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Flu shots, let's hear you're opinion?


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OMG! The flu could kill me, so could a million other things, stop living in fear and live your life. I've never had a flu shot, neither has my daughter, we're all fine. You're time is up whenever god wants it to be, personally i bet the chances of dying of the flu in this country are about the same as catching it after having the vaccine anyway.
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I got one this year (free from work) for the first time ever. for the past several years I've been sick non stop every winter, literally December thru March I have some nasty flu or strep or bronchitis, or just random annoying colds. F that shit. I got the flu shot this year, felt completely normal after getting it so idk what the fuss is about.


I'm a fairly healthy person and I'm always washing my hands, I think my body just rejects winter.

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I got one last year since the Mrs was pregnant and plan to get one this year. Did not affect me in any negative way. I had never had one before either.


If more people got the damn things we wouldnt even really have to think about getting the flu, let alone all the other crazy shit that is coming back...but that is a whole 'nother discussion lol

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I didn't start getting them until 3 years ago. Since I work in a germ factory (high school), and I am around biological warfare engineers (high school students) I would get the flu about every other year. It would normally be a couple days of sitting on the toilet with a trashcan in my lap because I didn't know what direction it was going to come from, if not both at the same time. Always took me a day to recoup once it had subsided. Always happened over a holiday weekend or some such crap.


This is my third year getting the shot and I have not gotten the flu since I started getting the shot. The first time I felt like crap for the first 12-24 hours, but it was minor and went away quickly. Since it it normally different strains they are prepping you still have a minor amount of prevention against last years strains as well.

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Get rid of kid. LOL I used to go 3-4 years between sick days, then the kids arrived. I almost run out of sick days because of the little rug rats passing stuff to me. Never been so sick and all they get is runny noses.
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I've never ever had a flu shot and never intend to get one unless I'm at a point in my life where I believe my immune system is compromised. I never gave my children flu shots and would never give my children flu shots unless their immune system's were compromised. The truth is people do die from the flu. The truth is, people die from all kinds of shit every year. I have long-term concerns with Alzheimer's and the Mercury associated with any vaccination, I scrutinize each and everyone of them. I do in fact get vaccinations that I believe will work and are necessary. The flu shot is like throwing a dart at a dartboard the size of Texas. They pick 3-4 potential strains that they believe it might be. Some years they might get close other years they miss altogether. I've heard way too many stories about bird flu, swine flu, I think it's all propaganda and potential moneymaking for the pharmaceutical business. You should do what you think is right. I again will not get one until I feel that my health would be compromised severely by getting the flu. Here is a good Snopes article that will give you some food for thought.



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I've never ever had a flu shot and never intend to get one unless I'm at a point in my life where I believe my immune system is compromised. I never gave my children flu shots and would never give my children flu shots unless their immune system's were compromised. The truth is people do die from the flu. The truth is, people die from all kinds of shit every year. I have long-term concerns with Alzheimer's and the Mercury associated with any vaccination, I scrutinize each and everyone of them. I do in fact get vaccinations that I believe will work and are necessary. The flu shot is like throwing a dart at a dartboard the size of Texas. They pick 3-4 potential strains that they believe it might be. Some years they might get close other years they miss altogether. I've heard way too many stories about bird flu, swine flu, I think it's all propaganda and potential moneymaking for the pharmaceutical business. You should do what you think is right. I again will not get one until I feel that my health would be compromised severely by getting the flu. Here is a good Snopes article that will give you some food for thought.





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I've never ever had a flu shot and never intend to get one unless I'm at a point in my life where I believe my immune system is compromised. I never gave my children flu shots and would never give my children flu shots unless their immune system's were compromised. The truth is people do die from the flu. The truth is, people die from all kinds of shit every year. I have long-term concerns with Alzheimer's and the Mercury associated with any vaccination, I scrutinize each and everyone of them. I do in fact get vaccinations that I believe will work and are necessary. The flu shot is like throwing a dart at a dartboard the size of Texas. They pick 3-4 potential strains that they believe it might be. Some years they might get close other years they miss altogether. I've heard way too many stories about bird flu, swine flu, I think it's all propaganda and potential moneymaking for the pharmaceutical business. You should do what you think is right. I again will not get one until I feel that my health would be compromised severely by getting the flu. Here is a good Snopes article that will give you some food for thought.




That Snopes article makes the point that there is no reason to NOT get a flu shot.... not that I take medical advice from Snopes

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The flu shot debate is ongoing. I'd say if it works for you, go for it. If you haven't had one and hadn't been sick, keep at it. The problem most of the time with people getting flu shots and getting sick after and blaming it on the shot is simple. It will lower your immune system for about 5 days. During this time, you can potential catch something and get sick easier. Not that it's from the flu shot, but it is technically caused by it.


I get it every year because i have little ones. I never got them before i had kids. I never was sick all that much, i'm sick more now, but i don't think it's from flu shots but just because kids and in daycare.


So my advice is do what has worked for you.



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My parents used to get me a flu shot every year in middle and high school. Only got sick once. I skipped getting them for a few years in college and got the flu twice. I now get them for free from Byers so it's a no-brainer for me.


My wife is a pre-school teacher so she needs one. She needs all the protection she can get.

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Do what you feel is right, I am not as worried about the flu shot and getting the flu, as what the long term ramifications on my brain of getting one. I know several people who have early onset of Alzheimer's, and while not 100% conclusive, the shot may have affected them. Unless you want to be able to hide your own Easter eggs in the future....proceed with caution.
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Do what you feel is right, I am not as worried about the flu shot and getting the flu, as what the long term ramifications on my brain of getting one. I know several people who have early onset of Alzheimer's, and while not 100% conclusive, the shot may have affected them. Unless you want to be able to hide your own Easter eggs in the future....proceed with caution.


"Do what you feel is right" is garbage advice when the science is against you.


Myth 6: Flu shots increase risk of Alzheimer’s disease


Reality: A theory linking flu shots to a greatly increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease has been proposed by a U.S. doctor whose license was suspended by the South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners. Several mainstream studies link flu shots and other vaccinations to a reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease and overall better health.


A Nov. 27, 2001, Canadian Medical Journal report suggests older adults who were vaccinated against diphtheria or tetanus, polio, and influenza seemed to have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease than those not receiving these vaccinations. The full text of this report is posted on the journal’s Web site.


A report in the Nov. 3, 2004, JAMA found that annual flu shots for older adults were associated with a reduced risk of death from all causes. The abstract of that report is posted on PubMed.

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What are you, trying to make us all autistic? I'll have you know that Jenny McCarthy AND Jim Carrey agree that vaccines are bad.

lol I was just reading an article in Time a few days ago. It covered vaccinations more than flu shots. (I'm differentiating the two here.) It covered more of the vaccination side of things and people deciding not to get them. They found it was actually a far more common issue among whites, (Caucasian, what do you call yourselves? And for that matter, where the hell is caucasia? ;)), especially affluent whites who generally consider themselves well educated and 'in the know'. They actually singled out Ohio and the Columbus area, as well. If anyone is interested in the article, I still have the mag and can scan it and post a link/image if you'd like.


If everyone else gets one, then I don't have to worry about getting the flu shot or catching the flu. LOL

lol Flawless logic. :p

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Yes, there were two cases of Pertussis at my kids' elementary school this year, in Upper Arlington. I read up on it when we got the letter and California and Ohio are two states often singled out as having had to deal with whooping cough outbreaks over the last 5-6 years because of anti-vaxxer assholes.



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lol I was just reading an article in Time a few days ago. It covered vaccinations more than flu shots. (I'm differentiating the two here.) It covered more of the vaccination side of things and people deciding not to get them. They found it was actually a far more common issue among whites, (Caucasian, what do you call yourselves? And for that matter, where the hell is caucasia? ;)), especially affluent whites who generally consider themselves well educated and 'in the know'. They actually singled out Ohio and the Columbus area, as well. If anyone is interested in the article, I still have the mag and can scan it and post a link/image if you'd like.



lol Flawless logic. :p


I'd like to read it if you get the chance to scan it.

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