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Anyone get their degree online?


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As in, from a real college, not University of Phoenix or some other scam? Is this something that's actually feasible? I'm starting to think of actually accomplishing something, but don't have the time or willpower to sit in a classroom.


Oh, and I'd rather avoid CSCC.

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I went to NYIT for my masters and it had a mix online and classroom courses. I also did a few online through another place to get my credits to renew my teaching licence.

It is all about your motivation. I like classroom better, but online is convenient. Some require you to just read, watch movies and make a few online posts along with papers. One was very interactive with weekly assignments based on readings, videos and other activities. That class also had 2 "skype" type sessions.

I feel I learn more in the classroom, but online is convenient. As long as you don't mind reading a lot and can keep yourself off distractions (youtube, CR, facebook) while you are supposed to work online is ok.

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It seems like more and more actual schools are migrating to the "online" format. Personally, I tried it and I just can't do it. I end up not paying attention to the materials and "can't get into it". For me, I don't have the time or willpower to sit at a PC to do the class, I'd rather be forced to devote my attention while in a classroom. If you can discipline yourself to do the work from home or where ever, it may work for you.
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I went to Franklin and did part in class and part online. Xyster101 is correct about the online classes. I personally preferred them over in class. I have trouble sitting there listening to someone talk for an hour and a half and actually absorbing it. I do much better being handed a book and told what I need to accomplish and then left to do it. There is a lot of reading, essays, and online sessions but I think it lends better to those that learn by doing and not by hearing. Just my opinion of course. I'm started my grad degree Monday via the same format.


It's really all a matter of how you learn.



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Last time I was in a classroom was around 9 years ago. I was so burnt out on school that within 5 minutes of sitting down I was either half asleep or in a complete stupor, I just couldn't do it any longer.


I'm working night shift, and with that I have days where I'm busy most of the day, and days where I have 6-7 hours of free time. Along with that free time I have a fast internet connection and my personal laptop. So, I'd be putting my free time at work to good use instead of playing video games.

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So in essence you want a degree that is solely online work?


Good luck. A lot, but not all classes are offered online. Gen-Ed's, yes get into major specific coursework and labs along with testi t cannot be done online, and In some classes they don't offer it online solely because so many labs are done. If you find somewhere that isn't a "scam" and offers 100% online degrees In your desired field of study, congrats. CSCC would be your best option IMO but if you have already ruled that out..

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I did my RN-BSN online thru Ohio University and it was convenient for me. As was said before, you have to be disciplined because it tends to be fast-paced. I don't know of anyone who offers a complete online degree. As was also mentioned before, labs, clinicals, whatever, have to be done in person.


Also, depending on what route you want to take with your education, be careful about where you choose to complete your coursework. Some grad schools will laugh at you if you told them you completed your undergrad through a community college.

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I'm thinking something involving finances. I haven't looked into whats out there though, as I'd always kind of thought I didn't want to go back, until when I recently started looking at what kind of jobs are out there. My 8+ years doing repair work doesn't qualify me to do much.
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CSCC, to my limited knowledge, has complete online degrees that are actually degrees from OU and Kent State. Worth a shot.


As others have said, you may have a few classes that require physically being in a class but, because of your past college, you may have your GE's covered. Do your old credits expire? I would make a few calls and see what happens.


Degree + Experience > just one. A degree and your experience will set you waaaaaay ahead of fresh college grads.


Good luck, and no I won't do any of your finance homework...unless you pay me :)


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IMO you should consider CSCC if you don't have a philosophical thing against them. Apparently their academic standards are getting much better, and I've heard (from unsubstantiated sources) that it's because they're working towards being able to offer Bachelor's degrees.
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Don't underestimate online classes. It seems like they replace academic rigor with a shitload of work and call it good.


I did a few years at OSU but finished up my degree at a brick and mortar college that had recently been co-opted by a private company that was essentially an online degree mill. Do your research because a lot of online programs are like that -- a company comes to a private college with an existing accreditation, especially one that's struggling financially, and offers to run their online program whilst turning a big profit.


Anyway, I did my last 18 months of college at that school, and about half of that was online. It's a ton of reading (100+ pages a week) and a ton of writing (mandatory minimum forum posts + weekly reports on whatever we were reading). I basically worked my real job, read/wrote for school, and slept.


You can still learn stuff, but you have to be motivated to slog through all the reading on your own. A lot of my online classmates were foreign students who could barely string together two English sentences, but they still got decent grades because they were willing to put in the work. I'm the exact opposite of that, a slacker who likes to succeed while doing the bare minimum. It wasn't my sort of environment; I still take classes in-person when given the option.

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My wife is going for an Mild-Moderate Intervention Specialist degree and teaching certification at Notre Dame College in Cleveland that is about 98% online. There's a lot of work due every week, but she's enjoying it a lot more than when we were at OWU.
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Don't forget for basic courses like English and Math you'll have to test into while any Biology/Science courses will have to be retaken if it's been more than 5 years. Of course, this all depends on what you're shooting for and it could've changed since I started back.
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My wife is about half way done with her Masters in Healthcare Admin at OU. I think she likes it better then OSU in class cause she doesn't have the time every day each week to do the class work till the weekend. Every week or class is different and could have small post to do about a topic and then comment on another's post. There is a lot of reading and papers that can really stress her out, but the group assignments really can get her worked up cause not everyone has the time to do it or just is dumb as shit. I'm very proud of her with a 4.0 GPA the whole time. She always focuses on trying to have it done by Saturday night so we have Sunday off together. Doesn't always work out cause she is up doing a paper right now.
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