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After seven years of trying...

Otis Nice

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yeah so far build up some thick skill.. the wife will turn into a complete BEOTCH while pregnant (got this advice from rocky...100% correct) Holy heck the mood swings lol!


Those Hormones..... :yuno:




Congrats, my boy will be 1 next week.. I cant believe how fast this year has went..


SO many memories..

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Thanks all. :)


When is she due, Big Daddy??? :)


Clay, read for comprehension buddy. Bought a jersey INSTEAD of a cheerleader outfit. :)


Due 2/2/14.


This should get moved to project management as "Yenners' '13 Build Thread" :lolguy:


Congrats, Ill second the pictures comment. My dad is gone and I have very few pictures of me and him, and especial when I was you get. Take them even if they seem pointless at the time.




Pics will be done. What won't be done is mass uploadings to facebook.

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Careful. If he sticks his head out and sees his shadow he may crawl back inside, and you'll be stuck with 6 more weeks of crazy, hormonal bitch.


1) My wife said no chance he is allowed to see his shadow.

2) For the million-trillion-bagillionth time my wife hasn't been crazy or hormonal...and she certainly isn't a bitch. ;)

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she's reading over your shoulder isn't she.....


:lol: Not at all. She has never even seen CR.


I found a good, Godly, loving woman with a heart and passion to help others and value everyone as she values herself. She routinely goes out of her way to serve others in various ways (keep the sexual innuendos to yourself, haha). Also, remember, this is something she's wanted for over 7 years. With most of the pain/kicking or whatever is going on she says, "this is part of it. This is what we prayed for."


The nesting set in yesterday and she cleaned and organized a crap ton of stuff we haven't been home to do due to funerals the last 2 weeks, so that was nice. :)

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My crotchoitial area is a no-knife zone.


It's also a no-whatever-other-weird-doctor-tool-thing-you're-about-to-say zone, too.


Knife or hammer to the balls sure is less painful than a baby with colic. I wouldn't trade my kids for anything now, but I can honestly admit I sure wish I let them hammer or knife my balls in the beginning.

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