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Getting in trouble on days off..


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I just have to vent this and it feels comfortable placing it in The Passing Lane. Ever wish you DIDN'T have a day off? Find yourself getting into trouble on days you don't have to be punching the clock, turning a wrench, sitting behind a desk?


Someone please explain to me why I just about bought ANOTHER car yesterday? Is there a cure for this..? And to whomever of us picked up the black 4 door sedan from Jack Maxton yesterday...thank you for saving me. You know who you are, and I owe you a beer!

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NO! I didn't even want to add this one, I stopped to show my mother the Camero they have sitting in the corner spot then spotted the black devil sitting one row back. I think maybe its a personality weakness that I can legitimize another car...you need different ones for different occassions right? DD, Winter Ride, Race Car, Fair Weather Cruiser, Show car....right? RIGHT!?
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No not married, and my girlfriend just about shot me when I told her. I've learned through observation that Wives/Kids tend to cut into my toy budget/play time so I've stayed away from that at least for the moment. However...it was a perfectly reasonable car right? You NEED to have a reliable DD that's adult...and well the 4Runner as a DD just drinks gas...
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That's the fortunate part of living together, splitting expenses and 2 incomes instead of 1! Which unfortunately makes it even easier to reason out...hell if I just cut out a few nights of dining out a month I could easily absorb a car payment...besides...think about the fuel savings!!....
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Oh don't get me wrong I realize kids are wonderful little balls of joy, and being attached to the same partner legally and financially for the rest of my life sounds fantastically attractive...BUT I also realize that then I can't spend my money on ME.


To your point Kirk I try not to realize what I COULD own when looking back at what I HAVE owned. Thousands in upgrades here, thousands in upgrades/repairs there...oh the toys I could have.


Maybe kids/wives are put on this earth to make those of us with financial self control issues behave ourselves?

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You don't worry what I'm stroking Mr. Andrew! ;) It was me just venting and saying thanks to the masked person who picked up the G8 about 2 hours before I got there saving me from buying something I truely don't need.
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Marriage didn't fix the problem for me, I bought more stupid shit after getting married not less....more income to go around :D


I agree with Andy.


Before baby was born, bought an LS400. Two and a half months after baby was born, I bought my first Corvette, the '3 Z06. Not a year later, a 240SX and a few months later an E36 M3. This was a short 10 years ago.


Maybe I should get another kid, this time around I just might be able to get a Pagani Huayra ...

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In all honesty I am really glad the car went away before I walked in and bought it. Hopefully it went to a member around here who will take good care of and enjoy the beast for what she is. I'm sure most of you have similar feelings about "almost made" mistakes, just felt the need to vent and share mine :) It's a healing process...ya dig?
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