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30 years from now?


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I was talking to my son this week ( he'll be 10 next week) about things he has that I didn't at his age. It actually started me thinking about what life will be like when he's in his 40's and where all the next major advancements will be made. I think we're not close to topping out the technology inventions. I still think there are several life altering inventions to be made in technology. Another area that is on the verge of a huge change is automotive. At some point there has to be a major change there. We're still stuck using outdated technology. Granted we've moved it a long ways from the Ford Model A days but we've really only made the old technology better. I think there's going to be a huge shift when it comes to transportation.


I keep a journal that I started writing in when he was born. It's became more for all my kids but at the time he was the only one. I just write down random things from time to time as they come to me. I tell him what it was like growing up as a kid. Things like that. How we only had 3 channels on the TV, the only phones people had were attached to the wall in the house, ect ect. I started it because I wish I had things like that from my dad or grandpa.

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I thought I was the only weirdo to keep a journal for his son lol. I too started one when my boy was born, I write everything from random stories in my life, to what we did that day, just depends on my mood.


As for 30 years from now, I was just reading a thing about this on yahoo. Apparently some guy is working with the government already to create future technologies. His visions included McDonalds with basically only 1 employee in them. He said there would only be a need for 1 human to put food inside a robot, which would cook it, wrap it and deliver it out the window or over the counter.


His other vision was mobile surgery rooms. He basically stated that ambulances would be equipped with a Dr, Nurse and all equipment needed to do it on the spot rather than be taken to a hospital.


I always like reading these type of things cause I remember being a kid and hearing about how we'd all own flying cars by 2000...now that I think about it, I am going to go google "things that were predicted to happen, but never did" and "things that were predicted and came to be"

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I think it will be neat for my kids to have. If I think back to stories dad told me about how it was when he was younger and how it is now it's hard not to be a little amazed at how much the way of life has changed. I wish I had a hand written account of things from my dad or grandpa about their childhood. They both told me stories but those stories get lost over time without there being a written account of them. I remember a few of them but not near as many as they told me. My grandpa was half indian on his mom's side. It would be cool to know more about her and how my grandpa grew up.
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3 channels? come on man, youre only 40. my parents have 20 years on you, and they've never said anything of the sort...I barely even hear that from my grandparents


yep.....3 channels. I grew up in the middle of nowhere in Southeast Missouri. Cartoons were only on Saturday and generally it was televangelists most of the day Sunday. I bet if I thought about it a while or asked my older brother I could tell you what 3 channels they were. I remember the first time we got cable TV and I remember when HBO first came out. Back then you subscribed to HBO and they gave you a second box. My dad repaired electronics and was pretty good at that kinda thing. He borrowed someone's box and reverse engineered it. After that the cable companies started putting the filter out on the pole. I remember holding the flashlight for my older brother while he climbed the pole in the alley and put the filter in the line (or took it out....I don't remember exactly which he done) while dad talked him through it. :D.

Also had a "party line" telephone. That's where a bunch of different houses would all be on the same line so you would pick the phone up to make a call and someone up the road would be talking on it so you had to wait until they got finished or if it was an emergency you could ask them if you could make a call. Ask your parents about that kinda stuff.....bet you'd be surprised to hear some of the stuff they could tell you. I didn't walk 5 miles to school up hill both ways but a lot has changed since I was a little boy.

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Being a car forum you guys can maybe appreciate this one. My grandpa used to always tell me the story about how he got a speeding ticket on a horse. Him and a buddy were racing after work through town on their way home. When grandpa got home the cops showed up and gave him a ticket for speeding through town. :D
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Tonight I saw this on my facebook feed and thought it was pretty cool. This is video of Newark/Heath taken in 1985. It's amazing to see just how much has changed in 28 years. Unless you are from Newark you prob won't know how it's changed, but still a cool video to watch just for the older cars. Having lived here my whole life I can watch it and say "holy shit, there's a highway there now" haha.


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When I was a kid I had to masturbate to the Sears catalog, in 30 years hopefully a slut robot will do it for me.


Hilarious. Literally LOL'd



In 30 years we will probably all be lazy fat fucks from all the technology. I truly believe 3D printing is going to be a huge part of the future.

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he will look back and say people were allowed to own their own cars instead of being forced to use public transportation, when the government allows you to travel.

The world had enough food for the 7 billion people, but now with 10 billion and hippy regulations, we cannot support the population so only the wealthy are privileged

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he will look back and say people were allowed to own their own cars instead of being forced to use public transportation, when the government allows you to travel.

The world had enough food for the 7 billion people, but now with 10 billion and hippy regulations, we cannot support the population so only the wealthy are privileged


That will never happen! That's like saying the government could listen to your phone calls or track internet use without permission...

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That's a great idea.


Another area that is on the verge of a huge change is automotive. At some point there has to be a major change there. We're still stuck using outdated technology. Granted we've moved it a long ways from the Ford Model A days but we've really only made the old technology better. I think there's going to be a huge shift when it comes to transportation.


I think we've gone too far. When someone else can control a vehicle, from locking/unlocking doors to shutting off the motor to tracing it around the globe there is too much control that should be in my hands and isn't. Just my opinion.

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Tonight I saw this on my facebook feed and thought it was pretty cool. This is video of Newark/Heath taken in 1985. It's amazing to see just how much has changed in 28 years. Unless you are from Newark you prob won't know how it's changed, but still a cool video to watch just for the older cars. Having lived here my whole life I can watch it and say "holy shit, there's a highway there now" haha.



I have some home movie video from probably the late 70's when we came up here to visit my Aunt and Uncle. It was shot at Northland Shopping Center and there was nothing around it but fields.

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That will never happen! That's like saying the government could listen to your phone calls or track internet use without permission...


ya just tin foil stuff, good thing Obama got elected and put a stop into Bush's policies, and didn't expand on it like Romney would have done.....

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I really respect the OP for doing something that his kids will truly treasure. For a society today that has ZERO respect for history (both the advances AND McSteaks), that's a great thing.


The next 30 years are going to bring some major developments to service our human existance, with many of them not being so dramatically visible. At first, it will come from continual development of healthcare and technology advancements, with both ocean and space exploration once again becoming a focus as we continue to develop materials and (especially) ENERGY STORAGE capacities. At a cost scale (CHEAP) that makes many different aspects of our life more easily attainable and reliable than before.


Think about all of the internal combustion engines (generators, lawn mowers, vehicles, industrial applications) that could be replaced with electrical motors FEASIBLY, if only we had better electrical infrastructure as a society, or storage capacity for vehicles.


I'm certain my 2-year old will be sitting in a self-driving electric car by the time he greaduates college :eek:, and I would love to fly an electric plane that I didn't have to put fuel/oil into.

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