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Those with kids....Minecraft Game


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So my 10yr old is very into Minecraft. IMO a cheesy but popular online game. I hate this game and it's PIA interface for installing mods, etc....it's all loaded with spyware links and what not.


Soooo....does anyone know of any good games similar to this that he might like if I buy an actual fucking real game?


Insight appreciate.

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I fucking hate minecraft. My best friend plays it all the fucking time


The man asked for opinionson other games, he already has stated he hated this game. Keep it on topic


Gezz go listen to your saab spool or something.

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I fucking hate minecraft. My best friend plays it all the fucking time


From what I see of it while he plays is it's like legos for a PC. He loves it but I've tried installing all the "mods" and not one of them works and they are SO MOTHER FUCKING CONFUSING......GOD DAMN! I just wasted 1hr trying to get them working that I could toss his PC out the window.


Whadda bout world of warcraft? Paul used to play it and look at him now.


That's a thought...hmmm......all I want is to go to the store, plop down some cash and have something for him that is intuitive to have fun with. Will look into it.

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As one who came out the other side of a nearly decade long addiction I would do everything in my power to keep a child away from MMORPGs. You can slip into some very nasty habits (poor sleeping habits, loss of face to face social skills, etc..) take it from someone who saw the very ugly side of it keep them away!
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I played minecraft back when it was in beta for a bit. Got bored with it and decided to stop gaming all together. Ended up giving the account to my bosses 9 year old son. I guess he is very addicted to it also.


Are you looking for games that are similar in the fashion of building things? Or just other free to play MMORPG? Id tell you to have a look at runescape, but it isnt exactly a build it up game.


Or, tell him to go outside or something.

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As one who came out the other side of a nearly decade long addiction I would do everything in my power to keep a child away from MMORPGs. You can slip into some very nasty habits (poor sleeping habits, loss of face to face social skills, etc..) take it from someone who saw the very ugly side of it keep them away!


Good advice. We strictly limit his time. He gets 30 minutes per day with an occasional 60 minutes if his school work for the week is solid.


Whadda bout world of warcraft? Paul used to play it and look at him now.


Looks cool but his Dual Core PC with only 2GB of RAM and a DELL video card wouldn't work and I'm not letting him use another PC. Oh well.


I played minecraft back when it was in beta for a bit. Got bored with it and decided to stop gaming all together. Ended up giving the account to my bosses 9 year old son. I guess he is very addicted to it also.


Not addicted just very into it.


Are you looking for games that are similar in the fashion of building things? Or just other free to play MMORPG? Id tell you to have a look at runescape, but it isnt exactly a build it up game.


He really likes the building of things and Simulator like stuff. Looking more into Simulation Games.


Or, tell him to go outside or something.


haha! He's into more physical stuff than I can handle. Soccer, Baseball, Karate, Bike Riding, etc......he's already very tan where I look like an Irishman locked in a closet in the middle of winter.

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If he likes Minecraft, how about good old fashioned Legos? KillJoy


Has them and litterally 5,000+ Knex. We have all kinds of fun with them, but his "electronics time" includes Minecraft.


Tim, do you have xbox? Get it for him on that. The mods and add ons work a lot better than on the pc. My son and daughter play all the time. If he gets it on xbox send me a pm and he can add my son as a friend.


Great offer....we have a Wii though. Will have to see if it's available on that. The one cool thing about Minecraft is we have it on a PC in his room (which I have locked down and under controls), iPads and iPhones. So even if we're traveling which we do a lot, he and his sister can play.

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Roblox is similar and simpler. My nephew plays them both and your right the minecraft mods are tricky.


I noticed the spyware is really bad on both when you try to download the mods. I have a special computer just for my nephew when he comes to visit and I have to clean it when he leaves.

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Terraria is a really fun game. Similar to minecraft in a way but little more to it. Has a hell of a learning curve though.


Other option would be deleting all the mods and just get a big 'mod pack' for minecraft from one of the reputable sites.

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If you dont already have it get him Lego Mindstorms. I loved that stuff when I was his age. You can do some cool shit with it. I built a joystick controlled potato cannon using it, then a guy installing my parents hot tub called me a 10 year old terrorist :(
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