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College Football Thread v5.0


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I don't know what it looked like on tv, but in the stands you could see they (Va Tech) were on Barretts back damn near every snap.


Yeah, it looked that bad on TV, too. It reminded me of the Florida/LSU annihilations where it just looked like our offensive linemen were ole-ing the defensive linemen as they sprinted past them to maul our QB.


Was anyone else amazed at (1) how many third downs VT converted; (2) how many miracle catches VT made to keep drives alive (and so many of those were on third down); and (3) how resilient/poised their QB was? That kid got whacked more than a few times but just kept coming. I was begrudgingly impressed with how game he was.

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Va Tech needed 14, they'd get 15, it was absolutely ridiculous. Luckily OSU has Kent State and then a bye week to get things sorted out before playing Cincy. As bad as OSU looked last night, the rest of their opponents (maybe not MSU) look equally as bad if not worse.
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My thoughts


Urbans always only been as good as his coordinators. I thibk Tom Herman just doesnt have "it". He has crazy athletes at his disposal, but cant figure out what to do if someone shuts down his bread and butter.


I think the defense looked a bit better. Linebackers played better, Von Bell is going to be a star. The lack of a physical corner like Roby really showed itself tonight. I think the defense was also hampered in what they wanted to do with no Noah Spence. Him playing frees up a linebacker on passing downs.


I agree with pretty much all of this. Herman has been iffy to me for a while and I was definitely not impressed with him after he pretty much singlehandedly lost OSU the B1G title last year. He nearly choked the Wisconsin game away last year as well because he got scared when OSU went up big. I don't think he can handle being in the spotlight like you are when you're either Urban's OC or simply at a place like OSU. He did some good stuff before OSU which is why he was hired but he doesn't seem to have the demeanor to succeed at the highest level of CFB yet.


The defense showed flashes of awesome with lots of pressure, some sacks, tight coverage, creating turnovers, etc. but obviously the 3rd down conversions were absolutely demoralizing at times and the offense gave them little to no help.


And on the topic of assistants, with recruiting being brought up, at the end of the Tressel regime OL recruiting was a joke. That's a big reason OSU is at where they are right now with regards to the OL. But Warinner hasn't exactly set the world on fire with OL recruiting. They stole Decker from ND when they showed up but the 2013 class hasn't done anything (since Gardner was basically kicked off the team it's just Evan Lisle who is basically out for the season with a knee injury but wasn't really in the competition before it anyway). 2014 class are obviously all true freshmen so you can't really tell yet but they didn't land a lot of studs they were going after having to settle for guys like Brady Taylor. In the 2015 class they have a 3* kid out of South Dakota and a 3* "diamond in the rough" from NJ who I could definitely see being a big-time guy down the road and both of the kids came to camp to earn their offers but Warinner can't seem to land big-time guys who aren't already enamored with the idea of playing for OSU. Tommy Kraemer (already mentioned) is a tough pull out of a Cincy catholic school but I think he or Eichenberg (another big-time catholic school tackle) was recently interviewed and said they barely knew Warinner. That's not a great sign. The guy turned the 4 guys we lost into really good OL (2 starting in the NFL, one was undrafted and made the team) but he doesn't seem to be a good recruiter. And that's not a good thing when it's the biggest area of concern and was the biggest area of concern when they arrived.

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I'd like to say that, despite my comments in the previous thread, I fully believe that Braxton Miller would have made a very large difference in this game. Like, such a difference, that I think we would have won. Obviously our offensive line needs to be picked up by Waste Management and burned at the landfill, but this is all stuff that Braxton's been more or less used to for the last 3 years. Granted, this would have been the roughest game to date for him, I think, but our line has been short of stellar for years now.


Also, contrary to some of you guys, I'm of the opinion that our defense actually kept us in this game a lot more than it seems. Only giving up 28 when your offense is giving the ball back a handful of plays into a drive damn near every possession, having terrible starting field position to defend against, being completely demoralized by a lackluster offense, crowd not being into it, etc., really isn't that bad. Clearly room for work, but this game could have quite easily become a 30+ point win for VT.

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OSU drops to #22 in the polls, I'm kind of surprised we are still ranked after our performance. Also have to add that we're in the B1G that looked like a joke.


Source: http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/11482852/oregon-ducks-no-2-virginia-tech-hokies-no-17-associated-press-college-football-poll



Curious to see where the coaches poll has us.

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I'd like to say that, despite my comments in the previous thread, I fully believe that Braxton Miller would have made a very large difference in this game. Like, such a difference, that I think we would have won. Obviously our offensive line needs to be picked up by Waste Management and burned at the landfill, but this is all stuff that Braxton's been more or less used to for the last 3 years. Granted, this would have been the roughest game to date for him, I think, but our line has been short of stellar for years now.


Also, contrary to some of you guys, I'm of the opinion that our defense actually kept us in this game a lot more than it seems. Only giving up 28 when your offense is giving the ball back a handful of plays into a drive damn near every possession, having terrible starting field position to defend against, being completely demoralized by a lackluster offense, crowd not being into it, etc., really isn't that bad. Clearly room for work, but this game could have quite easily become a 30+ point win for VT.


Braxton definitely would have made a difference. His threat to run would have kept VT more honest instead of being able to basically bring the house all night. Some of the longer runs JT had would have been TD's by Braxton.


And I definitely agree that the defense did fine. The 3rd down conversions were hopefully a fluke/just ridiculous plays by VT and the only drive where I was wholly disappointed in the defense was the one before the half where they seemed to revert to 2012-2013 style and VT just marched down the field with ease to make it a 2 TD game at halftime.


OSU drops to #22 in the polls, I'm kind of surprised we are still ranked after our performance. Also have to add that we're in the B1G that looked like a joke.


Source: http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/11482852/oregon-ducks-no-2-virginia-tech-hokies-no-17-associated-press-college-football-poll



Curious to see where the coaches poll has us.


Coaches poll has OSU at 18, still ahead of VT at 19...haha. Have to think a good chunk of coaches submitted their polls before the game was over or something because that is just dumb.

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Defense was not the problem for Ohio State. Zack, I'm with you: the only time I was pissed at the defense was on that drive just before the half when it looked like Ohio State had just given up.


Also, agreed that Braxton would have made a big difference in that game.

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Everyone keeps saying braxton. If you're aunt had balls she would be your uncle. The recivers need to catch the ball. And the kicker kick the ball through the uprights. End of story


Dropped TD and 2 missed FG's... definitely not optimal.


Urban said in his presser today that the defense VT played he doesn't think he has ever seen before. 46 bear with cover 0. Says the only other team he thinks has the personnel to even attempt running that against OSU would be MSU and that no one would have tried that against OSU last year. It checks out because Phil Steele has VT's secondary as the best in the country this year so they can do things (like putting 9 guys within 6 yards of the LOS) most teams wouldn't think to try.


Urban mentioned Devin Smith being open as someone mentioned earlier but he said JT just didn't have the time to get it to him. Also said the OL isn't as bad as it looked, there were just too many guys coming free because of the defense VT was running. Urban said OSU's base offense is designed to beat 4-3 which OSU hasn't played a single snap against yet this season. Navy was 3-4, and VT ran that 46 bear. A bit of a cop out under normal circumstances but when you're playing with new OL and a QB you didn't expect to be using until 2 weeks before the season started it makes sense.

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Or as Reddit put it, systematic covering up of child rape is only as bad as getting a few free tattoos.


LOL, for real. The hypocrisy and inconsistency of the NCAA knows no bounds. Seriously, sometimes I wonder if they aren't just trolling all of us with these things.

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PSU students are currently gathered around the old site of Paterno's statue chanting either "where's the statue" or "raise the statue." Pretty disgusting.



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PSU students are currently gathered around the old site of Paterno's statue chanting either "where's the statue" or "raise the statue." Pretty disgusting.


About as disgusting as changing the original penalty IMO. Might as well throw that Statue back up...


I just want to absolutely smoke Va Tech. Just straight curb stomp them to the tune of like 50 - 13. Ohio State needs that sort of beat down on their resume. Think 2004 USC...or what they did to us at their stadium in 2008.


OSU LOL :fa:

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I don't have a problem with them lifting the bowl ban and giving them back full scholarships. There's no sense in punishing players who didn't do anything wrong. I do have a problem with them acting as if nothing happened at Penn State


PSU fans sure did like the OSU sanctions that punished innocent players though. :)

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PSU students are currently gathered around the old site of Paterno's statue chanting either "where's the statue" or "raise the statue." Pretty disgusting.




I think I'm going to use this kind of stuff to just troll the shit out of any mouthy Penn Stater I come across. It's clear they are delusional about all of this; so rather than try to be understanding of their situation, I think I'll just make fun of them for it. Penn State has had waaaaay too long to get a fucking clue. Time's up, idiots.


OSU LOL :fa:


For real. Thanks OSU for making me look like a moronic fan boi yet once again.



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I don't have a problem with them lifting the bowl ban and giving them back full scholarships. There's no sense in punishing players who didn't do anything wrong. I do have a problem with them acting as if nothing happened at Penn State


Unlike any other sanction to a program, every player had the opportunity to leave or never sign. Sanctions are for programs, suspensions are for players. I don't feel bad for the players, they made their choice.


USC effectively got the same ban for a player receiving some money and his parents a house to live in. Is that the same as a systematic cover up of 45 known counts of child molestation? NCAA must think so.

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I don't agree with any sanctions that take away from a kid potentially going to college. There are only so many openings all across college football for a kid to go play, you take away 15 or so of those a year and well the trickle down effect comes in to play.


As for what PSU fans think, who cares? They are known to be the biggest bunch of assholes in the B10 anyways.

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4* OL Drew Richmond (considered a heavy OSU lean a year or so ago) just committed to Ole Miss as most expected. He said OSU will always be his #1 and he'll always be a Buckeye at heart. Grades were mentioned with him months ago but I don't know if this is the biggest insult to Warinner's lack of recruiting or further evidence of Ole Miss' extremely dirty recruiting. Reminds me of the alleged conversation Cam Newton had with Dan Mullen when he went to Auburn over Miss. St. "The money was too much." It's really perplexing to hear a kid commit to one school but at the same announcement mention that another school is #1 and he'll always be a part of that team at heart.
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