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***LOL Thread v3***


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Am I the only person that would have broke the fight up long ago? Trashy to fight.. even "trashier" to sit and film it.

True about the filming, and my first instinct is to break it up. Unfortunately in this day and age, it's probably best to stay out of it. Unless there is an obvious disadvantage (handicap, child, male vs female etc..) and risk of death/serious injury, it's best to mind your own business and avoid possible lawsuits/trouble.

It's unfortunate that our society has come to this!

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Am I the only person that would have broke the fight up long ago? Trashy to fight.. even "trashier" to sit and film it.


True about the filming, and my first instinct is to break it up. Unfortunately in this day and age, it's probably best to stay out of it. Unless there is an obvious disadvantage (handicap, child, male vs female etc..) and risk of death/serious injury, it's best to mind your own business and avoid possible lawsuits/trouble.

It's unfortunate that our society has come to this!


I appreciate both of your perspectives on this.


Agreed...if it's at a WAL*FART, I'm considering that ground as something I feel NO NEED to defend. I'll buy my distilled water and wheel cleaner and move on.


If those gashes want to fight it out on my front lawn, I will instantly feel threatened for my life and the well-being of my family and take them down with the quickness. :bangbang::gabe:

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Hahaha "Don't think I won't get out of this chair..."


I'm sorry, but there is zero chance I'm taking you seriously at that point. And wtf, you're too fucking lazy, fat, handicapped - pick one or more - to fucking shop on your own two feet but you can get up and fight someone in front of some kids. Fucking priorities.

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Am I the only person that would have broke the fight up long ago? Trashy to fight.. even "trashier" to sit and film it.


As a dude, you can't win when trying to help that. All you can do is keep your distance and report it. You get in there and you are now defending yourself, and then you are screwed. You don't know if random trashy boyfriend is coming around the corner to see you pulling on his girl. He doesn't have to know the story, maybe he just shoots you.


Keep safe people safe, and let the animals attack. Legal action is eminent. Why be in it? These are not rational people making rational decisions.

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