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After seven years of trying...

Otis Nice

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That was all good advice, and I will add that if you know the sex of the baby you should start buying clothes out of season. i.e. Buy next years summer clothes in fall, winter in spring, etc. You get huge deals when the stores are clearing out last seasons clothes, and you know you're going to need them.


Buy a good car seat and stay away from used ones. If they have been in an accident or are beyond a certain age you are supposed to throw them out. Not only do safety regulations and technology change, but plastic gets more brittle over time.


Congrats and good luck!

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Enjoy the baby times it seems like forever and a hassle, but he'll grow up fast and you'll miss it.

Help change those diapers too, wife will love you for it.


With what we've been through the struggle will be more than worth it. We've long dreamed of being woken up to the cry of a little one. I know that's easy to say now so we'll see. Haha.


As for the diapers...I'll do my best, but no promises. :)


That was all good advice, and I will add that if you know the sex of the baby you should start buying clothes out of season. i.e. Buy next years summer clothes in fall, winter in spring, etc. You get huge deals when the stores are clearing out last seasons clothes, and you know you're going to need them.


Buy a good car seat and stay away from used ones. If they have been in an accident or are beyond a certain age you are supposed to throw them out. Not only do safety regulations and technology change, but plastic gets more brittle over time.


Congrats and good luck!


Won't know the sex for awhile but according to a few friends and fam with multiple kids, most with at least one of each, they say the heart rate (126) means most likely a little man is on the way. We're just praying for a healthy baby at this point, but I appreciate this advice too. The grandparents want to start buying now and 3 separate baby showers have already been discussed. Hoping we'll get all we need there and only have to worry about the small things. :)

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Won't know the sex for awhile but according to a few friends and fam with multiple kids, most with at least one of each, they say the heart rate (126) means most likely a little man is on the way.


I've also heard the heart-rate thing (low for boys, high for girls), but a lot of that can depend on just how active your little one is at the time of the visit. If your wife's at the 12-14 week mark, there's a nub which becomes the sex bits that is quite pronounced, and sticks out for boys while laying flat for girls (assuming your little fish has an exhibitionist streak and lets the tech get the right angle shot)

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my boy loved sleeping in the baby bjorn. i would play halo 3 while he slept. one time, i played so long with him in the bjorn, he got sunburned from sun coming in the window--yeah, i got yelled at for that one.



don't let your child crawl around naked---one of our twins had a #2 explosion while crawling around (thank god it was while we were in florida, and it was a rental house)--that house saw more shit then you could imagine. dog tried to lick her butt.


congrats. hang on for the ride

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Congrats man!


Enjoy the little things that make you smile/laugh and take lots of pics. They change so much especially in the first year....you'll be amazed looking back.


Also, remember you and your wife are on the same team. Stick together through and through....kids change EVERYTHING so be flexible and have an open mind. Try not to let the little stuff bother you...

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Congrats man!


Enjoy the little things that make you smile/laugh and take lots of pics. They change so much especially in the first year....you'll be amazed looking back.


Also, remember you and your wife are on the same team. Stick together through and through....kids change EVERYTHING so be flexible and have an open mind. Try not to let the little stuff bother you...


+1. The diff between my wife and ex's is we have never doubted if we were there for the long haul regardless of what happens or what we have to do to get where we need to be. We are a good opposite of each other. Shes loving/caring and I have no care for feelings and/or only worry about task at hand. We compromise and come up with a good plan at the end.

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With what we've been through the struggle will be more than worth it. We've long dreamed of being woken up to the cry of a little one. I know that's easy to say now so we'll see. Haha.


As for the diapers...I'll do my best, but no promises. :)




Won't know the sex for awhile but according to a few friends and fam with multiple kids, most with at least one of each, they say the heart rate (126) means most likely a little man is on the way. We're just praying for a healthy baby at this point, but I appreciate this advice too. The grandparents want to start buying now and 3 separate baby showers have already been discussed. Hoping we'll get all we need there and only have to worry about the small things. :)

Every little wives tale and statistic stated we would be having a boy, but we found out were having a girl.


Don't listen to those things, just wait and see no sense in trying to figure it out untill you see it in the screen

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I've also heard the heart-rate thing (low for boys, high for girls), but a lot of that can depend on just how active your little one is at the time of the visit. If your wife's at the 12-14 week mark, there's a nub which becomes the sex bits that is quite pronounced, and sticks out for boys while laying flat for girls (assuming your little fish has an exhibitionist streak and lets the tech get the right angle shot)


Thanks. We'll see what happens. Again, doesn't really matter to us either way. We just want a healthy baby. :)


Your boys can swim...Congrats!!


Hahaha. Thanks. I was beginning to wonder...


my boy loved sleeping in the baby bjorn. i would play halo 3 while he slept. one time, i played so long with him in the bjorn, he got sunburned from sun coming in the window--yeah, i got yelled at for that one.



don't let your child crawl around naked---one of our twins had a #2 explosion while crawling around (thank god it was while we were in florida, and it was a rental house)--that house saw more shit then you could imagine. dog tried to lick her butt.


congrats. hang on for the ride


Will do. And this is good to hear. Don't want a kid interfering with my gaming. :lol:


Congrats man!


Enjoy the little things that make you smile/laugh and take lots of pics. They change so much especially in the first year....you'll be amazed looking back.


Also, remember you and your wife are on the same team. Stick together through and through....kids change EVERYTHING so be flexible and have an open mind. Try not to let the little stuff bother you...


We're a really good match. 100% faith both ways. I have not a doubt in my mind with all we've been through that even though things may get tough we'll push forward together.


Every little wives tale and statistic stated we would be having a boy, but we found out were having a girl.


Don't listen to those things, just wait and see no sense in trying to figure it out untill you see it in the screen


That's the plan. We won't be getting geeked or planning for either sex until we know for sure.

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  • 2 months later...
yeah so far build up some thick skill.. the wife will turn into a complete BEOTCH while pregnant (got this advice from rocky...100% correct) Holy heck the mood swings lol!


20 weeks in and aside from being extremely emotional this past week (which is a given seeing as how my wife had an uncle pass, another in a nasty accident and waiting to see if he'll pull through, and my grandad passing) she's done great. Tired a lot.


Real reason I came to post even though we're not suppose to tell anyone b/c my wife and her sister planned a "gender reveal party" we had to buy one of these...




...instead of one of these.



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Congrats man! My son was a blessing in disguise and undoubtedly the greatest thing to happen to me. As others have said time will fly by, so enjoy every moment. I know one cool thing for me as a dad is I get to relive my childhood, plus get to do things I would've otherwise never done (train ride, aquarium trip, ect). I really want to have another one in the next year or so.
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Glad to see someone who really wants to have children, having a child. Congrats!


Thanks man. It's a blessing for sure.


this sounds like something you do when someone recovers from a sex change operation. :lolguy:







It's some silly thing she saw on Pinterest. I don't mind though. There will be family and food there. Good enough for me. :)


Congrats man! My son was a blessing in disguise and undoubtedly the greatest thing to happen to me. As others have said time will fly by, so enjoy every moment. I know one cool thing for me as a dad is I get to relive my childhood, plus get to do things I would've otherwise never done (train ride, aquarium trip, ect). I really want to have another one in the next year or so.


I'm excited. Really ready to teach the little guy how to defend himself, fish, play sports, hunt, how to be a respectable citizen and not an immoral prick, the usual. :)

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this sounds like something you do when someone recovers from a sex change operation. :lolguy:







I thought it waS REAL dumb then all our family came out and was a nice way to tell the whole family so wasent that bad.



oh and djust wait but emotions will get more EXTREMEEEE


If you don't..well your one lucky sob

Edited by Paul
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Congrats. Becoming a dad is by far the best thing to ever happen to me. I don't really buy the whole women become evil while pregnant thing. It's just an excuse as far as I am concerned. Maybe it was only mine that didn't?


Pointers from me:


Don't cheap out on a car seat. Get an extra base if you have multiple vehicles.


Stir bottles instead of shaking. Reduces bubbles and that means less gas and cranky baby. Also, bottle warmers are a waste of time imo. Hated them.


Pictures. Get tons of pictures of both parents and baby. You never know what may or may not happen. I lost my father at age 3 and don't have many. My son just turned 2 and has 100's of pics already of all of us together and random moments around the house of him and I and him and his mother. If something happens to me or her he's got a ton to look back on. Excessive perhaps but only few know the feelings and reasons why.


Get the diapers with the piss line. Fucking loved those things.


Pick up one of those thermometers that read temps fast. Like the forehead swiping ones. Checking a babies temp can be a pain in the ass, no pun intended.


Rotate sleep patterns any chance you get. Those first 3 months can be rough. Crying, spitting up, baby not sleeping throughout the night yet, etc. It gets better after those first 3.


Go get a nice baby carrier that straps the baby to your chest. Once they're supporting their head good they come in handy. Carrying a car seat every where gets old real fast.


Avoid a pacifier if you can. We caved and ended up giving him one early one. It went when the bottles went at 12 months. My sisters daughter is over 2 and still has one. Ridiculous.


I'll stop there as I can go on and on. Hang on and enjoy the ride man. It's awesome. Parenting is also fairly easy and a great feeling. You're going to learn so many things. Not really how so many people fuck it up and/or don't really give a shit. I've been stay at home dad since he was born and my days are spent teaching him things, watching cartoons and playing hot wheels. We're best buds. Right now he's across the room laughing his ass off while jumping in his 7/5' foot indoor trampoline lol. Sadly my online income has pretty much stopped because I lack interest in it these days so the stay home thing won't last much longer.

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oh and prepare to have your mind blown. Child birth is fucking wild.



BTW avoid the kiwi omni cup vacuum they call it for sucking a kid out by his head. It left my sons head all fucked up. He rocked a baseball sized wound for quite a while because of it and still has a big scar. thankfully you can't see it now that he's got hair lol

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Congrats. Becoming a dad is by far the best thing to ever happen to me. I don't really buy the whole women become evil while pregnant thing. It's just an excuse as far as I am concerned. Maybe it was only mine that didn't?


Pointers from me:


Don't cheap out on a car seat. Get an extra base if you have multiple vehicles.


Stir bottles instead of shaking. Reduces bubbles and that means less gas and cranky baby. Also, bottle warmers are a waste of time imo. Hated them.


Pictures. Get tons of pictures of both parents and baby. You never know what may or may not happen. I lost my father at age 3 and don't have many. My son just turned 2 and has 100's of pics already of all of us together and random moments around the house of him and I and him and his mother. If something happens to me or her he's got a ton to look back on. Excessive perhaps but only few know the feelings and reasons why.


Get the diapers with the piss line. Fucking loved those things.


Pick up one of those thermometers that read temps fast. Like the forehead swiping ones. Checking a babies temp can be a pain in the ass, no pun intended.


Rotate sleep patterns any chance you get. Those first 3 months can be rough. Crying, spitting up, baby not sleeping throughout the night yet, etc. It gets better after those first 3.


Go get a nice baby carrier that straps the baby to your chest. Once they're supporting their head good they come in handy. Carrying a car seat every where gets old real fast.


Avoid a pacifier if you can. We caved and ended up giving him one early one. It went when the bottles went at 12 months. My sisters daughter is over 2 and still has one. Ridiculous.


I'll stop there as I can go on and on. Hang on and enjoy the ride man. It's awesome. Parenting is also fairly easy and a great feeling. You're going to learn so many things. Not really how so many people fuck it up and/or don't really give a shit. I've been stay at home dad since he was born and my days are spent teaching him things, watching cartoons and playing hot wheels. We're best buds. Right now he's across the room laughing his ass off while jumping in his 7/5' foot indoor trampoline lol. Sadly my online income has pretty much stopped because I lack interest in it these days so the stay home thing won't last much longer.


Thanks. Fortunately she's going to be a stay at home mom and pursue her art and eventually becoming a licensed massage therapist. We can both set our own schedules at that point. I'm sure that will help.

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Thanks. Fortunately she's going to be a stay at home mom and pursue her art and eventually becoming a licensed massage therapist. We can both set our own schedules at that point. I'm sure that will help.


I wish you guys well and once again, congrats

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This should get moved to project management as "Yenners' '13 Build Thread" :lolguy:


Congrats, Ill second the pictures comment. My dad is gone and I have very few pictures of me and him, and especial when I was you get. Take them even if they seem pointless at the time.

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