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Can we just get this back on track about how Nate has thoroughly fucked some shit up? Hell, my '86 MR2 was too much for him to handle in the end. Had him make me an exhaust that fell apart in no time, he then stole tires off of some rims I had and replaced them with garbage bald tires. Before that I had traded him some nice rims and tires off of the pos '93mr2 I had, and he totally fucked me and didn't keep his end of the deal. Also stole a side vent he said he would "mod" for me as part of the trade. Got to love a good and honest person.


I am personally very glad to see the destruction of a very expensive engine due to assumptions. More people need to know about the lack of intelligence, AND integrity.

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I don't have enough time or fucks in my bank account to give for another persons trouble. Its spring people. Quit worrying about how someone else broke their race car and get in your garage and get ready to break your own... if you even race
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Can we just get this back on track about how Nate has thoroughly fucked some shit up? Hell, my '86 MR2 was too much for him to handle in the end. Had him make me an exhaust that fell apart in no time, he then stole tires off of some rims I had and replaced them with garbage bald tires. Before that I had traded him some nice rims and tires off of the pos '93mr2 I had, and he totally fucked me and didn't keep his end of the deal. Also stole a side vent he said he would "mod" for me as part of the trade. Got to love a good and honest person.


I am personally very glad to see the destruction of a very expensive engine due to assumptions. More people need to know about the lack of intelligence, AND integrity.



Why the fuck would you keep fucking with the dude if he kept fucking you? WTF?

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:lol: im not the only one who has heard these events then. WAY TO GO THORNE!!! blowing up motors like you blow the ips managment. if the whole vp thing doesnt workout, you can always blow a homeless man to let you tune his shopping cart

Goddamnit, I haven't laughed this hard while reading CR in a long time. I have no stake in this, but your lover's quarrel has me dying over here.

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My friend used to promote bands down at OU. One time in college he had a band come in to town to play and they ended up staying at his house. So, they all get back to his house after the show and everyone is wasted etc. the lead singer pulls out a Baggie of cocaine and says "who wants to snort a line of coke off my dick?" Thinking that some hot chick would oblige. Instead, some random dude yells "for free????". And the lead singer (puzzled that a man spoke up) said reluctantly...."yes". Apparently it killed the entire mood of the entire party. People stared in awe, disgust, and confusion as one man blew a line of coke off another mans penis for what seemed like an hour, but was actually 3 seconds. The party then immediately dissolved and a very awkward silence filled the house as everyone slowly crept to their rooms in utter disbelief. This is a 100% true story.


And, the moral of the story is....sometimes things don't go as planned. And people think you are gay.

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