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What an excellent use of our military.


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I'm pretty sure I posted this in my August thread or last month when people started panicing. In total 3000 troops will be involved. We are winding down in SouthEast Asia. We need Africa and its resources. Yes the mission sucks. But, it's the long run and the payout the U.S. is looking for in this. And a chance to get this under better control.
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While I generally disagree with the U.S. stepping in abroad for pretty much any reason, it's become clear that no one else is going to help stop the spread of ebola. The U.S. military is just another way that the U.S. can exercise diplomatic coercion as well as protect U.S. interests abroad.


I would argue that this is an attempt to use U.S. military practices to quickly eliminate a future threat to U.S. interests abroad while it's not threatening the U.S. in any politically volatile areas. Imagine what'd happen if ebola spread to Israel. Or Turkey. Or Pakistan. The U.S. would have a bit more of a conundrum on their hands in the way of providing assistance should a mass outbreak carry beyond current regions.


It's a ugly situation with an ugly array of ugly solutions. No one likes pulling out the rifle and taking 'Yeller out back, but sometimes it's what ya gotta do.

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