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flea issues


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Anyone ever have Flea issues before? Any idea how to get rid of them? I read that Diatomus Earth is pretty good but you need to leave the house for several days, I also read about putting water and dish soap in a frisbee and placing a light over it will catch them as well. We have already bombed the house with Flea foggers which did no good (we used the one that everyone online recommends) The most effective methods to get us back in our house the quickest without obviously long term effects with small children is what I want to do at this point in time.


Anyone know of a good exterminator that can kill them and get us back in our house? We are going to stay in a hotel until they can be taken care of.


I'm up to all ideas besides pooping on a loofa :-)


BTW, FUCK FLEAS! they have come out of no where... from one night, no issue, to the next day walk across the floor and they are all over your socks.

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This is supposed to be one of the worst years for fleas ever. We had a minor issue earlier in the year and you just have to vacuum twice a day, bomb every other week and make sure you use a flea comb on your pets too. There are pills that you can give your pets to make them flea resistant and i believe these work better than any of the drops.


Call your Vet and they will give you advice/products that are better the the OTC stuff you get at the store.

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diatomaceous earth is completely safe so no need to leave due to that. Fleas are a pain to get rid of. You just have to stay on top of the vacuuming like gergwheel said making sure to empty the vacuum into a bag if it's bagless and taking it outside when you're done along with treatments. I've never had much luck using bombs but whatever you use make sure it has a growth regulator in it. It's also not an overnight fix. You have to stay on top of it and you can get them under control. We fight them every year here and I hate using the chemicals with the kids in the house but I've really found no other way short of burning the house down to get rid of them. This year has been by far the worst year we've ever had with them. I try to treat the house in stages so I can at least keep the baby off the carpet for a while. I'll do the upstairs first and then a day or two later I'll do the downstairs. Good luck and update the thread to let me know what you guys did and how it worked out.
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You need 2 major things, something to kill the adult fleas now, and something to regulate the growth of new fleas. You can use chemicals or go the natural route but if you don't use growth regulator they will come back. Oakland Park Nursery has some good regulator in 10 lb bags that I drop in my front and back yard twice a year. That will keep your yard any anything that walks in it unable to reproduce. If they are in the house you need to spray the adult death poison and growth regulator.








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Yes you need to vacuum hardcore everywhere to get the adults to move around. Take down anything on your walls that are fabric and treat them and/or wash them. Same with couches, beds, and anything else that is comfortable. If you can do that then treat the house with IGR it will be your best bet.


I did that one year and it killed everything within a week. Now I religiously drop IGR twice a year from oakland nursery and I've not had fleas in over 5 years.

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Knockout spray, shit is harsh but works like a bauce.



We took in a stray once and out house was completely infested. This stuff was recommended by the vet along with excessive sweeping using a good vacuum as others have recommended. We sprayed every nook and cranny in the house, left for the day, came back and vacuumed like crazy and we never saw a single flea again.

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we used the knockout spray along with foggers on saturday... didn't even put a dent in the fuckers!


I picked up diatomeaus earth and I'm going to vacuum the hell out of the house tomorrow again and then put it everywhere... then leave the house for a few days and hope for the best... I will also spray some of the flea spray that has the growth hormone first to hopefully stop eggs and larve.

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we used the knockout spray along with foggers on saturday... didn't even put a dent in the fuckers!


I picked up diatomeaus earth and I'm going to vacuum the hell out of the house tomorrow again and then put it everywhere... then leave the house for a few days and hope for the best... I will also spray some of the flea spray that has the growth hormone first to hopefully stop eggs and larve.


I have also done some reading on Borate Crystals - Let me know how the diatomeaus earth works out, Im done with this shit

What pisses me off more, is my puppy goes in for surgery tomorrow and i know they are giong to say.. Hey did you know your dog has fleas.. NO FUCKING SHIT DOUCHES.

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we used the knockout spray along with foggers on saturday... didn't even put a dent in the fuckers!


I picked up diatomeaus earth and I'm going to vacuum the hell out of the house tomorrow again and then put it everywhere... then leave the house for a few days and hope for the best... I will also spray some of the flea spray that has the growth hormone first to hopefully stop eggs and larve.


IGR really works but if the adult fleas are not killed at the same time it will take awhile to notice.

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i started with the yard first. no since in spending all that time in the house if your not going to treat your lawn. So i went to lowes and got some stuff to put in the spreader and away i went.


i also use the vinegar trick.


8 oz of apple cider vinegar

4 oz of water

1tsp of salt

1tsp of baking soda.


pour baking soda in slowly and shake slowly.


i spray the rooms everyday and spray the dogs with it everyday. it has worked.

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I might have to try that if the diatomous earth doesn't do the trick...


Yesterday I fogged again, then sprayed down that Knockout spray everywhere, then covered my house with diatomeous earth... by the end of the procedure where I had fleas on my socks just from walking around, I had none, but we will see if that lasts, we are staying at a hotel for the next few days allowing the diatomeus earth to do it's job and kill those little fuckers good.

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I have also done some reading on Borate Crystals - Let me know how the diatomeaus earth works out, Im done with this shit

What pisses me off more, is my puppy goes in for surgery tomorrow and i know they are giong to say.. Hey did you know your dog has fleas.. NO FUCKING SHIT DOUCHES.

save your money and just hire an exterminator... after 3 days in a hotel, foggers, purchasing a new vacuum, new wet/dry vacuum, making a mess in my house, etc.... it would have been cheaper and less of a headache to just pay the $175 that Orkan is charging to come out tomorrow and handle the pest problem.

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