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2013-14 snow season!


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I have little faith in those who are paid to try and predict our weather, they are just a notch below elected officals in my book.


The problem, in my mind, isn't that the meteorologists are wrong so often. The problem is that they are right just often enough that you can't outright ignore them.

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The problem, in my mind, isn't that the meteorologists are wrong so often. The problem is that they are right just often enough that you can't outright ignore them.


That aren't wrong that often. 30% chance of rain means 70% chance that it will be dry. People just interpret their predictions backwards

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The problem, in my mind, isn't that the meteorologists are wrong so often. The problem is that they are right just often enough that you can't outright ignore them.


We were raind out several time this year when the forcast called for "less than 10%" and then about 70% or more of the area got rain.


This happend in GA and in MI more than one time, so its just not the jokers around here.

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That's pretty damn funny. I LOL'd.


I lol'd like crazy because earlier today my wife was at home with our newborn and she started freaking out about stuff we needed from the store and made me go to the store to get this stuff before this "storm" hit :lol:

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To bad that by the time we got enough that I'd be required to drive my military truck to work we'd be far into a level 3 lol.


Wish I wasn't having company christmas party tomorrow night, I'd bring the 6x6 out for doughnuts.

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