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House projects


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I spend way too much time on the house anymore so I'll share my most recent, nearly-complete project.


Feel free to put yours in if you can do it in a single post.


Laundry room.















This dry rack goes inside this:







Sunday I built a shelf to go inbetween the two machines to hold the detergents. I also have to put a piece of trim on the face of the table top that I unfortunately made a bad cut on Sunday. Probably because I was pissed about the car. Anywho, will update with finish this weekend.

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  zeitgeist57 said:
What are you hanging above the washer and dryer?


Coat hangers. We have an abundance of them because we wear dress clothing all the time. Seemed like a good idea to get them out of the way instead of laying in a pillow case in the first pictar!

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  damreds said:
The drying rack idea is cool - I saw one like that on Pinterest. I would like to build a stand like that for our w/d


do you feel like you saved money over the cost of the racks that you can buy to put them on?


All I've seen are metal ones and I don't like the look compared to this. I imagine if you can find nice wooden ones that would be great. This project was less than $300.


  Panduh said:
Baby shirts








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  ImUrOBGYN said:
I'm not sure I'm getting where the dry rack goes or something. Other than that, nice clean-up. The more places there are for things and the more convenient it is, the more likely it'll stay tidied up.


It's that white box/panel right of the door. It folds down, you place clothes over the bars, then it folds back up against the wall.

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  ImUrOBGYN said:
I'm not sure I'm getting where the dry rack goes or something. Other than that, nice clean-up. The more places there are for things and the more convenient it is, the more likely it'll stay tidied up.




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