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Jesus, 30 carbs? That's not enough man, holy fuck. I haven't read the diet, so my answer is based strictly off my nutrion knowledge, but wow.


I stop eating carbs at 6pm. Otherwise, your body has plenty of time to process the ones (and use them for energy) throughout the day.


I eat a high protein, low sodium/cholesterol diet and have kept off 52 lbs for nearly 3 years.


Do you even keto?

Carbs on none refeeds are to be very very low.


If it were me though I'd probably refeed in the 300-400g range.

Low carbs and not enough for refeeds will make your body acidic.

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Do you even keto?

Carbs on none refeeds are to be very very low.


If it were me though I'd probably refeed in the 300-400g range.

Low carbs and not enough for refeeds will make your body acidic.


Obviously I don't. I eat right and exercise....the good old fashion way.

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Slimpsy convinced me to go paleo.. At first it is rough to give up bread and dairy, but it is a great life style change.


Cutting out pop for me was great to. Prepare all meals ahead of time. Your never hungry, don't count calories.


I lost 15 lbs in 3 weeks eating paleo.


Great work man! I can't recommend a Paleo lifestyle enough!!! Great food, healthy, great results. . . you CAN'T GO WRONG!

Edited by Slimpsy
Melted my eyelids shut with hairspray
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Keto diets aren't anything new.

So what exactly is old fashioned because keto diets have been around since 1920s


Diet and exercise. And by diet I mean eating healthy foods.


I'm not knocking any diet at all, but I don't imagine the body functions too well on 30 carbs. If I only had 30 a day I truly think I'd feel like shit. Again, personal preference.


Slimpsy- killer dude. I have a printout of the Paleo diet on my desk, haven't looked too much into it, but a buddy highly recommends it. Congrats on the loss/keeping it off.

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I probably work out and do more cardio a day then you. I teach ballroom and am a professional competitor. I dance all day long. I do home circuit training in my basement and before this snow I ran 3-5 miles a day.


I have never felt better then on this diet. What I like best is when I go to bed I sleep and when I wake up I am ready to conquer the world.



Don't try to be all high and mighty with your I eat right and exercise bullshit. Your body and work outs can plateau and it takes more to get better results.

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I probably work out and do more cardio a day then you. I teach ballroom and am a professional competitor. I dance all day long. I do home circuit training in my basement and before this snow I ran 3-5 miles a day.


I have never felt better then on this diet. What I like best is when I go to bed I sleep and when I wake up I am ready to conquer the world.



Don't try to be all high and mighty with your I eat right and exercise bullshit. Your body and work outs can plateau and it takes more to get better results.


I was just about to say "man, that's awesome you get to do that all day and are able to lose the weight. You picked a great profession" until you got to be a dickhead.


I never knocked your diet/lifestyle. I think it's great people are able to find different ways to lose weight. I am simply saying that I don't think eating 30 carbs or less a day is sustainable for a lifetime. You don't have to agree, and I don't have to agree with yours. But if I came off high and mighty then you need to account that tone is nearly impossible to convey on the internet.


Go buy some tickets and back out, douche.

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It's probably in response to your holier than thou "I work out more than anyone EVER" reply. If he is to wash the proverbial sand out of said vagina, then you should probably take that same cloth and cleanse yours as well :)


I recommend a new cloth for sanitary reasons.

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Weight watchers worked for me, and running of course. I lost 80 lbs last year tracking points. You can sign up online or find a local weekly class around your area :)


I have seen more success with weight watchers than any other "diet" for normal people. By normal I mean folks that don't visit the gym often, but want to eat healthier. The calories tend to add up a lot faster than people think.

At the end of the day, whatever works for "you" and makes you feel good about yourself is fine. Not everyone wants to be a strongman or body builder.

Congrats on your weight loss as well :)

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