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yes is does exist. so who you have tonight? i think its peytons time tonight. the broncos have had to look at flacos ugly mug all over their town and stadium. i expect them to come out very hungry. i dont see the ravens d being able to keep up all night.
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Peyton was awesome last night. It may just be my eyes but it does seem he still has lost a little zip off his power throws from before his injury but the touch on his throws and his accuracy is incredible. He was lighting it up last night. Very impressive.



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I thought his line with Costas about running the read option was hilarious. Costas asked Peyton if he thought that offense was going to be around to stay. He answered yes and that "you may even see that from us this year...think about it... how open would I be? Who expects me to run an option? I might get a couple of yards easy before someone caught me!" (something along those lines) Made me laugh.



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As a lifelong (Bledsoe era included) Patriots fan, I have an unmatched hatred of Peypey. Still, he's one of the best in the history of the game, he's done a lot of good in his communities (Peyton Manning Children's Hospital at St Vincent's), and it was fun to watch a master at work last night.
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Denver is going to be tough to beat this year. Their D started off kinda slow but picked it up later in the game. They did all that without Miller....when he gets back it's only going to get worse from there. The only way they don't win that division is if their plane crashes and if it's after week 7 or 8 they might still win it.



There's a bunch of other decent match ups this weekend. I'm only interested in one though really. Saints open at home against Atlanta. Failclowns have some weapons and a better RB this year so it should be a good game. Saints D looks to be a little better than last year which isn't saying a whole bunch really but I'm not sure Rob Ryan has really shown his hand much in the preseason. A lot of vanilla base stuff and hardly any blitzing. I know Drew is going to light them up with Payton being back. It just comes down to if our D can get off the field and not give up 800 yards.

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