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Help with kids game - Minecraft - Anyone??


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My son is looking to install the above mods but I'm not familiar with this bullshit game and all their third party crap that makes me leery of installing anything. Besides jumping through the hoops of a bunch of 12yr olds shit sites to get to them.


Anyone know of a good site or places to down load the above from?


Thanks in advance.

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My step-daughter can focus on homework for only about 15 minutes at a time (because she was diagnosed with ADHD), but can play this stupid "game" for hours on end. :rolleyes: Sorry, no help here either. End rant.
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My step-daughter can focus on homework for only about 15 minutes at a time (because she was diagnosed with ADHD), but can play this stupid "game" for hours on end. :rolleyes: Sorry, no help here either. End rant.


This is IMO one of the dumbest games. I suppose it's better than some in that kids at least create the environments and have to think vs just mindlessly shooting, etc. It's also very "kid appropriate" vs some of the stuff out there.


I would love to help him with more "mods" but some of them are just too sketchy in terms of source. He's having a hard time realizing that security on my network is first and foremost.

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Minecraft is awesome, but I don't know the above mods.


I am a huge fan of Industrial Craft/Build Craft/Red Power, nothing like building your own Nuclear power station....or putting on creative mode and loading up a reactor with fuel rods and not putting in any cooling and letting a huge hole be blown in the ground.


Also not helpful, I know. :\

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I spent a few minutes on YT looking up videos of the two, Optifine lets you tweak settings in the game performance wise and MCPatcher lets you up or downgrade the game at will. Both are legit, and there are lots of reasons I can think of to have both.
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