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so talk me out of


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So, how much is the Corvette? You don't have to tell the source, I'm just curious what the mileage and price is...


What I can't justify is you just spent a good amount of work and money converting the Camaro to a 6-speed. What is the Corvette doing better than the Camaro? What is it going to accomplish over the winter, will it be a DD? Keep in mind that buying/financing a Vette now will be debt you have to service during a shitty season...

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Really? A 3 year loan is stupid huh? Typical CR, cash and supermodels or go home.


I don't think that's stupid so much as taking on new debt when you are trying to retire existing debt is...unwise. If you had no other debt and you wanted to take on some I would say go right ahead, spend away.


To be fair I have the same "I must have it now" disease when it comes to cars that I'm guessing you suffer from also. I freely admit I not only have looked into loans for classic cars before but I have actually applied for one and I am in no position to take on any new debt.


And I totally get it, it looks like a great deal and you are going to be bummed if you pass on it but you aren't talking about a super rare car and there is still some depreciation left in these cars (though not much). Focus on getting you into the happy place where you can buy stuff guilt free and then go get some fun toys one after the other.

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Yes i bought the car. Its a decent 49k mile white c5 with a 6 speed. Not the nicest and far from the worst, cost me less monthly then the MazdaSpeed did. So hate all you want I'm going to be having fun next summer instead of sitting on the sidelines.
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