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Thoughts on the Beavercreek Walmart incident?


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The main points:


Wal Mart shouldn't have weapons out in the open for Anyone to grab

This kid shouldn't have carried it around the store

911 callers way over-exaggerated the situation


^^ This.


Maybe it's just me, but am I the only one thinking the 911 caller was way to calm, cool and casual about the whole thing? Something doesn't seem right there. I mean really isn't the dispatcher wondering why the fuck he's calm and still there watching this guy ?


In reality if you really suspected someone of carrying a rifle in WalMart, suspected him of loading it and waving it around, would you stick around to do a play by play?

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Based on the video the guy never had a chance...


911 caller seems mostly to blame. The full video shows a dad and two kids calmly walk by the aisle, see the man and keep walking... No painic no gun pointing. Then a mother with her children go in the same aisle, again see the man, keep shopping, walk out of the area and even come back. Never look scared. Never had a gun pointed at them. 911 caller says otherwise.



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The main points:


Wal Mart shouldn't have weapons out in the open for kids to grab

This kid shouldn't have carried it around the store

911 callers way over-exaggerated the situation

Cops had too much coffee


Cops are being told there's a man loading a black rifle and pointing it at people.


... til you walk a mile in their shoes.



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If a cop asks for my license I will ask him if it's okay to get it out of my car, not dive in to grab it. 0% cop's fault. come at me


Guess no one agreed. Cop is fired and charges filed.


""The force administered in this case was unwarranted, inconsistent with how our troopers are trained, and clearly in violation of department policies," South Carolina Public Safety Director Leroy Smith said last week in announcing Groubert's firing."


Commonality here, sometimes people are too quick to shoot.

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If a cop asks for my license I will ask him if it's okay to get it out of my car, not dive in to grab it. 0% cop's fault. come at me


100% agree. Never exit unless instructed and certainly don't go making sudden movements like this dude did. Although on the flip-side I do think that trooper way over reacted and even if you don't think so, you have to agree there's no way he was in a life threatening situation. He never saw a weapon, he just assumed...


Completely understand approaching a traffic stop amped up a bit, but you must be controlled and able to make better decisions. Not to mention it was like the guy fired 2-3 times and ended up only hitting the guy once in the hip? Talk about nerves.....

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Cops are being told there's a man loading a black rifle and pointing it at people.


... til you walk a mile in their shoes.



^^^THIS^^^ , pretty much spot on, race had -0- to do with anything. The bottom line, when the police tell you to put the gun down, you comply.


I don't believe the "victim" did anything illegal, but he did do something stupid, coupled with not complying with a direct order while at gunpoint. In today's climate, that gets you killed...... obviously as is the case here.


When you factor in the things that happen on a daily basis with people and guns, shootings going on everywhere, add that to the amount of law enforcement that apparently has a target on it's back and has for the last year or 2, these guys want to go home after their shift, not be gunned down by someone who very well may have a rifle.


Kudo's for these 2 officers, they didn't wait for back-up, they dealt with the situation, had it have been a active shooter, targeting customer's, these are the guys I want to respond to the call. If people were inside and getting shot at, and this all played out as it did, we would not be discussing this at all. It's sad that the kid that got killed had his whole life in front of him, and did something stupid that got him killed, but in the end, the responsibility falls on his shoulders.

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I don't believe the "victim" did anything illegal, but he did do something stupid, coupled with not complying with a direct order while at gunpoint. In today's climate, that gets you killed...... obviously as is the case here.


This is the part I am struggling with. Based off of the video, the man doesn't appear to acknowledge the officers are even there until he is shot.


I kind of hear put the gun down at around 55s and the first shot is fired around 56.2s while another command is being given.



EDIT: Still blaming 911 caller. Any kid could have picked that gun up off the shelf. He walked by several people and no one seemed to care...

Caller is the only reason this got turned into an "active shooter" scenario

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