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Neighbor's dog jumping fence... WWCRD?


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I disagree with most of the above advice. Keep in mind that the dog is just doing what's natural for it. The neighbors are to blame for not training their dog, so don't vent your frustration on the dog. Don't harm it, don't kidnap it. Don't begin an all-out war with your new neighbors by calling the cops or the HOA as the first step.


Install an automatic repellant such as a Scarecrow Sprinkler or a Yard Guard (electronic) with a motion detector. Turn it off when your dogs use the yard. Turn it on when you're not there. If the neighbors' dog comes over the fence while you're in the yard and the repellant device is off, then just spray him with the garden hose or spray with diluted ammonia as suggested above. I think you'll quickly train the neighbors' dog to steer clear of your yard without making an enemy of him or of your idiot neighbors.


If this plan doesn't work, then it might be worth trying to talk to the neighbors again and explain that you plan to contact the HOA's or local animal control/police.

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Illegal. Discharging a firearm too close to other houses. You also can't shoot a dog for attacking another dog, only livestock.


EDIT: Seems like my ideas have already been suggested.


Get in between their dog and your dogs, their dog goes to 'attack you' shoot it in self defense?


How about non-lethal 'weapons', animal grade pepper spray, taser?


Is it legal for them not to have control of their dog? Can he call the police or animal control when it happens? They might not do much of anything the first time, but if a pattern emerges they might. Or worst case something happens to you, or someone else there is a paper trail that it's negligent on their part and not just a one time issue.

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is your HOA defunct?


I know this may seem like a dumb question but most HOAs you can send them a written request to do something and then they have a time limit to say yes or no... With a defunct HOA, this basically means you have to wait out your request's time and then you have no legal problems with building your 6' fence.


A coworker of mine did exactly this

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I disagree with most of the above advice. Keep in mind that the dog is just doing what's natural for it. The neighbors are to blame for not training their dog, so don't vent your frustration on the dog. Don't harm it, don't kidnap it. Don't begin an all-out war with your new neighbors by calling the cops or the HOA as the first step.


Install an automatic repellant such as a Scarecrow Sprinkler or a Yard Guard (electronic) with a motion detector. Turn it off when your dogs use the yard. Turn it on when you're not there. If the neighbors' dog comes over the fence while you're in the yard and the repellant device is off, then just spray him with the garden hose or spray with diluted ammonia as suggested above. I think you'll quickly train the neighbors' dog to steer clear of your yard without making an enemy of him or of your idiot neighbors.


If this plan doesn't work, then it might be worth trying to talk to the neighbors again and explain that you plan to contact the HOA's or local animal control/police.


I don't want to say it, but I'm sure you're right. Don't let it go to your head :p


Shrubbery wall taller than fence?




This is a great idea, along with doc's conditioning ideas.


Before I go spending money in an effort to keep their stupid German Shephard in their yard, I think there are choices I should exercise prior to opening the wallet. I think I'll at least talk to them one more time and mention the actions I'll be forced to take with HOA if they don't come up with a solution like a leash for the dog or possibly electric fence. If I still have problems I think shrubbery or possibly something on their fence to block the view of the dogs might not be a bad idea. I figure if the dogs can't see each other, less chance for the stupid German Shephard to jump the fence.


On second though, I just bought a fire pit and nice grill... I wonder what German Shephards taste like.

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EDIT: Seems like my ideas have already been suggested.


Get in between their dog and your dogs, their dog goes to 'attack you' shoot it in self defense?


How about non-lethal 'weapons', animal grade pepper spray, taser?


Is it legal for them not to have control of their dog? Can he call the police or animal control when it happens? They might not do much of anything the first time, but if a pattern emerges they might. Or worst case something happens to you, or someone else there is a paper trail that it's negligent on their part and not just a one time issue.


Pepper spray is not super effective on all dogs, just as it is not on some humans.


Taser..... kinda expensive,you get 1 shot, then you will have to remove the cartridge and try to drive stun the animal, if he's pissed, I wouldn't recommend getting close enough for that.


The neighbor should have control of their animal, call animal control, they can guide you with what to do, it will vary from area to area.


If you want to take a dog bite, you can possibly pull off the "defending" yourself sales pitch, I have to ask..... ever been bit by a dog, a large dog? Be prepared for stitches and cleaning of wounds, it's usually not a lot of fun, had to go through it once.


Personally what I would do, take the animal and adopt it out to someone, give it a good home and some training, of course the will probably replace it with a tiger or something.

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I'm with Doc, condition the dog to not come into your yard. It's going to take a little bit of time but it will respond to repetition.


The shrubbery fence would probably work and look nice. I like privacy in the backyard so it seems like a win win there.


Don't booby trap your back yard with nails in a board, I'm pretty sure it's illegal. I would steer clear of harming the dog unless it attacks you.

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Have a conversation with them. Hurting the dog that seemingly isn't out to harm anyone but rather just jump and run is a ridiculous solution. Explain your concerns and ask them what they plan on doing to prevent their dog from jumping the fence into your yard.
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I disagree with most of the above advice. Keep in mind that the dog is just doing what's natural for it. The neighbors are to blame for not training their dog, so don't vent your frustration on the dog. Don't harm it, don't kidnap it. Don't begin an all-out war with your new neighbors by calling the cops or the HOA as the first step.


Install an automatic repellant such as a Scarecrow Sprinkler or a Yard Guard (electronic) with a motion detector. Turn it off when your dogs use the yard. Turn it on when you're not there. If the neighbors' dog comes over the fence while you're in the yard and the repellant device is off, then just spray him with the garden hose or spray with diluted ammonia as suggested above. I think you'll quickly train the neighbors' dog to steer clear of your yard without making an enemy of him or of your idiot neighbors.


If this plan doesn't work, then it might be worth trying to talk to the neighbors again and explain that you plan to contact the HOA's or local animal control/police.

It took reading until the second page, but finally someone with some common sense and decency.

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