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Things that cost $$$ but bring no extra joy...


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I hate renting a house instead of buying one, however poor choices at a young age leave me no choice. I'd rather be putting money into a house rather than throwing it away on rent.

Would you? Too many people fall for the whole notion that owning a house is like unlocking some achievement on a video game. Whether you rent or own, all you're doing is putting a roof over your head, and the question of whether paying rent is "throwing your money away" needs to be examined more closely. Take, for example, 2007... my old man was heckling me as to why I was still renting when housing was going through the roof. I told him straight up that we were witnessing a bubble. Sure enough, that bubble popped, and not even two years later I was unemployed. However, my apartment was a good 30% below market rates, and that entire time I was socking away the difference, which let me stretch that unemployment pittance for well over a year before landing a new job. Had I bought a house in 2007, I'd have been foreclosed, declared bankruptcy, and been embarrassed to have to move back in with the parents at 30-some years old.


Today, that calculus has changed... housing has finally started its recovery, mortgage rates are dirt-fucking-cheap, and I've had a chance to build a new cash pile. Buying today makes sense *FOR ME*, but your situation may be that renting is the smarter choice. Trouble is, you have to rub a couple brain cells together and really think about whether or not that's the case, WITHOUT buying into the bullshit the home real estate lobby loves to shovel out to the media.

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Would you? Too many people fall for the whole notion that owning a house is like unlocking some achievement on a video game. Whether you rent or own, all you're doing is putting a roof over your head, and the question of whether paying rent is "throwing your money away" needs to be examined more closely. Take, for example, 2007... my old man was heckling me as to why I was still renting when housing was going through the roof. I told him straight up that we were witnessing a bubble. Sure enough, that bubble popped, and not even two years later I was unemployed. However, my apartment was a good 30% below market rates, and that entire time I was socking away the difference, which let me stretch that unemployment pittance for well over a year before landing a new job. Had I bought a house in 2007, I'd have been foreclosed, declared bankruptcy, and been embarrassed to have to move back in with the parents at 30-some years old.


Today, that calculus has changed... housing has finally started its recovery, mortgage rates are dirt-fucking-cheap, and I've had a chance to build a new cash pile. Buying today makes sense *FOR ME*, but your situation may be that renting is the smarter choice. Trouble is, you have to rub a couple brain cells together and really think about whether or not that's the case, WITHOUT buying into the bullshit the home real estate lobby loves to shovel out to the media.


I hate the idea that there is always something I would want to change about where I'm living, however putting money into a rental house would be just throwing it out the window when we move (depending on what you do to the house). Now say I have 30-40k to spend, if I bought a house for 15-20k that needed some love, I could pour the rest into making the house exactly what I want and have no mortgage/rent. I understand that any house I would pick up for that amount of money would need a lot of work, but with the budget at hand it could arguably be made at least livable depending on the shape of the house when purchased. Then I could just take what I save each month not paying rent or a mortgage and put that into making the house what I want. This is all just an idea I have been tossing around for a bit.

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Many of the things that cost $$ and bring no joy are associated with owning a home. Fuck, I hate spending money on shit that's no fun.


Today's purchase, $575 on a Honda Mower Hoorah...now I can mow my yard still..... :jerkit: Yeah, it's nice for a mower, but yard work still sucks.


Driveway - putting it off but will likely do next year.


What are some of yours?

I'd be excited about a new mower with all it's super sharp cutting glory. Maybe that's the latino in me. Hmm. Gonna have to buy a new one real soon, too, since we use our current landlords mower.


I enjoy home improvement projects...but I have a love for writing checks vs actually doing the work. Call me crazy but I enjoy upwards of 12 weeks of vacation per year and would much rather be on the beach while my new floors are going in than actually doing them myself.

Haha I can see the joy in that.


Two words....



Two words. Federal grants.

Here are some more words: Used books, though that's seems to be getting harder since the damn schools keep making school specific books that you can't sell to someone from another college or they simply keep making books obsolete and having you buy some new edition with 1 page different. :mad:

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I hate renting a house instead of buying one, however poor choices at a young age leave me no choice. I'd rather be putting money into a house rather than throwing it away on rent.


Would you? Too many people fall for the whole notion that owning a house is like unlocking some achievement on a video game. Whether you rent or own, all you're doing is putting a roof over your head, and the question of whether paying rent is "throwing your money away" needs to be examined more closely. Take, for example, 2007... my old man was heckling me as to why I was still renting when housing was going through the roof. I told him straight up that we were witnessing a bubble. Sure enough, that bubble popped, and not even two years later I was unemployed. However, my apartment was a good 30% below market rates, and that entire time I was socking away the difference, which let me stretch that unemployment pittance for well over a year before landing a new job. Had I bought a house in 2007, I'd have been foreclosed, declared bankruptcy, and been embarrassed to have to move back in with the parents at 30-some years old.


Today, that calculus has changed... housing has finally started its recovery, mortgage rates are dirt-fucking-cheap, and I've had a chance to build a new cash pile. Buying today makes sense *FOR ME*, but your situation may be that renting is the smarter choice. Trouble is, you have to rub a couple brain cells together and really think about whether or not that's the case, WITHOUT buying into the bullshit the home real estate lobby loves to shovel out to the media.


I've been through this same debate with my gf all last month. She's on the buying side, I'm on the rental side. There's alot of shit to consider that many don't when thinking of buying a house. We've settled on renting a bit more for now.

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A few months ago I threw away all my socks and bought 30-some pairs of new ones, all the same kind. Mornings improved 23% not having to dig around for a matching pair.




White sock drawer.

Black sock drawer.

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Fuck socks and shoes. Walk around barefoot everywhere. The only place shoes should be used is walking on snow, cliff jumping into water, and swimming around coral reefs. In before hippy comments. Enjoy suffocating your feet.
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I hate replacing toilets and finding rusty bolts that won't come off. Then finding a rusted out toilet flange. Then finding out the old water hose isn't long enough and having to go out and get a new one. Then hoping there are no leaks, especially on a second floor bathroom.


But hey, I have a nice new shiny, great flushing toilet for my kids to somehow ruin.

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Used books, though that's seems to be getting harder since the damn schools keep making school specific books that you can't sell to someone from another college or they simply keep making books obsolete and having you buy some new edition with 1 page different. :mad:


Clamp your books together and use a saw to chop the spine off. Then feed it through a double sided scanner. Compile to PDF, run OCR, upload to TPB, happy days.

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A few months ago I threw away all my socks and bought 30-some pairs of new ones, all the same kind. Mornings improved 23% not having to dig around for a matching pair.


Just did the same thing. Socks everywhere.

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