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D-day by the numbers


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So much respect for all the people and troops involved, I hope everyone with children tries to inform them with just how important this was in American and world history. So many people gave the ultimate sacrifice to stop Hitler from ruining so many other people's way of life. Its these events that keep my pride strong in being an American, not all the bullshit that dilutes our society today.
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Took the kiddos to a D-Day reenactment in mt Vernon yesterday. Pretty cool. Video got a bit shaky with a kid on my shoulders and another hanging in my side. The tank firing sure woke everyone up.


It was great seeing a lot of kids out there learning what the greatest generation did for us.



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My grandpa drove a jeep onto the beach on D-Day. I was lucky enough to have him be able to tell us stories about the war. He did a interview with 10 tv and it was when he talked about this day that He in all the stories he shared with my family became choked up. Times were different then. He lied about his age to go fight for his country spent his 18th and 21st birthday overseas had a stroke and heart attack at the age of 19 was shot twice and hit with metal fragments. Blinded at the age of 23 but yet still was able to be a productive member of society, father, and grandfather. I have the upmost respect for the men that fought this day and the whole war. Not many are left, so when ever you get the chance thank them. Edited by The Other Nick
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