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Wow, I never in a million years expected to find this thread here.


I'm up about 10% this year and 40% overall


Lets just call me a value investor who's primary goal is getting free shares/positions for the long hold. I invest at least once a week, whether I am just improving my position in something that is declining or diving into something new. There are always buying opportunities.

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It's hard to understand the market, sometimes. It's weird how the economy can be so far in in the shitter... and the stock market just keeps climbing. The blue collar middle class continues to evaporate and trade good jobs for bad. Hard to say where it ends. Could all crash again. Who knows?!?!?! ...probably someone who knows a lot more about it than me! LOL
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It's hard to understand the market, sometimes. It's weird how the economy can be so far in in the shitter... and the stock market just keeps climbing. The blue collar middle class continues to evaporate and trade good jobs for bad. Hard to say where it ends. Could all crash again. Who knows?!?!?! ...probably someone who knows a lot more about it than me! LOL


The stink market keep climbing because the gov keep dumbing money into it to stimulate. And the Wall Street guys are smarter than the gov so they keep on exploiting it.

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The stink market keep climbing because the gov keep dumbing money into it to stimulate.


yarp...when the market started setting records I started saving for the next crash. It crashes almost every 12 years like clockwork, and we are about halfway through this cycle. All my really good deals on stocks this round were purchased in 2008 when everyone else was pulling their money out of the market.

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Wow, I never in a million years expected to find this thread here.


I'm up about 10% this year and 40% overall


Lets just call me a value investor who's primary goal is getting free shares/positions for the long hold. I invest at least once a week, whether I am just improving my position in something that is declining or diving into something new. There are always buying opportunities.


I do the same thing in my main account. I hold about 6 dividend paying stocks that I load into every paycheck, Ive got each one paying 100+$ cash each quarter. Over time they should throw off some serious bucks.

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I do the same thing in my main account. I hold about 6 dividend paying stocks that I load into every paycheck, Ive got each one paying 100+$ cash each quarter. Over time they should throw off some serious bucks.


In a down market I reinvest dividends. In an up market I hoard dividends, they buy me lots of penny stocks at the downturn. Looks like I might be hoarding cash for the next 6 years. I'm going on one hell of a shopping spree next crash.

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It's hard to understand the market, sometimes. It's weird how the economy can be so far in in the shitter... and the stock market just keeps climbing. The blue collar middle class continues to evaporate and trade good jobs for bad. Hard to say where it ends. Could all crash again. Who knows?!?!?! ...probably someone who knows a lot more about it than me! LOL


No kidding, when you get really involved and follow a given company's news, stock prices, etc its amazing to see how prices react. A certain amount of manipulation occurs in any market and a lot of the time it happens to "Shake the tree" hoping investors with low loss tolerance will fall out. Over the years I've learn to tell the difference pretty well and the key is planning your trade and staying in as long as your reason for getting in is still valid. So many investors can't keep emotions in check and don't follow that simple rule.

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From my experience the less people understand the market and businesses the more they believe in conspiracy theories.


I know what your saying, its hard to except being wrong and even harder to except it along with losing money and much easier to believe in a conspiracy. I think a lot of the theories are probably incorrectly blamed by people taking the less painful road because they hear of times when they do actually happen which validates their loss. Knowing the difference is key and being honest with yourself. Its neat how much of trading is actually managing your head, managing the money is the easy part.

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I know what your saying, its hard to except being wrong and even harder to except it along with losing money and much easier to believe in a conspiracy. I think a lot of the theories are probably incorrectly blamed by people taking the less painful road because they hear of times when they do actually happen which validates their loss. Knowing the difference is key and being honest with yourself. Its neat how much of trading is actually managing your head, managing the money is the easy part.


Very true. I was getting coffee the other day and I heard a middle aged woman speaking with some sort of investment sales person at Starbucks. She was telling him how she didn't to invest in the market because it isn't safe and I'm thinking to myself, you're scared of "the market" but you are meeting some stranger at a Starbucks!?

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  • 4 months later...

Guys, I switched jerbs 3 months ago and dumped 4 old company 401(k)s into an IRA with Fidelity. Needless to say I needed to do that a while ago.


Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I was researching inverse ETFs and pulled the trigger on SQQQ, figuring that bouncing off of an all-time high this summer would almost guarantee a pullback, or at least protect my gains in other holdings. If you look it now, you'll see that my grab was well-timed. :) Yes, I am pulling that rookie stock-investor thought of "if only I bought more shares when I did!!1!1" :lol:


I'm not saying people need to buy them now, but at least look at inverse ETFs as a buy-and-hold option to protect your portfolio in a downturn....

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I love playing inverse ETFs, but I disagree about them being a buy-and-hold.


When you think the market is going down, get in... but set stops and sells. Tracking or compounding error can eat your lunch, as the ETF is only designed to track 1:1 daily.

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Jordan, good call. I should clarify...I'm more of a buy-and-hold investor, but you are definitely right about inverse ETFs being good candidates for GTC sell orders at an upper limit. My stock holds are for dividend income or baselines for covered calls.


My Fidelity account goes 180 days GTC, with no insertion fees/hold fees...just $7.95/trade. Email notification when a GTC approaches expiration. I'll set a $60ish sell price for next April :D

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I love playing inverse ETFs, but I disagree about them being a buy-and-hold.


When you think the market is going down, get in... but set stops and sells. Tracking or compounding error can eat your lunch, as the ETF is only designed to track 1:1 daily.


2 fold for leveraged ETF, the daily rebalancing can really get you in a buy and hold situation depending on which side of the market you are on and what direction its actually going.


Dont know about you guys but Im looking for some deals in long term plays atm. T and GE are about to get to cheap to pass up if they fall a couple more bucks.

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Anyone watching/planning on hoping on the Netflix spiral? 100pt drop makes me interested. Feels like a lot of fear on a company doubling it's rev over past 12 months.


Agreed. I picked some up earlier in the year when they were in the 300's and if there weren't so many opportunities this week I would have purchased more today.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was able to gain quite a bit when nflx took a hit and recovered, now I'm hoping to reinvest in INVN. Only issue is for some reason my settlement date is now 6 days out..


Then I figured I'd try GSAT and got scared and ended up selling for a loss when it took a hit.

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I was able to gain quite a bit when nflx took a hit and recovered, now I'm hoping to reinvest in INVN. Only issue is for some reason my settlement date is now 6 days out..


Then I figured I'd try GSAT and got scared and ended up selling for a loss when it took a hit.


GSAT got hit by some BS short sellers, who are possibly facing lawsuits and criminal charges. They took a huge short position then released a bunch of PR blasting the company and trying to scare people into believing the FCC will rule against giving them the frequencies they are requesting. Total BS and the FCC chairman has even already said the vote is just a formality and they will be approved. Anything under $3 is an amazing buy for GSAT and its going much higher over the longer term even without the new frequencies. They've been getting a lot of major contracts to push up revenue.


Pay attention, if you got bumped out due to the shorters you may be entitled to something, IDK the extent or anything else. I just know that the SEC set up a hotline for the situation the day they suspended trading a few weeks back so they are involved with going after these guys.

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I mentioned MRIB around 6-7 months back and hopefully anyone who got on that roller coaster isn't sick yet:-) Its been a ride and just my luck with long positions they have also been involved with a shorter group who are actually attacking MRIB for personal reasons. I hope the company can weather the storm and I'm still holding my position looking to the future, they've made huge strides in the past year since getting licensed and I fully expect to be in profit in the next few years. Their US and Brazil national distribution is just getting underway and we should see continued growth for many years in this company. Especially once the shorters go away.



One note on that. If any of you use investorshub for stock information, I ask that you look into the website a bit and especially google mathew brown the owner. He's currently in prison for stock manipulation along with others of his crew (many are not in prison and actively working the site) and they use that site to push their agenda so things you see on there are likely not what they seem. Be careful and make money.

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