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2013-14 snow season!


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Wife tried to bonzai backwards out of driveway. Her car slid on top of snow and just kinda sat there. Spent 1.5 hours shoveling drive way. Then finally got snow out from under her car it dropped 4 inches. She stayed home but the volvo got me too work.


Now sitting at the car lot trying to track down a snow guy cause our guy who was supposed to do it broke his plow this morning.

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I'm going in a few hours late with some sob story on how I got stuck 4 times and had to dig the car out and push out an old lady and rescued an eagle from a bear but showed up since it's good for the company. Then take a 2 hr lunch at the Kilt and drink it up and come back to work then go home a bit later. Gotta stick it to the man when you can.


what time is this Kilt lunch run?

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Buying a beater '95 Subaru wagon was a good decision. As I was fish-tailing down 315, I thought to myself that I didn't care if I put it in a ditch. I'm not sure my FRS on winter tires would've made it.


I passed a few cars last night. As I was passing, a couple of the cars wandered over towards me as I approached. Couldn't figure out if they were being dicks or just a subconscious thing.

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Got stuck on Lane ave under 71 for 15min, on flat ground. I've got the worst vehicle ever for snow. Fucking OSU. I'd rather have went on one of the "cold" days than today. I'm also parked sideways in the parking lot because I got stuck there too and finally said fuck it. Got out and went to class.
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Got stuck on Lane ave under 71 for 15min, on flat ground. I've got the worst vehicle ever for snow. Fucking OSU. I'd rather have went on one of the "cold" days than today. I'm also parked sideways in the parking lot because I got stuck there too and finally said fuck it. Got out and went to class.


They will probably ticket you for it to. Ruthless in OSU lots. Well, they were when I was there anyway.

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My office called me this morning at 5am to tell me the center was closed. a few minutes later i got a text message from my university telling me it was closed for the day. Slept in till noon. Today was a good day.


Yall muthafuckas need AWD

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Honestly the most dangerous thing this morning was the lack of consistently plowed lanes. I was driving in the right lane and all of a sudden it just turned into a 3 foot snowbank in the middle of a turn.


Yes that fucking pissed me off. I'm driving on a road and I'm approaching an intersection. The fucking ODOT just plowed straight on and didn't even get the snow that overflowed to the sides. This I hit a whole bunch of stray snow slash ice. I'm relieved my front lip isn't broken.

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Honestly the most dangerous thing this morning was the lack of consistently plowed lanes. I was driving in the right lane and all of a sudden it just turned into a 3 foot snowbank in the middle of a turn.


This, even on 270 I couldn't believe the lanes that were suddenly overtaken by a two foot snow bank. Luckily the instances I saw with cars in those lanes involved people in both lanes paying attention.

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This, even on 270 I couldn't believe the lanes that were suddenly overtaken by a two foot snow bank. Luckily the instances I saw with cars in those lanes involved people in both lanes paying attention.


I saw a Beetle spin out right in front of me, 71N at 161. She barely even hit the wall but I think she hit the snow pile up. Definitely dangerous conditions even on a "plowed" road. Snow drifts can happen anywhere and unfortunately a lot of drivers are still dumb enough to play on their phones and not pay attention to the road.

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We use 4 plow trucks, 4 bobcats, back hoe, road grader and salt spreading dump truck to remove the snow at this trucking depot. I plowed from 11pm last night to noon today. It's about 100 acres.




That's it?

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