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College Football Thread version 9.0


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CR has been hella boring for me since this thread has been so much less active.


Well if it helps here is this from the NFL...

Dalton is now in the stupid pro bowl.


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Seriously, do people give a fuck about the NFL? :dumb:



If it weren't for fantasy football, I wouldn't even watch, really.



(I do appreciate your effort, though. Not your fault I'm a CFB elitist)

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Yeah I just can't get into the NFL like I can college ball.




Andy Dalton going to the Pro Bowl is the best argument for ending the Pro Bowl I’ve seen yet.

— Michael Schottey (@Schottey) January 20, 2015


This. And I "like" the Bengals.

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We are going to the celebration this saturday at the horseshoe. My mother in law and brother in law have never been inside of the stadium, so this was a good excuse to go. I will continue to share stuff I read online between now and next season if it makes you guys feel better haha. I figured everyone was tired of football right now. I am not a fan of the NFL either, I may watch if there is nothing else on, used to watch the Browns hardcore, but even that is painful to do these days. I will be watching the superbowl though, commercials are the best.
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Goes to show that Danielson and his side kick Verne Lundquist really are two of the worst announcers in the game


"Transcript of Gary Danielson on Finebaum before the Sugar Bowl....


Gary, which one of these matchups you looking forward to the most: Bama - Ohio State or Oregon - Florida State? What's the most intriguing to you?


By far, for me, Florida State - Oregon. Listen, I think three of the teams, I would not be shocked, when this is over... If Oregon has the trophy, that wouldn't shock me. If Florida State repeats, that wouldn't shock me. If Alabama wins it, that wouldn't shock me. If Ohio State wins it, though, that's going to be a tough loss for Alabama, for the SEC. I just don't think this Ohio State team is ready to compete with the elites, and I think Alabama should beat them handily in this game. It's going to be close for a while, but I think they'll win going away.


Let's get deep into that, Gary, because certainly you've got great knowledge of all teams, but Alabama in particular. Why do you think they should -- "should" being the operative word -- win handily?


Of course. Yeah, there's always upsets. I just think that Ohio State's not ready for this yet. They're in the second, third year of rebuilding. They've got their third-string quarterback. I've watched Alabama for nine years now crush backup and inferior quarterbacks. You're either at quarterback position playing Alabama being able to read the intricate zone defenses, the combo defenses, the blitz packages.


We always talk about how a football team's improving. Of course, Ohio State's had a fantastic year with what Urban's done with this team. But we always talk about improving teams. Some teams maybe started out 2-3 and ended up maybe 7-5. I thought Alabama from the start of this year to the end of this year might have been improved more than any team in college football. They've gotten much deeper in the defensive line, they've gotten much better at quarterback, they've got a feel for how Lane Kiffin likes to call plays and utilize their star football player(s?). I think their offensive line was a little bit of a weakness in the beginning of the year, but I think they got better as the season went on.


I think the strength of the Ohio State football team is the defensive line. But the way Lane Kiffin coaches, the experience he's had against defensive lines in the SEC, I think he'll bring a good package.


I was kind of chuckling, and I know it's part of our jobs. We have to get on TV and show what Ohio State might do to slow down Imari Cooper. This is what we do, and we have to come up with something. I saw the coaches coming up with a man-to-man combination zone package, kind of like a box-and-one. And I just kind of chuckled, because that might work OK against Texas A&M or West Virginia or Cal or somebody that throws the ball 60 times. But Alabama's going to line up Imari Cooper all over that field and then run it at you. And if you designated two and a half men just to cover Imari Cooper, they'll roll you in your running game. It's a very difficult matchup, and like I say, there's four or five or six players at Ohio State that could start for Alabama, but that's about it."

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Goes to show that Danielson and his side kick Verne Lundquist really are two of the worst announcers in the game


"Transcript of Gary Danielson on Finebaum before the Sugar Bowl....


Gary, which one of these matchups you looking forward to the most: Bama - Ohio State or Oregon - Florida State? What's the most intriguing to you?


By far, for me, Florida State - Oregon. Listen, I think three of the teams, I would not be shocked, when this is over... If Oregon has the trophy, that wouldn't shock me. If Florida State repeats, that wouldn't shock me. If Alabama wins it, that wouldn't shock me. If Ohio State wins it, though, that's going to be a tough loss for Alabama, for the SEC. I just don't think this Ohio State team is ready to compete with the elites, and I think Alabama should beat them handily in this game. It's going to be close for a while, but I think they'll win going away.


Let's get deep into that, Gary, because certainly you've got great knowledge of all teams, but Alabama in particular. Why do you think they should -- "should" being the operative word -- win handily?


Of course. Yeah, there's always upsets. I just think that Ohio State's not ready for this yet. They're in the second, third year of rebuilding. They've got their third-string quarterback. I've watched Alabama for nine years now crush backup and inferior quarterbacks. You're either at quarterback position playing Alabama being able to read the intricate zone defenses, the combo defenses, the blitz packages.


We always talk about how a football team's improving. Of course, Ohio State's had a fantastic year with what Urban's done with this team. But we always talk about improving teams. Some teams maybe started out 2-3 and ended up maybe 7-5. I thought Alabama from the start of this year to the end of this year might have been improved more than any team in college football. They've gotten much deeper in the defensive line, they've gotten much better at quarterback, they've got a feel for how Lane Kiffin likes to call plays and utilize their star football player(s?). I think their offensive line was a little bit of a weakness in the beginning of the year, but I think they got better as the season went on.


I think the strength of the Ohio State football team is the defensive line. But the way Lane Kiffin coaches, the experience he's had against defensive lines in the SEC, I think he'll bring a good package.


I was kind of chuckling, and I know it's part of our jobs. We have to get on TV and show what Ohio State might do to slow down Imari Cooper. This is what we do, and we have to come up with something. I saw the coaches coming up with a man-to-man combination zone package, kind of like a box-and-one. And I just kind of chuckled, because that might work OK against Texas A&M or West Virginia or Cal or somebody that throws the ball 60 times. But Alabama's going to line up Imari Cooper all over that field and then run it at you. And if you designated two and a half men just to cover Imari Cooper, they'll roll you in your running game. It's a very difficult matchup, and like I say, there's four or five or six players at Ohio State that could start for Alabama, but that's about it."


What a moron.


Though, I think he was very articulate considering how Alabama's nuts are so firmly nestled in his mouth.

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We are going to the celebration this saturday at the horseshoe. My mother in law and brother in law have never been inside of the stadium, so this was a good excuse to go. I will continue to share stuff I read online between now and next season if it makes you guys feel better haha. I figured everyone was tired of football right now. I am not a fan of the NFL either, I may watch if there is nothing else on, used to watch the Browns hardcore, but even that is painful to do these days. I will be watching the superbowl though, commercials are the best.


Please do keep posting. This page is definitely one of my top visited things on the internet. I don't post as often as a lot of people in here, but I check it every day. I also check Land Grant Holy Land and Eleven Warriors daily, but you always seem to have stories I don't see on there, or don't see until a few hours afterwards.

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I just don't think this Ohio State team is ready to compete with the elites, and I think Alabama should beat them handily in this game. It's going to be close for a while, but I think they'll win going away.




Of course. Yeah, there's always upsets. I just think that Ohio State's not ready for this yet. They're in the second, third year of rebuilding. They've got their third-string quarterback. I've watched Alabama for nine years now crush backup and inferior quarterbacks. You're either at quarterback position playing Alabama being able to read the intricate zone defenses, the combo defenses, the blitz packages.


So does he remember the absolute ass kicking Alabama received last year by a backup QB in the Sugar Bowl? Just like this year, the final score was a lot closer than the game truly was. This year, change just one of our stupid first quarter mistakes and it's 14 or 21 point win. Fuck the media lovefest with the SEC. I respect them as a conference, and truly do think that top to bottom they're likely the best, but they're not immortal beings who piss liquid gold like this cocksucker Gary Danielson wants to spew.

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Well, they all get to eat a little crow for the next 8 months or so. Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.



Verne and Gary have ALWAYS been "turrble". Honestly, I was happy it wasn't Kirk and Brad calling the sugar bowl as well. We need to get some Clark Kellogg calling some damn football games.


Raise your hand if you listened to the "Home radio" version of the game. Paul Keels voice is like butter.

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About Braxton coming back. Just because he enrolled for spring semester at OSU does not necessarily mean he is coming back. He can transfer as late as June I think, since he will be transferring for a graduate program.


With that being said, does anyone here think he has a shot at the starting job? I mean he won't be able to even throw a ball until sometime in the summer correct? How can he even compete for the starting job if he can't throw a ball? I see this being a 2 man race, with the edge to Jones.

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I believe someone on here said he won't be able to throw at full capacity until August. That means he will have 2 weeks or so, to light up camp and earn the job back. I honestly feel he should move to WR, that is the best option for his career in my opinion.


OSU released 2,500 field level tickets for this weekends celebration on ticket master...they were gone in under 20 seconds haha. Gonna be a whole lot of people there from the sounds of things. I have never been to a celebration, so not real sure what the event has in store.

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I believe someone on here said he won't be able to throw at full capacity until August. That means he will have 2 weeks or so, to light up camp and earn the job back. I honestly feel he should move to WR, that is the best option for his career in my opinion.


OSU released 2,500 field level tickets for this weekends celebration on ticket master...they were gone in under 20 seconds haha. Gonna be a whole lot of people there from the sounds of things. I have never been to a celebration, so not real sure what the event has in store.


Take pictures. I would LOVE to be there.

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I believe my wife will be taking her camera. The best part about this thing is all the seating is in A and AA so you're close to the field. My brother in law has never been real big into football, until this post season haha. I think we have turned him into an Ohio State fan haha.
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I think Blackedge and Nesser are about the best in the business. I don't mind Gus Johnson calling a college football game. I also don't mind Fowler or Herbstreit.


Danielson and Lundquist are about the worst. I get why they are so pro-SEC, but I would think that any SEC fan with half a brain would realize all they do is pander. And then I remember that, collectively, the entire SEC fanbase has only about a quarter of a brain.


Brent Musburger used to annoy the fuck out of me when he was ABC's #1 announcer and always called the Ohio State games. He was mega-biased against Ohio State.


Keith Jackson was too. Everyone has these really fond memories of Keith Jackson. I don't. When he wasn't senile and just not making any sense on the air, he was anti-Ohio State and pro-Michigan, pro-Florida State, and pro-Nebraska.

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I think Blackedge and Nesser are about the best in the business. I don't mind Gus Johnson calling a college football game. I also don't mind Fowler or Herbstreit.


Danielson and Lundquist are about the worst. I get why they are so pro-SEC, but I would think that any SEC fan with half a brain would realize all they do is pander. And then I remember that, collectively, the entire SEC fanbase has only about a quarter of a brain.


Brent Musburger used to annoy the fuck out of me when he was ABC's #1 announcer and always called the Ohio State games. He was mega-biased against Ohio State.


Keith Jackson was too. Everyone has these really fond memories of Keith Jackson. I don't. When he wasn't senile and just not making any sense on the air, he was anti-Ohio State and pro-Michigan, pro-Florida State, and pro-Nebraska.



Yeah, I love me some Gus Johnson on a football call. I actually don't even mind Spielman in small doses.


I'm with you, though, I NEVER liked Keith Jackson, but it had nothing to do with him being anti-tOSU. I just thought, much like John Madden, that he was (or at least sounded like) an idiot. Color me crazy, but I enjoy smart commentary, and dumb commentary, even if it's funny, is NOT entertaining. I always just thought that he came across like a "good ole boy" dummy that someone handed a mic to. Same with Madden. I felt less intelligent for having listened to him ramble for 3+ hours while I tried to watch the game.

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