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Grandfather passed away yesterday morning

Rally Pat

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He has had Alzheimers for a long time, but hasn't been himself for the past 5 years or so, so it's probably for the best. As someone who doesn't really care about sports in any way, the family is getting lots of emails from his former players who he recruited and coached.


It's going to be shitstorm after though, dealing with an uncle who is immediately going to evict my grandmother from her home and sell it, while forcing her into a "retirement community".

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it's a bad week for Alzheimer people... my father passed away on monday from it. (I actually just got home from his funeral) Be glad it was your grand father and not your father... the hole in my heart is unbearable.


My condolences to you, I'm sorry to hear that. I actually lost my dad 10 years ago this month to cancer.

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Alzheimer's is a horrible disease. My grandmother passed away 17 years ago of Alzheimer's. As a 9 year old I wasn't totally aware of what she was dealing with, but I remember being torn up because I understood how much it hurt my mom.


I wish you the best and I can't imagine how strong your family must be to have dealt with Alzheimer's for 5 years. My condolences, and best wishes for the future.

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My sympathy to you and your family. I wish I had some words to make it easier for you, but you're a good guy Pat and I'll remain positive for you. You know how to get a hold of me if you just need to get away from that madness and stress.
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It's going to be shitstorm after though, dealing with an uncle who is immediately going to evict my grandmother from her home and sell it, while forcing her into a "retirement community".


First, prayers to your family from ours. My father just returned from a brush from death and an 8 day stay at Riverside.


Good luck too on the above. Keep tabs on how this goes/plays out. I'm going through a ton of shit with what was done to my father and a detective and prosecutor are forming a case for elder abuse under violation of several laws all of which are felony crimes.


If you need any insight on what they are doing to force grandma out and how it can be investigated, just PM Me. Especially if it's in any way abusive or wrong. I've learned a lot in the last 6 months of working on this daily.

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Thanks everyone.


It is really a shame, her life is being controlled by an uncle who lives in Texas and never sees her unless its about business, and her daughter lives in Dayton but it had might as well be Antartica because she never comes and visits either. My mom (her daughter in law), my sister, and I are the only ones who help her out.


Allegedly she has until February, but obviously right at the moment we are focusing on getting through the funeral stuff.

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