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hi, im new


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actually I was a member for about 5 yrs but I couldn't remember my username or anything... no biggy


so I'm back


I like hondas and cummins and ice skating on frozen lakes


oh I haz a fast bike but I'm bored with it

& 2 hondas

& wrecked truck



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I can tell a solid amount of effort was put into you wanting to be part of this community. Unfortunately, your "Check the box" approach and 3 minutes of work has cost the rest of us, collectively, far more time. I just don't get the feel you are bringing anything to the table, based off of your first impression you are giving us.


I look forward to your recovery.

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thank you sir, not sure how I missed that before posting, things sure have changed around here... and yet nothing has changed at all eh



I decided against posting any pics (see above) but ask & prod- and thou shalt receive of mine abundance



I prefer the tractor




that was not a good day




pos with a b20 and seized brake caliper





anyway its already tomorrow but there's more to come soon, stay tuned folks


(sorry about the clickies will use different host next time)

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