years later, and no issues. When compared, same car to same car and mods, his work on mine has out performed others cars. And I have reliability aparently, after 2 years and 30,000 miles.
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When you weld to the block.





ANNNNNNNNND back on topic resumes in

























"You're a peasant! I'm rich and intelligent."

"Boy you can't touch my money clip!"


All that money and you can't seem to become more than a slug of a man. Just a 280lb, worthless fat-body. This cup of lard, I toast to you, sir David.

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"Never underestimate the power of internet stupidity! So, we get messaged that apparently there's a rumor about Stig's block being junk due to excessive heat from welding extra supports to the engine. So we track down the rumor and find out that the source is an employee of a 'competing' shop; not surprising given what jealousy does to people. But what makes it HILARIOUS is the fact that these supports are apparently magical. First, they were welded onto the block back in February of 2012 at the very shop whose employee started the rumor. Then, they allowed the block to work perfectly and run in the video we posted back in September. And now, they have gone back to ruining the block!


Jealousy is a bitch!!"

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I'd like to see the car run, but even when he is defending himself and his company, he is still arrogant as fuck. I think that's the biggest reason people want to see him fail. And he said it ran last September, I didn't know it ran since it went to his shop.
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I'd like to see the car run, but even when he is defending himself and his company, he is still arrogant as fuck. I think that's the biggest reason people want to see him fail. And he said it ran last September, I didn't know it ran since it went to his shop.


Starting and idling is a far cry from "running" as any car guy would be concenred.

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"Never underestimate the power of internet stupidity! So, we get messaged that apparently there's a rumor about Stig's block being junk due to excessive heat from welding extra supports to the engine. So we track down the rumor and find out that the source is an employee of a 'competing' shop; not surprising given what jealousy does to people. But what makes it HILARIOUS is the fact that these supports are apparently magical. First, they were welded onto the block back in February of 2012 at the very shop whose employee started the rumor. Then, they allowed the block to work perfectly and run in the video we posted back in September. And now, they have gone back to ruining the block!


Jealousy is a bitch!!"



Bob at Performance Research is the one that said the block is junk from welding on it.

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What an idiot...


How that clown gets a sense that he has any intellect, is beyond me.


+ 1 million


I feel like Wiggs thinks he's some kind of articulate genius when he says generic phrases like "never underestimate the power of internet stupidity." Like such a basic, common statement is so intellectual in his mind.


The paragraph above totally reeks of Wiggs and his holier-than-thou, smart guy bullshit. What a poser. As many others on CR have pointed out, "money doesn't buy intelligence" (or class, or humility). In Wiggs' case, just an undeserved sense of accomplishment. And a really expensive paperweight he so creatively named "The Stig" :rolleyes:

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such a basic, common statement is so intellectual in his mind.


That would be called "his barometer is off".


When someone thinks that they say things that are deep or intellectual and they are way off; they are either too proud of where they are in life, or just plain dumb. I don't know DWiggs nor do I care about the drama that he is involved in inside the Lamborghini scene. I'm not there yet.


But, from what I have viewed.... He is a guy with a lot of money and a lot to prove because of the holes that he's dug for himself. His attitude is not of an accomplished company owner, but that of a spoiled 17 year old who desperately seeks attention. It is pitiful to see grown men act like children especially since he is responsible for other people's livelihood as he does have employees. He is who he is because of the way he assumes that people perceive him. He will never change. But in his own mind he will think he is continually growing intellectually as he learns more about life/stuff and he will think that he is at a 10/10 (scale) when he's really at a 4/10. Like I said.... His barometer is off.

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That would be called "his barometer is off".


When someone thinks that they say things that are deep or intellectual and they are way off; they are either too proud of where they are in life, or just plain dumb. I don't know DWiggs nor do I care about the drama that he is involved in inside the Lamborghini scene. I'm not there yet.


But, from what I have viewed.... He is a guy with a lot of money and a lot to prove because of the holes that he's dug for himself. His attitude is not of an accomplished company owner, but that of a spoiled 17 year old who desperately seeks attention. It is pitiful to see grown men act like children especially since he is responsible for other people's livelihood as he does have employees. He is who he is because of the way he assumes that people perceive him. He will never change. But in his own mind he will think he is continually growing intellectually as he learns more about life/stuff and he will think that he is at a 10/10 (scale) when he's really at a 4/10. Like I said.... His barometer is off.


This. Unfortunately with this comes his arrogance and his sense of self worth (which again goes back to his barometer being off).

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