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Knee popping


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My knee started popping a couple of weeks ago. It ppops every time I move it side to side or bending it. It feels a little loose but there is no pain at all. I know we have some people in this field on the board and wanted to know if I should be concerned enough to go see someone. I did some research online and I see a lot of people saying not to worry to much about it if there is no pain.
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My knees have been doing it for years, never bothered me too much. Be careful moving it sideways too much though (since you say your knee seems loose), I have had mine pop out of joint a couple times (or so it felt like it) and the second time when I went to the doctor he said it was sprained.
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I would go to the doctor and have it checked out. Not sure how old you are but stuff like this doesn't tend to get better with age. I wouldn't want to ignore something like that and then regret it when your 50 and rocking a cane or worse yet a wheel chair. Won't hurt anything to go get it looked at.
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You should be seen by a sports medicine doctor as soon as possible. It might be the fact that nothing that can be fixed, but if it is something that can be fixed, it will prevent further damage that may predestine you for a total joint replacement down the road. There are several new treatments for knee damage that did not exist just a few years ago. I would want to at least be evaluated before it becomes possibly unrepairable.
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You should be seen by a sports medicine doctor as soon as possible. It might be the fact that nothing that can be fixed, but if it is something that can be fixed, it will prevent further damage that may predestine you for a total joint replacement down the road. There are several new treatments for knee damage that did not exist just a few years ago. I would want to at least be evaluated before it becomes possibly unrepairable.


Shouldn't you be steering him towards a total knee? :gabe:

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Shouldn't you be steering him towards a total knee? :gabe:


I love selling total knees, but would only want one if it was a last resort. It is major surgery, regardless of what anyone might say. They work great, cartilage replacement is a new option.

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Ok I will go see our friend in New Albany. My mom had her knee replaced about 7 years ago and it was awful. I Deffinitly don't want that.


lots of people have knee replacements that don't have problems with them. I've known a few that have had knees and hips replaced (the older you get the more of these people you know) and some have had problems getting through rehab while others not so much. Problem with these injuries is they become a problem when age is a factor in your rehab. The older you get the more likely you'll have a longer recovery time. Some of it is physical condition though and not age. My wifes grandma is 90 and had a hip replacement last year and had zero problems with rehab but she's been very active her whole life. The moral here I think is to get it looked at while you're young in case there's some preventative or less invasive stuff that can be done. I went for an MRI today on my back.....been hurting on/off for 20 years and I was always able to just work through it. These days though it hurts more often and hurts worse. Want to just see where I'm at. I'm a long ways off surgery but I want to at least see what my options are.

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Squats, knee extensions, and the stairclimbers, keep me and sledhead in business. More than likely chondromalacia patella. Get in to see a dr to make sure you don't have a meniscal tear. Stop doing squats with heavy weight. Concentrate on isometric or short arc quad exercises. Take ibuprofen 600mg three times a day if you're having pain, and it should quickly go away. Let me know if you need a knee dr referral, I know some of the better ones
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so this is a serious thing? I asked my Dr. in 8th grade and he said growing pains and they would go away after a couple months.... Both my knees pop when i crouch/squat down, and my elbows, back, wrists, fingers, toes, ankles, and oddly enough my tail bone pop. My ankles pop with every step. Im 26, and don't lift anything besides parts at work, i played football from 7th-9th grade and was in marching band in high school...


(enter band camp jokes/ the buster here)

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Tons of people have it. Your body is incredible---if its doing damage, it will hurt. If not, carry on as normal. Your patella (knee cap) works with your femur and tibia like a transmission, that allows you to walk. If the patella is not aligned perfectly within the groove on the end of the femur, it will pop and click when you bend and straighten the knee under load (getting up from a prolonged seated position--think at the dinner table, driving, on the shitter, and at the movie theater).


If this hurts, it's doing damage to the underside of the kneecap and groove. One way the align the patella is to strengthen the inner quad muscle, through short arc or isometric exercise. Surgery to align the patella is fraught with complications and shitty results.



Bottom line is that squats are indeed bad for the knee. Especially if you have this condition

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My left knee started clicking after a long run this week. No pain, just a click with every extension. I have a radial tear in my lateral meniscus in my right knee that I haven't had patched up (damaged it 11 years ago when I was a poor college kid).


Am I going to die?

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