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Workout/weight lifting thread


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Didn't find anything recent. It's almost resolution time, and I'm sure there are some seasoned lifters on here that have some good advice and gym recommendations.

Tell your story, where you workout, your daily workout...... whatever. I'm always looking for new ideas. Let's try to keep this going, and constructive. lol.

I know some aren't interested, and that's fine, so don't post!

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I'll start.

I'm 31, I've lifted off and on since highschool athletics, but life always got in the way. At 30 I made a decision to stick with it and workout no matter what. I'm expecting my first child and want to be an active father, so that's my current motivation. I have a solid year under my belt, and seeing good progress, so I'm trying to up my intensity and discipline in the gym this coming year.




208 lbs

Guessing 16-17% body fat

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I'm 30, a gemini, married with 2 kids. I enjoy working out for the fact that I can see beneficial changes in my body and health in general. Strive to be the most aesthetic kunt in my area. Want to be that fit dad down the road that all the other parents are mirin/jelly at. I've worked out ever since sports in school. Have always tried to remain fit and active.



I do a 4 day split for the most part.






Day off


But on occasion I'll switch it up:


chest one day

arms next





day off


Every workout I also try to get in some sort of HIT cardio just to keep the cardiovascular in check.


Also helps that I have a crazy high metabolism and that I can eat like a morbidly obese person but still be in shape. If you want details on workouts I can post them up.

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>started lifting at YMCA April of this year.

>started eating right, cut out a lot of junk.

>Got slim, put on some mass.

>Found woman.


>stopped lifting.

>paying for a membership i don't even use.

>would like to get back into but cant find motivation.

>MFW i only lifted for the grills.


That's my story.

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I workout at CF IFM in Canal Winchester. I'm sore pretty much everyday. I've been there for 3 months and have already seen some amazing gains in strength.


Last night's working was "10,000 pounds". Using only 3 movements, Back Squat, Dead Lift, and Strict Press, in as few rounds as possible, hit 10,000 pounds.

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I really debated making a thread like this. Glad so wine did lol.


This year I've decided to be one of the people I hated a few years ago, and actually get a gym membership and stay with it after the first month. I'm 22, and lifted in high school for sports a lot, I blew out my knee senior year and stopped doing lower body after that, and then quit working out and running, etc. all together.


Before I got lazy-



Could rep 300lbs 4-5 times about 4 years ago.

Could rep 475-500 about 5-7 times squatting before my knee went.





Lifting a heavy brake rotor at work and needing a breather.


Hoping to see 300 at least once on the bench before summer runs out. Squatting it depends on how frisky I'm feeling. I enjoy being able to walk without crutches, so ill play that by eat.

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Lift 5 days a week

I change my split every 6-8 weeks (I recommend this)

I do a lot of super sets

I like to do sprints 3 days a week after my workout to cut

My stats right now

6'1 205

Bench max - 285

Squat max - 365

Deadlift - 345


I know these aren't great, but I broke my arm overseas 2 years ago and had surgery and I haven't been able to lift heavy since. Before that I got up 315 on bench weighing 185 at 20 years old.


Key tips - Hit your daily macros

Change your workouts regularly

Go to a good gym (not planet fitness)

Never miss leg day or cardio (I know it sucks lol)

Watch YouTube videos, there are some cool motivational vids, and some good informational tips for fitness.

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Nice, We have some impressive lifters on here. Forgot to mention I work out at Beyond Limits Training, and love it. Long st, old school feel with modern equipment, cross fit, strongman, free weights etc... 24/7

I'm going to stick with my current split, but change up my rep range and exercises.







That order but no set day of the week. I plan to go to the gym everyday, if something comes up or I need a recovery day, I take it. If I'm feeling good I go from arm day straight back to leg day. Arm day is like a vacation anyway lol.

My numbers aren't impressive, but I haven't done 1rpm in a long time.

Bench: 245x3. (Big improvement for me)

Dead: 365x3 (haven't gone hvy for a bit)

Squat: 375x3


Numbers are relative, work hard and set goals!!

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So what gyms do people hit? I'm not trying To go to planet fitness, I want an old school, free weight feel, I've never touched anything but free weights. But definitely don't wanna pay $75 a month.



Planet fitness shames people who actually try in their gyms. They have a big button that you press if someone is making you uncomfortable, grunting, lifting too much etc.. You arent allowed to dead lift. They give you pizza once or twice a week.


Ive been with the YMCA for about a year now. its cheap ($30/month) and has plenty of locations. Pools, basketball, indoor track, etc... Def worth the money IMO.

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If you are close or travel downtown, check out beyond limits. I feel the same way, free weights for my workouts, maybe burn out on cables.

I would gladly meet you to lift there one day if you want to check it out. I think it's $5, but they usually don't even ask.

Old brick building, with lots of free weights and strong man. Chalk, belts, fat bars, etc...

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I'm doing 3-5 days a week inconsistently right now. I do 2 muscle groups a day. I've been a hell of a lot more muscular than I am now and I've also been a lot fattier.


I'm 6'1 and my current stats are hovering between


I assume around 13-15% body fat.


My goal is to stay the same weight and eventually get down to 8-9% body fat.

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CrossFit for 2-ish years now.



201.8lbs (yesterday)

6.7% BF on 12/19/13


Max Effort:

1000m row - 3:13.7

1 mile run - 5:50

1.5 mile run - 9:08

Kipping pull-ups - 16

Strict pull-ups - 10

Back Squat - 340lbs

Front Squat - 305lbs

Deadlift - 435lbs

Bench press - 325lbs

Clean & Jerk - 245lbs

Snatch - 165lbs (weak sauce)

Overhead squat - 230lbs

Strict press - 185lbs

Push press - 255lbs


All squats are done below parallel...


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CrossFit for 2-ish years now.



201.8lbs (yesterday)

6.7% BF on 12/19/13


Max Effort:

1000m row - 3:13.7

1 mile run - 5:50

1.5 mile run - 9:08

Kipping pull-ups - 16

Strict pull-ups - 10

Back Squat - 340lbs

Front Squat - 305lbs

Deadlift - 435lbs

Bench press - 325lbs

Clean & Jerk - 245lbs

Snatch - 165lbs (weak sauce)

Overhead squat - 230lbs

Strict press - 185lbs

Push press - 255lbs


All squats are done below parallel...



You are crazy lean! Awesome numbers, you must know what you're doing. I've seen to many people get hurt with poor form on cross fit routines.

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I work out on a military base in the middle east or in a hotel downtown depending on where im at during the day. I really eat anything I want as food on base is terrible and not nutritious at all, and when Im off base I eat a ton of middle eastern food so Im not a model for a healthy diet, even though I wish I could have one.


I do abs everyday, typically I use hanging ab straps and just do slow controlled movements so I don't swing, and then I use a weighted ball and go back and forth. I have a six pack but it isn't well defined as say a magazine, but I can attribute that to my diet. Below is what I do, I have a ton of time so I go everyday.


Also I never go with anyone so I never have a spotter. If I cant get a weight backup someone normally runs over and helps out. I could care less what you think of me.


Monday - Chest (incline, decline, flat either with Olympic bar or dumbells) I run a half mile to warm up and stretch. Start with 225x8, 245x6, 275x5, 315x2, 335x1 and back down again, except I max out 225 and after all that I usually can get 225 12-13 times, then I go do biceps to cool down and either hit the incline or decline and always doing a bicep or some other exercise in between sets. I don't superset anymore, it seemed to give me tendonitis.


Tuesday - typically a back and shoulder day. I don't get sore too often anymore so it doesn't bother me. Run and stretch, abs then I do pull ups with a dipbelt with a weighted plate 35x8, then 45x8, 45x8. Then I take the same belt and weights and go do dips with two 45x8, 45+10lbx8, and if I feel good ill try 45+25lb but only normally get it 4 times. Then I go onto doing your typical flys and shoulder workouts.


Wednesday - legs. My favorite day and always squats and smith machines. If your not doing legs than your setting yourself back.


Thursday - same as Monday only I switch to dumbells if I used the bar on Monday. The gyms are quite crowded so its just luck of the draw of what Im willing to wait on.


Friday - same as Tuesday, followed by basketball


Saturday - legs again


Sunday - Basketball and then drinking beer and watching football.


My relative info:

Been working out since 24 used to way 171lbs, was a long distance runner before I started lifting.



29 years old

Body fat 8%.

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You are crazy lean! Awesome numbers, you must know what you're doing. I've seen to many people get hurt with poor form on cross fit routines.


bad form and bad trainers PLUS i find those people don't listen to their bodies. i listen to mine.


i have no problem taking a week off here and there.

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I'm 30, a gemini, married with 2 kids. I enjoy working out for the fact that I can see beneficial changes in my body and health in general. Strive to be the most aesthetic kunt in my area. Want to be that fit dad down the road that all the other parents are mirin/jelly at. I've worked out ever since sports in school. Have always tried to remain fit and active.



I do a 4 day split for the most part.






Day off


But on occasion I'll switch it up:


chest one day

arms next





day off


Every workout I also try to get in some sort of HIT cardio just to keep the cardiovascular in check.


Also helps that I have a crazy high metabolism and that I can eat like a morbidly obese person but still be in shape. If you want details on workouts I can post them up.


Don't let the troll fool you. All he does is misc.

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I don't work out often enough as I wish I should. Life, beer, video games get in the way in that order. I am 6' and 185lb so it could be worse. I try to walk on my treadmill more than once a week but realistically it is once a week. 1-2 miles depending on how I feel. At least I use it. I have a set of those cheap one handed dumbbells from many years ago and I use them twice a week. A usual session for both of my arms are 3 sets of 20 bicep curls, 3 sets of 20 One-Arm Shoulder Presses, 5 sets of 20 one-arm bench presses while laying on my floor. I am sure all I am doing is burning my beer and junk food off but that is okay for now.


Maybe this new years resolution I will work out more and not follow through with it like every other year.

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Used to care what # I lifted. Although I hit a decent number today I'm all about adding the inches and mass.


I'm kinda the opposite... If I can move myself and some weight and I don't have fat rolls around my gut, I could care less about looking big. To each their own, though.

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