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so my wife really wants to start a good diet with fast results, is easy to stick to, and something that can last long term. (I know, what everyone wants) anyone have any ideas... she's not too keep on hard workouts (or working out at all)


Any ideas? Body by VI and Advocare are all pyramid schemes so we're looking for something that people don't sell.

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so my wife really wants to start a good diet with fast results, is easy to stick to, and something that can last long term. (I know, what everyone wants) anyone have any ideas... she's not too keep on hard workouts (or working out at all)


Any ideas? Body by VI and Advocare are all pyramid schemes so we're looking for something that people don't sell.


Tell her to get the Flu. It's worked great for me, dropped 10 lbs in 2 days...

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fast results, is easy to stick to, and something that can last long term.


Any ideas? Body by VI and Advocare are all pyramid schemes so we're looking for something that people don't sell.


Pick two, IMO you can't have all 3.


Body by Vi is the absolute worst shit ever.

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so my wife really wants to start a good diet with fast results, is easy to stick to, and something that can last long term. (I know, what everyone wants) anyone have any ideas... she's not too keep on hard workouts (or working out at all)


Any ideas? Body by VI and Advocare are all pyramid schemes so we're looking for something that people don't sell.


Anything that "works" will "unwork" as soon as she gives up. There are no quick fixes. Eat right and move. You don't have to be a gym rat, but move.


Lifestyles keep you healthy, not flash in the pan miracle diets. Best of luck.

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so my wife really wants to start a good diet with fast results, is easy to stick to, and something that can last long term. (I know, what everyone wants) anyone have any ideas... she's not too keep on hard workouts (or working out at all)


Any ideas? Body by VI and Advocare are all pyramid schemes so we're looking for something that people don't sell.


Cocaine. Otherwise, doesn't exist or else everyone would be doing it, and everyone would be skinny. Closest you can get is probably going strictly vegan.

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My experience;


I went from being very inactive to slacking at the gym. Over a period of 3 months I lost 34lbs and still dropping.


I cut out sodas, junk food and stopped eating carry out/fast food (I have eaten carry out twice in the past 4 months) and I've upped my water intake considerably.


I started off counting calories at first and tried to stay between 1200-1600 calories a day and got tired of it. I stopped counting my calories and made sure to make better eating decisions. I still eat carbs (although I try to keep them on the low side), lots of lean meats like chicken and fish but that has been easy as I have never really eaten a lot of red meats to begin with. I was initially hitting the gym 3-4 times a week for anywhere from 30-60 minutes a visit and I would usually only hit stationary bikes as I hate running.


I've recently started doing more supplements now that I'm feeling better and able to work harder in the gym (4 days a week, 2 times a day).



Previous to dropping 34lbs I tried just about every "quick" diet scam in the book and they don't work. You'll have to get off of your ass at some point to make anything happen because its neither quick or easy.

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What they said. I'm struggling due to a busy lifestyle and travels. In the end, it doesn't go on overnight and won't come off that way for long with "diets".


I've changed up my eating habits and choices considerably. That helped but not much. What does is what I just got through doing. 20-30 minutes of exercise in the morning and 20-30 at night.


I hate cardio...hate it...so I do about 20 minutes of slow-faster-slow fast mix ups on a tread mill, eliptical then a cardio vid. 20 minutes is all I can take from bordom and again, I hate cardio. I mix those three up during the week rotating them.


At night I usually do about 20-30 minutes of wieghts. Nothing like the muscle nuts here but enough to get a good workout in. I have four different workouts that I again, rotate.


For me it's a matter of losing some inches in the waist and building on more muscle. The latter is easier for my body type / heredity. Lots of stronger muscle types in the family including my dad, but non have the the 32" waist I had for years and am trying to get back.

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Slimpsy convinced me to go paleo.. At first it is rough to give up bread and dairy, but it is a great life style change.


Cutting out pop for me was great to. Prepare all meals ahead of time. Your never hungry, don't count calories.


I lost 15 lbs in 3 weeks eating paleo.

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I recommend exercise and water consumption to start. Wife has been running with her gf's since last year (ran the half-marathon, Hot Chocolate 15k, etc...). I just started back up as I'm running the Cap City half-marathon in May.


For us, once the routine started building our appetites changed. Drank lots more water, which naturally cut back on soda and alcohol. Just a little consideration towards more fruits and veggies changed our overall consumption without needlessly counting calories.


No quick fixes, but at the bare minimum make small changes that work and are easy for her to stick to...good luck to your wife!

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I've been on keto since before thanksgiving. I've lost two pant sizes and it has helped all aspects of my life. I feel better, better skin no brain fog. I've recently found out that I am gluten intolerant.


I'm now doing a modified keto/paleo diet that is gluten and sugar free. I have one cheat day that lasts 24 hours usually late Saturday to late Sunday.


At first it's really hard for the first few days but after that it's pretty amazing. I love eating tons of meat and green veggies. I get extra fat by eating coconut oil in my coffee and unsweetened almond milk.


I also celebrated 18 months of being free from alcohol over the weekend. That has been a big factor in losing weight. I lost a good 35 lbs from stopping drinking.

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Tracking and counting calories. Not particularly easy at first, a little time consuming and she'll probably feel really hungry at times but it works.


This worked for me for awhile than a good friend whom I trust to give health advice said this: "Why count calories? Your body doesn't. It counts nutrition."


Not that it doesn't work, but your body isn't fueled by calories. It's fueled by protein, good fat, etc. I dunno, works for me.


Slimpsy convinced me to go paleo.. At first it is rough to give up bread and dairy, but it is a great life style change.


Cutting out pop for me was great to. Prepare all meals ahead of time. Your never hungry, don't count calories.


I lost 15 lbs in 3 weeks eating paleo.


Highly recommend.

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I've been on keto since before thanksgiving. I've lost two pant sizes and it has helped all aspects of my life. I feel better, better skin no brain fog. I've recently found out that I am gluten intolerant.


I'm now doing a modified keto/paleo diet that is gluten and sugar free. I have one cheat day that lasts 24 hours usually late Saturday to late Sunday.


At first it's really hard for the first few days but after that it's pretty amazing. I love eating tons of meat and green veggies. I get extra fat by eating coconut oil in my coffee and unsweetened almond milk.


I also celebrated 18 months of being free from alcohol over the weekend. That has been a big factor in losing weight. I lost a good 35 lbs from stopping drinking.


How much are your carb refeeds? I've done keto before to make weight and it works well. Idk if I could do it for a prolonged period of time though.

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This worked for me for awhile than a good friend whom I trust to give health advice said this: "Why count calories? Your body doesn't. It counts nutrition."

for me counting calories is for macros. Fat/protein slight changes and I cycle carbs

Not that it doesn't work, but your body isn't fueled by calories. It's fueled by protein, good fat, etc. I dunno, works for me.




Highly recommend.



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About 9 months ago I started the Fast Diet from a doctor in the UK. Prior to this I was working out some and counting calories with an app called Lose It but it didn't seem to work and my weight kept creeping up. I was 6 foot and 231 so not huge but carried it all in my belly. After stating Fast the weight loss was immediate and I dropped 20 lbs in the first 6 weeks while still eating my usual crappy foods. I have had plateaus and periods where my discipline wasn't very good so it took a while to take off a bunch but as of yesterday I was 188 lbs so 43 lbs lost. My original goal was 185 and now I may push to 175.


Fast is very simple, two days per week you do a partial fast and only take in 600 calories for men and 500 for women. Do not fast on back to back days and you can pick when you want to do it based on events of that week in your life. On your non-fasting days don't binge just eat sensible. Now I doubt my results would have been as good if I wasn't exercising and watching my calories on non-fasting days but I also think my results would be huge if I quit eating out, pizza, soda, and my bane…chocolate chip cookies.


You can buy the book but it's really as simple as described. Once you get to your desired weight you only fast once per week.

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Jesus, 30 carbs? That's not enough man, holy fuck. I haven't read the diet, so my answer is based strictly off my nutrion knowledge, but wow.


I stop eating carbs at 6pm. Otherwise, your body has plenty of time to process the ones (and use them for energy) throughout the day.


I eat a high protein, low sodium/cholesterol diet and have kept off 52 lbs for nearly 3 years.

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The whole point of keto is for your body to use stored fats as an energy source and not glucose.


Those 30g come from peanut butter, green veggies and the occasional gram here or there from salad dressing. If a veggie has a carb rating of 4 grams but fiber off 3 grams it's net carb is 1 gram. It's practically impossible to eat to many veggies and carb out. So I get plenty of carbs just no sugar.


My macros I try to hit daily are

190g fat

160g protein

30g carb


I also fast 14 hours daily so from about 7-8 pm until about 11 the next morning no anything.

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