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The $59.00 car ,kinda


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hopefully this is the right section .


So maybe you can tell me if i am wrong here. We received an ad in the mail today from a car dealer, which works out ok since we are in the market for something else anyways.


In the ad it list a 2000 olds intrugue for $59.00 plus tax title and doc fees which brought it to about $350.00 . I call the dealer up and ask if this is correct and they say yes its just one of there sales gimmicks to get people in but it can be bought for that.


Well we figure wtf we will go look at it and see how big of a pos it is.Turns out the car is actually pretty nice for a 2000 . Worst case i turn around and sell it if we dont like it .


we go ahead and take it for a quick drive. when we get back i tell the salesperson ill take it home now , she says no problem.Go in and do the paper work and just about to pay for it when the finance guy tells her we have to leave it there for 21 days after buying it .


Umm no thats not the deal and no place in there ad did it state that. After going back and forth for a little while i tell them i wont agree to that and at that point they basiclly tell me we wont sell you the car and tough shit.

At this point its not even so much to do with the car as the treatment.

So is this common practice? Am i wrong in getting pissed about it?

should i forget it or post all the dealers info ? Thanks for the input.

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Eh, if you have title in hand + a business to advertise it could work out.


Get a signed agreement for "storage".

Tell them "Fine, I'll leave it in your lot, but I'm going to apply my graphics to it first"

Get free publicity.




If they complain, lawsuit!

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I mean its sucky and dumb but hell its a few hundred dollar car that u can easily flip for profit, let it sit for a few weeks your still gonna get it it after 3 weeks right? If nit some other schmucks gonna come by and put there money down on it
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If everything is on the up and up, there is still probably a reason they chose that car for this, though you could still flip it for a profit. I don't think you would be hurting yourself to wait for the car (if you can), you could always get more for it on a trade for something else.


Edit: hell, it would be funny to walk in the day you could pick it up and tell them you want to trade it in towards something better and the car would never leave their lot.

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If everything is on the up and up, there is still probably a reason they chose that car for this, though you could still flip it for a profit. I don't think you would be hurting yourself to wait for the car (if you can), you could always get more for it on a trade for something else.


Edit: hell, it would be funny to walk in the day you could pick it up and tell them you want to trade it in towards something better and the car would never leave their lot.

now theres a hell of an idea,,,lol

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call 6 on your side.. they'll be all over it


This almost sounds like false advertising, or something to that affect, but i cant quite figure out the angle.


Honestly, it's not false advertising. They agreed to sell for the advertised price. They want to impose a condition, which the buyer doesn't want to agree to. It's a private business, so they are not compelled to do business with the buyer if they don't want to.


It's a stupid practice, but they guy is trying to protect himself against bait-and-switch accusations. He's trying to offer the customer a solution that is mutually beneficial; the customer gets the car they want at the price they want, the seller tries to stay within the letter of the law and not bait-and-switch people.


I understand why this is off-putting, but at the end of the day all you can do is not give them your business. 6 on your side is going to laugh at you.


If you want the car and are fine waiting, do business with the guy. If you want to take a stand against what you perceive to be unethical or wrong, you can not do business with them. Beyond that, there's no recourse beyond leaving really angry Yelp reviews.


EDIT: I'm not defending this way of doing business, it's shady and stupid. But I firmly believe in a free market and that speaking with your wallet is the only way to do things.

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Eh, if you have title in hand + a business to advertise it could work out.


Get a signed agreement for "storage".

Tell them "Fine, I'll leave it in your lot, but I'm going to apply my graphics to it first"

Get free publicity.




If they complain, lawsuit!


Business to advertise!?! Hell I would just have the car vinyl wrapped with statements all over it how that dealership sucked and scammed people and let them keep that jewel for 21 days.

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For the people that believe selling the car (and letting the buyer take it) would expose the dealer to "bait and switch"......


You mean to tell me that every car advertised MUST remain on the lot during the time advertised :wtf:


The dealer will have proof (in the paperwork) that they did indeed have the said car available during the said promotion... and it sold. Plain and simple.


The stipulations they are imposing (car remains on the lot for 21 days) however could expose them to a lawsuit, depending on the fine print in the ad.

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Honestly, it's not false advertising. They agreed to sell for the advertised price. They want to impose a condition, which the buyer doesn't want to agree to. It's a private business, so they are not compelled to do business with the buyer if they don't want to.


I don't have enough info on this particular situation to definitively answer whether or not this was false advertising.


But I can assure you, the rest of your statement is incorrect.

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