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Range Rover vs. Ruff Ryders


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The whole time I was watching it I was thinking to myself, I'd plow the shit out of those bikers. I'm not into bikes or anything so my mentality would be 1. It's some kind of gang and 2. There is no way I'd let them stop me so they could get me out of my car. Those dumb asses would all be blood stains on the Lexus.
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You have to really be in fear of your life to plow into a crowd like that. He had to know the whole time that was not going to end well once he stopped.


I can't believe it's not illegal for them ride in packs like that anyways.


It was an annual ride. A group that size can't be the norm.

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Fuck them and their mob mentality. The dude in the RR should have been on the phone with 911 since the beginning in order to document how the incident unfolded and have a police response. The only thing that went wrong was he didn't have a CCW so he could shoot the fuckers smashing in his window.


Watched it again. A few more thoughts:


I keep reading that the wife and kids were in the car. If that's true, then I think, from a personal level, I'd like to have seen him take out more bikers. I can see myself completely dissociating during something like this and just mowing bikers down. Zero fucks registered.



^^ These. I just saw this video on the news and being we have two kids, I can absolutely see the RR Driver just plowing over them. You just know his adreneline spiked the moment he plowed over the three. Damn.


Too bad he wasn't armed/NYC gun laws suck.

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No CCW allowed in NYC?


You pretty much have to be a cop or licensed private security. Once you no longer have the job that requires it, you lose it. It's still nearly impossible to even have a gun in your own home there.


About the most stupid thing on earth someone on a motorcycle could do is brake check an SUV. They deserved to get plowed for that one.

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Range rover is 'trail rated'.


I'd ram the shit out of them too, with zero fucks given. Never understood the idiocy of some motorcyclists. As a general rule, you wouldn't play chicken with a 4k+ vehicle on a bicycle. Why would you do it on a motorcycle?

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I am surprised after smashing the windows out that they didn't hurt him badly, but I think one guy stopped the one smashing the window out. Weird how the camera guy cut the video then huh?


I'm shocked once they started bashing his windows he didn't slam it in reverse and slam into more of them. I sure would have, the trapped feeling would have to feel terrible

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I'm shocked once they started bashing his windows he didn't slam it in reverse and slam into more of them. I sure would have, the trapped feeling would have to feel terrible


Yeah, I would have hit panic mode and just started smashing bikers.

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That really pissed me off reading those details. I have an 18 month old and, as others have said, there is absolutely no doubt that I would have gone into protection mode and mowed over anything and everything in front of me. Perhaps what pissed me off the most is the father of the rider who got ran over trying to paint him as the victim and stating that he "may never walk again". Fuck you and fuck your ignorant assclown of a child.

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let me guess, supporting the Range Rover driver is racist....?


Other way around, bikers targeted him cause he was an asian in a RR :mad:. Put a hillbilly in a jacked up 3/4 ton in his place and I bet the bikers would have never fucked with him. I have zero sympathy for the riders who got hurt.

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They arrested the rider that brake checked him today. There are also a lot of reports coming in that these guys were blocking traffic, splitting lanes, and surrounding other cars and not allowing them to change lanes, forcing them off the freeway. Not only were they on sport bikes and dirt bikes, but some were on ATV's.
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Other way around, bikers targeted him cause he was an asian in a RR :mad:. Put a hillbilly in a jacked up 3/4 ton in his place and I bet the bikers would have never fucked with him. I have zero sympathy for the riders who got hurt.


^^ that would make for a GREAT Video.


They arrested the rider that brake checked him today. There are also a lot of reports coming in that these guys were blocking traffic, splitting lanes, and surrounding other cars and not allowing them to change lanes, forcing them off the freeway. Not only were they on sport bikes and dirt bikes, but some were on ATV's.


Gotta love social media too.


I hope next year KY, TN and OH 4WD vehicles target an event there at the same time. Can you imagine that shit :)

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Other way around, bikers targeted him cause he was an asian in a RR :mad:. Put a hillbilly in a jacked up 3/4 ton in his place and I bet the bikers would have never fucked with him. I have zero sympathy for the riders who got hurt.


Hate crime? Where is Eric Holder on this one?

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Excellent. Like I said earlier, I hold the initial brake-check douche accountable for the entire ordeal. I wish he would have been more seriously injured.


Also, in the article, they have a biker who said that, initially, there was no intent to confront the RR driver aggressively or whatever. Bullshit. You don't stop 30-deep in the middle of the highway and get out and surround a vehicle just to exchange insurance information. And, if I'm the RR driver, I am most certainly interpreting the bikers' behavior - regardless of their intent - as being aggressive, considering (1) they were driving aggressively around me and (2) one idiot just aggressively brake-checked himself into the front of my vehicle.


The bikers would do well to just STFO and let this shit go. You don't have anything close to resembling an argument here. Their stupid "Justice for Biker X" Facebook pages only make me resent their actions all that much more.

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The bikers would do well to just STFO and let this shit go. You don't have anything close to resembling an argument here. Their stupid "Justice for Biker X" Facebook pages only make me resent their actions all that much more.


Reading some of the comments makes me LOL. Gotta love social media, I think the Justice for Meezee backfired on them.:lolguy:

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