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I am Clay's new car


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Still have the Jaguar in Florida, or did I miss a transaction?




I sourced the Jaguar and my FiL split the purchase price with me. We've been using it most of the time we're down there, but on occasion they are down at their condo at the same time it can get...confusing. :) Passat would just be a 2nd option. #poorpeopleproblems I know, but it would be really helpful if my wife is out in a meeting or taking the kids somewhere and I want to meet up with a friend or whatnot.


Actually, I rather like driving the Jag! I really like that it's so long, with plenty of interior room and trunk space, yet low-slung and sleek looking. DAT AUTOMATIC :barf:


So when do you go get it?


DIS WEEKEND! Be back for CC&C on August 2nd.

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