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German Purple Money Eater.


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As much as I could care less about the "stance" crowd, I've liked this car all along. It is shitty that the bolts sheared, but is great that you stopped before the wheel came apart. I don't personally understand the idea of not being able to drive your car hard, but I still have respect for those who are actual car guys. There are plenty of non car guys in all forms of motorsport and I'd rather see this car with a passionate car guy than a race car with a douche that doesn't have a clue.
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Andy - if you still had the broken bolts, would you bring some to CC&C so I can have a look at them? I'm merely curious about the failure mode.


What was the approximate ambient temperature when they failed ?


Unfortunately I don't have them any longer. It was requested what was left of the bolts be sent back so they could be investigated and warrantied.


I can tell you the temperature that morning was between 45-50 degrees, though.

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I'm in the camp that track wheels take more abuse than street wheels. However, it should be noted that the BBS Motorsport wheels are not designed for a weekend track guy or club racer. They're designed for factory high dollar race teams where every pound counts and big money is spent. The wheels on those teams are more of a wear item so they'll give up some durability for the lightness. Andrew sounds like he knew this going in so that's why he's not raging at the failure. He handled it and moved on. Good for him.



Thank you, this is all I was trying to make a point of.

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