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I've gone over to the dark side

Richard Cranium

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After a lot of soul searching and pondering about my goals for my Camaro I came to the conclusion it will never be the car I want. Fast at the track, fun on the street, 6-speed, etc... Too many compromises between track performance and street car. Thus begun a year long search for a drag strip only car. No compromises for street driving, all out speed and brutal acceleration. I surfed RacingJunk, Yellow Bullet, even Ebay for months, looked at altered chassis, door chassis, etc... Where was going to be the best bang for my bucks.


As luck would have it, I was contacted by a woman I went to highschool with that her husband was trying to sell his car. Less than 1 mile from my house. Not just the car though, he wanted to sell EVERYTHING, 27' enclosed trailer, spare parts, spare transmission, car, etc... EVERYTHING!


After talking it over with Carol, looking at the car 3 different times, talking it over with a mutual friend of the owners and mine, I decided it was time. I couldn't pass up the deal.


The car is a 225" wheelbase Horton dragster. It is a little dated as it's a hard tail car. The engine is a 500+ ci big block chevy which dyno'd right around 750hp at the crank. The car weighs in around 1500 lbs. and runs 8.0s, 8.1s in the quarter mile at 155+. The car has a best pass of 7.97 at over 160.


This is a major jump for me and a much faster car than I was planning on getting, but the deal was too good to pass up. I am working now on getting everything in order for my NHRA license. Enough talking, I know everyone is much more about pictures. So here they are.










It's a touch snug, but not uncomfortable in any way. I could stand to loose a little weight anyhow.



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Thanks for all the support. This was a big decision for me.


drive it to c&c


I'm not even sure I could clear the speed bumps in the parking lot. The crazy thing is, the car has a cooling system and an alternator. That being said, I would not get very far down the road.


:thumbup: Congrats cuz ! Now that you got it can I borrow the spare powerglide ????


It's a shorty glide, probably won't fit your car.


Balls of steel. I bet that thing is a sick feeling to pilot.




I have to admit, I've only ever sat in the car once. The idea of driving it full tilt boogie does scare me. It will be a while till I have the confidence to release the trans brake and let it eat.

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Damn Bitch! Just jump right in with both feet lol


Even with the big tires I still can't compete with you and Mark. But yeah, I plan on moving up the fastest 60 list pretty quickly.


Fucking badass. No other way of describing it really. Any plans to update the chassis since you said it's a bit dated?


There are kits to convert hard tails to 4 link, but the price is a bit steep. From what I understand (my extremely limited knowledge) one of the biggest problems they had with being a hard tail was the rear end wanting to bounce in the shut down. With no rear suspension the tires would just hop and skip with the brakes applied. The big carbon wing is the solution to that problem. At 160mph it provides enough down force to plant the rear tires and gets the car stopped with a lot less fuss.


Really I've got an incredible learning curve ahead of me. My plan is to take things slow and methodical. A big part of that plan is not to change a damn thing until I learn to drive the car. They have it sorted out pretty well, so anything I would change would probably be a mistake. The old guy kept pretty meticulous records, and they all came with the car. I plan on using the same vendors for servicing the parts as they did. The only planned change I have for the car is to change the name on the side and remove the Marines sticker. I might change the color of the car since the panels are so easy to remove and I can probably get the painting done at school.

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